Anglo-Egyptian Resettlement Board.
[Arts and Humanities Research Council.]
[The Big Lottery Fund.]
[The Board of the Pension Protection Fund.]
[The Board of Trustees of the National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside.]
[British Coal Corporation]
[British Council.]
British Museum (including the Natural History Museum).
[Care Council for Wales.]
[The Care Quality Commission.]
Catering Wages Commission.
[Central Police Training and Development Authority]
[Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission.]
[The Child Poverty Commission.]
[Civil Nuclear Police Authority.]
[Coal Authority]
Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation.
[Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.]
[The Commission for Equality and Human Rights.]
[Commission on Industrial Relations]
[Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health.]
[Commission for Rural Communities.]
[The Committee on Climate Change.]
[Competition Commission.]
[Competition Service]
[Consumer Council for Water.]
[Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence]
[Criminal Cases Review Commission]
[Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations (before and after their reconstitution as a body corporate)] except when acting for governments or authorities outside Her Majesty’s dominions.
[Crown Agents Holding and Realisation Board.]
[A development agency established under section 1 of the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998.]
Development Commission.
[Director of Fair Access to Higher Education]
[Economic and Social Research Council.]
[Electoral Commission.]
. . .
[Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.]
[The Environment Agency]
[ Funding Agency for Schools ]
[ Further Education Funding Council for England.]
[Gangmasters Licensing Authority]
[General Social Care Council.]
[General Teaching Council for England.]
[General Teaching Council for Wales.]
[Higher Education Funding Council for England.]
[Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England]
[The Homes and Communities Agency.]
[Human Tissue Authority.]
Imperial War Museum.
[The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority.]
[Information Commissioner.]
[Infrastructure Planning Commission.]
Irish Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Land Trust.
[Learning and Skills Council for England.]
[The Legal Services Board.]
[The Legal Services Consultative Panel.]
[ The Legal Services Ombudsman]
[Local Better Regulation Office.]
London Museum.
[The Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct]
. . .
[The Marine Management Organisation.]
[Medical Research Council.]
[[Monopolies and Mergers Commission.]]
[National Audit Office]
. . .
[The National Consumer Council.]
National Gallery.
[National Lottery Commission.]
National Maritime Museum.
[National Policing Improvement Agency.]
National Portrait Gallery.
National Savings Committee.
[Natural England.]
[Natural Environment Research Council.]
[Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.]
[Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority.]
[Office of Communications.]
[Office of Fair Trading.]
[The Office of the Health Professions Adjudicator.]
[The Office for Legal Complaints.]
[Office for Tenants and Social Landlords.]
[Olympic Delivery Authority.]
[Olympic Lottery Distributor.]
[The Ombudsman for the Board of the Pension Protection Fund.]
[Passengers’ Council.]
[Pensions Compensation Board.]
[Pensions Ombudsman.]
[The Pensions Regulator.]
[Personal Accounts Delivery Authority]
[Police Information Technology Organisation]
[Post Office].
[Post Office company (within the meaning of Part IV of the Postal Services Act 2000).]
[Qualifications and Curriculum Authority]
[Rail Passengers’ Committees.]
Remploy Limited.
[Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew]
Royal Greenwich Observatory.
[ School Curriculum and Assessment Authority ]
[Science Museum]
[Security Industry Authority.]
[Serious Organised Crime Agency.]
[The Simpler Trade Procedures Board.]
Tate Gallery.
[Technology Strategy Board.]
[Traffic Director for London]
[Training and Development Agency for Schools]
. . .
Trustee Savings Banks Inspection Committee.
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
University Grants Committee.
[Valuation Tribunal Service.]
[Victoria and Albert Museum]
Wallace Collection.
War Works Commission.
Any body established for the purpose of determining the boundaries of constituencies of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or of local authorities in England ....