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Secure Tenancies (Victims of Domestic Abuse) Act 2018

Annex A - Hansard References

  1. The following table sets out the dates and Hansard references for each stage of the Act's passage through Parliament.
    Stage Date Hansard Reference
    House of Lords
    Introduction 19 December 2017 Vol. 787 Col. 2010 (opens in new window)
    Second Reading 9 January 2018 Vol. 788 Col. 135 (opens in new window)
    Grand Committee 24 January 2018 Vol. 788 Col. 1042 (opens in new window)
    Report 6 March 2018 Vol. 789 Col. 1007 (opens in new window)
    Third Reading 13 March 2018 Vol. 789 Col. 1510 (opens in new window)
    House of Commons
    Introduction 13 March 2018 No debate
    Second Reading 19 March 2018 Vol. 638 Col. 59 (opens in new window)
    Public Committee 27 March 2018 First Sitting (opens in new window); Second Sitting (opens in new window)
    Report and Third Reading 8 May 2018 Vol. 640 Col. 569 (opens in new window)
    Royal Assent 10 May 2018 House of Lords – Vol. 791 Col. 245 (opens in new window)
    House of Commons – Vol. 640 Col. 893 (opens in new window)

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