SCHEDULES to which the foregoing Act refers
Section 23.
SCHEDULE (A)U.K.Voting paper
Section 75.
SCHEDULE (B)U.K.Form of Mortgage
By virtue of [here name the special Act], we [here name the corporation, if the commissioners be incorporated, or if not incorporated, five of the commissioners,] appointed in pursuance of the said Act, in consideration of the sum of paid to the treasurer to the said commissioners by A.B. of , for the purposes of the said Act, do grant and assign unto the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, such proportion of the rates, rents, profits, and other monies arising or accruing by virtue of the said Act from [here describe the rates or other property proposed to be mortgaged] as the said sum of doth or shall bear to the whole sum which is or shall be borrowed upon the credit of the said rates, rents, profits, or monies, to hold to the said A.B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, from this day until the said sum of , with interest at per centum per annum for the same, shall be fully paid and satisfied (the principal sum to be repaid at the end of years from the date hereof [in case any period be agreed upon for that purpose]). Given under our corporate seal [or, In witness whereof we have [hereunto set our hands and seals][executed this instrument as a deed], [ or, if the deed be granted in Scotland, insert the testing clause required by the law of Scotland, as the case may be, ] ] this day of one thousand eight hundred and [[or, if the document is granted under Scots law, insert testing clause+]
+Note—As regards a document granted under Scots law, subscription of it by the granter will be sufficient for the document to be formally valid, but witnessing of it may be necessary or desirable for other purposes (see the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995).]
Section 77.
SCHEDULE (C)U.K.Form of Transfer of Mortgage
I A.B. of , in consideration of the sum of paid to me by C.D. of , do hereby transfer to the said C.D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain mortgage, [or, if the deed be granted in Scotland, a certain assignation in security,] number , made by ”The Commissioners for executing ”the [here name the special Act] to , bearing date the day of , for securing the sum of and interest, [or, if such transfer be by endorsement, the within security,] and all my right, estate, and interest in and to the money thereby secured, and in and to the rates, rents, profits, or other monies thereby assigned. In witness whereof I have [hereunto set my hand and seal ][executed this instrument as a deed][[or, if the deed be granted in Scotland, insert the testing clause required by the law of Scotland,]]this day of one thousand eight hundred and [[or, if the document is granted under Scots law, insert testing clause+]
+Note—As regards a document granted under Scots law, subscription of it by the granter will be sufficient for the document to be formally valid, but witnessing of it may be necessary or desirable for other purposes (see the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995).]
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