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Energy Act 2023

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Original Print PDF of King's Printer Version

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Impact Assessments

There are no associated impact assessment for this legislation.

List of all changes (made to the revised version after 2002) :

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Sections thatConfers power or Apply Blanket Amendments: Help about Sections That

Confers power

Section 2Section 5Section 6Section 8
Section 9Section 10Section 48Section 57
Section 58Section 60Section 62Section 64
Section 66Section 68Section 69Section 70
Section 71Section 72Section 73Section 75
Section 76Section 77Section 78Section 79
Section 81Section 82Section 83Section 84
Section 92Section 93Section 108Section 117
Section 128Section 135Section 139Section 142
Section 143Section 144Section 145Section 146
Section 147Section 148Section 149Section 150
Section 151Section 154Section 155Section 159
Section 187Section 188Section 189Section 191
Section 192Section 203Section 209Section 211
Section 212Section 216Section 217Section 218
Section 219Section 223Section 224Section 226
Section 228Section 229Section 230Section 231
Section 232Section 233Section 234Section 235
Section 236Section 239Section 240Section 241
Section 242Section 243Section 244Section 245
Section 250Section 251Section 252Section 253
Section 254Section 255Section 256Section 257
Section 258Section 259Section 260Section 261
Section 263Section 272Section 274Section 276
Section 281Section 284Section 288Section 292
Section 293Section 296Section 297Section 306
Section 311Section 315Section 325Section 326
Section 329Section 330Section 331Section 334
Schedule 1 paragraph 1Schedule 3 paragraph 10Schedule 7 paragraph 1Schedule 7 paragraph 4
Schedule 9 paragraph 8Schedule 9 paragraph 9Schedule 9 paragraph 14Schedule 10 paragraph 2
Schedule 10 paragraph 3Schedule 13 paragraph 2Schedule 13 paragraph 3Schedule 18 paragraph 2
Schedule 18 paragraph 3Schedule 18 paragraph 4Schedule 18 paragraph 5Schedule 18 paragraph 6
Schedule 18 paragraph 7Schedule 18 paragraph 8Schedule 18 paragraph 9Schedule 18 paragraph 10
Schedule 18 paragraph 11Schedule 18 paragraph 12Schedule 18 paragraph 13Schedule 18 paragraph 14
Schedule 18 paragraph 18Schedule 18 paragraph 19Schedule 18 paragraph 20Schedule 18 paragraph 21
Schedule 18 paragraph 22Schedule 18 paragraph 23Schedule 18 paragraph 24Schedule 18 paragraph 25
Schedule 18 paragraph 26Schedule 18 paragraph 27Schedule 18 paragraph 28Schedule 18 paragraph 29
Schedule 18 paragraph 30Schedule 18 paragraph 31Schedule 18 paragraph 32Schedule 18 paragraph 33
Schedule 18 paragraph 34Schedule 18 paragraph 35Schedule 18 paragraph 36Schedule 18 paragraph 37
Schedule 18 paragraph 38Schedule 18 paragraph 39Schedule 18 paragraph 40Schedule 18 paragraph 41
Schedule 18 paragraph 42Schedule 18 paragraph 43Schedule 18 paragraph 44Schedule 18 paragraph 45
Schedule 18 paragraph 46Schedule 18 paragraph 47Schedule 18 paragraph 48Schedule 18 paragraph 49
Schedule 18 paragraph 50Schedule 18 paragraph 52Schedule 18 paragraph 53Schedule 18 paragraph 54
Schedule 18 paragraph 55Schedule 18 paragraph 56Schedule 18 paragraph 57Schedule 18 paragraph 58
Schedule 18 paragraph 59Schedule 18 paragraph 60Schedule 18 paragraph 61Schedule 18 paragraph 62
Schedule 18 paragraph 63Schedule 18 paragraph 64Schedule 18 paragraph 65Schedule 18 paragraph 66
Schedule 18 paragraph 67Schedule 18 paragraph 68Schedule 18 paragraph 69Schedule 18 paragraph 70
Schedule 18 paragraph 71Schedule 18 paragraph 72Schedule 18 paragraph 73Schedule 18 paragraph 74

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