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Promissory Oaths Act 1871


This is the original version (as it was originally enacted).

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Promissory Oaths Act 1871

1871 CHAPTER 48

An Act to repeal divers enactments relating to Oaths and Declarations which are not in force; and for other purposes connected therewith.

[13th July 1871]

WHEREAS divers Acts and parts of Acts relating to oaths and declarations have been virtually repealed by divers recent Acts, and in particular by an Act of the session of the twenty-ninth and thirtieth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter twentytwo, intituled "An Act to render it unnecessary to'take and subscribe " certain declarations as a qualification for offices and employments, to indemnify such persons as have omitted to qualify themselves for office and employment, and for other purposes relating thereto, and by the [31 & 32 Vict. c. 72.] Promissory Oaths Act, 1868; and it is expedient, with a view to the revision of the statute law, and particularly to the preparation of the revised edition of the statutes now in progress, expressly to repeal the Acts and parts of Acts so virtually repealed, and, other parts of the same Acts which have ceased to be in force :

Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and - consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this -present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :

1Repeal of Acts.

The Acts specified in the first parts of the first, second, and third schedules and in the fourth schedule to this Act' are hereby wholly repealed, and the Acts specified in the second parts of the first, second, and third schedules to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of those parts of the said schedules mentioned; provided that,—

(1)This repeal shall not affect the validity, invalidity, effect, or consequences of anything done or suffered before the passing of this Act, or any status, capacity, right, title, or indemnity existing, acquired, or accrued before the passing of this Act, or any remedy or proceeding in respect thereof, or any privilege, exemption, or benefit to which any person would be entitled if this Act had not passed.

(2)Where by the recited Acts or this Act any person is prevented J or relieved from taking any oath or making or subscribing any declaration, the taking, making, or subscribing of which forms a condition precedent or subsequent to the attainment by such person of any office, privilege, exemption, or other benefit, or the due performance of any act, such person shall nevertheless, on complying with the other conditions, if any, attached to the attainment of such office, privilege, exemption, or other benefit, or the due performance of such act, be entitled thereto, and be deemed duly to have performed such act, in the same manner as if the condition relating to such oath or declaration, and any directions as to the certificate or registration of the taking of such oath, : or making or subscribing such declaration, or otherwise, had been fulfilled and performed.

2Persons before whom oaths to be taken.

Whereas by the Promissory Oaths Act, 1868, it is provided that the oaths of allegiance and judicial oath should be taken by each of certain officers therein mentioned, in manner in which the oaths required to be taken by such officer previously to the passing of that Act would have been taken; and it is desirable, with a view to the revision of the statute law, to define the manner in which such oaths are to be taken: Be it enacted that each such officer shall take the said oaths before such persons as Her Majesty may from time to time appoint; or,

In England, before the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, or in the Court of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, in open court before one or more of the judges of such court, or in open court at the general or quarter sessions of the peace for the county, borough, or place in which the person taking the oaths acts as justice :

In Scotland, in the Court of Session in open court before one or more of the judges of that court, or in open court at the quarter Sessions of the peace for the county, borough, or place in which the person taking the oaths acts as justice, or in open court before the court of the sheriff of the county for which the person taking the oaths acts as justice :

In Ireland, before the Lard Chancellor of Ireland, or in the Court of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, in open court before one or more of the judges of such court, or at the quarter sessions of the peace for the county in which the person taking the oath acts as justice.

3Short title.

This Act may be cited as "The Promissory Oaths Act, 1871."


NOTE.—A description or citation of a portion of an Act is inclusive of the words, section, or other part first or last mentioned, or otherwise referred to as forming the beginning or as forming the end of the portion comprised in the description or citation.

Portions of Acts which have already been specifically repealed are included in the repeal in these schedules in-order to preclude henceforth the necessity of looking back to previous Acts.

Portions of Acts not expressly repealed are sometimes excepted from repeal in these schedules although they may either wholly or in part have become obsolete or otherwise ceased to be in force.

SCHEDULE ONEActs of the Parliaments op England, Great Britain, and United Kingdom

NOTE.—This schedule, so far as respects Acts prior to the reign of George the First, refers to the edition prepared under the direction of the Record Commission, intituled " The Statutes of " the Realm; printed by Command of His Majesty King George the Third, in pursuance of " an Address of the House of Commons of Great Britain. From original Records and " authentic Manuscripts."

PART IActs wholly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.

18 Edw. 3. stat. 4. in the ordinary editions.


18 Edw. 3. stat. 5. in the ordinary editions.


Sess. 1. in the ordinary editions.


Stat. 1. c. 32. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 14. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 2. in the ordinary editions.

20 Edw. 3.(1)Oath of the justices.
20 Edw. 3.(2)Oath of the clerks of the chancery.
13 Cha. 2. stat. 2. c. 1.An Act for the well governing and regulating of corporations.
1 Will. & Mar.(3). c. 8.An Act for the abrogating of the oathes of supremacy and allegiance, and appointing other oathes.
3 Will. & Mar. c. 2.An Act for the abrogating the oath of supremacy in Ireland, and appointing other oaths.
1 Ann. c. 26.(4)An Act for the relief of the Protestant purchasers of the forfeited estates in Ireland.
6 Ann. c. 66.(5)An "Act for the better security of Her Majesty's Person and Government.
8 Ann. c. 15.An Act for explaining and enlarging an Act of the sixth year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled " An Act for the security of Her Majesty's " Person and Government."
10 Ann. c. 6.(6)An Act for preserving the Protestant religion by better securing the Church of England as by law established, and for confirming the toleration granted to Protestant dissenters by an Act intituled "An Act for exempting their Majesties' Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the penalties of certain " Laws," and for supplying the defects' thereof, and for the further securing the Protestant succession by requiring the practicers of the law in North Britain to take the oaths and subscribe the declaration therein mentioned.
1 Geo. 1. stat. 2. c. 13.An Act for the further security of His Majesty's person and government and the succession of the Crown in the heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being Protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secret abettors.
1 Geo. 1. stat. 2. c. 20.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act for encouraging " and ends with the words " disaffected persons in Scotland."
1 Geo. 1. stat. 2. c. 26.An Act for continuing several laws therein mentioned relating to coals, hemp, and flax, Irish and Scotch linen, and the assize of bread, and. for giving power to adjourn the quarter sessions for the county of Anglesea for the purposes therein mentioned.
8 Geo. 1. c. 6.An Act for granting the people called Quakers such forms of affirmation or declaration as may remove the difficulties which many of them lie under.
9 Geo. 2. c. 26.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act for indemnifying," and ends with the words " and lessees."
19 Geo. 2. c. 39.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act for the " more effectual disarming" and ends with the words " to take the " oaths to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, and to register " the same."
18 Geo. 3. c. 60.An Act for relieving His Majesty's subjects professing the popish religion from certain penalties and disabilities imposed on them by an Act made in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of King William the Third, intituled " An Act for the further preventing the growth " of popery." , ' ,
43 Geo. 3. c. 30.An Act to entitle Roman Catholics taking and subscribing the declaration and oath contained in the Act of the thirty-first year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An Act to relieve, upon conditions " and under restrictions, the persons therein described from certain " penalties and disabilities to which papists or persons professing " the popish religion are by law subject," to the benefits given by an Act of the eighteenth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An Act for relieving His Majesty's subjects professing " the popish religion from certain penalties and disabilities imposed " on them by an Act made in the eleventh and twelfth years of the " reign of King William the Third, intituled ' An Act for the further " ' preventing the growth of popery.' "
51 Geo. 3. c. 77.An Act to amend the laws for regulating the election in Ireland of members to serve in Parliament.
57 Geo. 3. c. 92.An Act to regulate the administration of oaths in certain cases to officers in His Majesty's land and sea forces.
5 Geo. 4. c. 79.An Act to enable certain persons to receive and hold offices in the management, collection, and receipt, of the revenue without taking or subscribing certain oaths and declarations.
5 Geo. 4. c. 109.An Act to enable the Earl Marshal and his deputy to execute the duties of their office or offices without previously taking or subscribing certain oaths or declarations.
9 Geo. 4. c. 17.An Act for repealing so much of several Acts as imposes the necessity of receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a qualification for certain offices and employments.
1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 9.An Act to repeal so much of certain Acts as requires certain oaths to be taken by members of the House of Commons before the Lord Steward or his deputies.
1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 49.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to repeal' - and ends-with the words " to Protestants only."
2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act for the relief of" and ends with the words " taking the Sacramental Test."
2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 63.An Act to enable peers of Scotland to take and subscribe in Ireland the oaths required for qualifying them to vote in any election of the peers of Scotland.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 28.An Act for removing doubts as to the declaration to be made and oaths to be taken by persons appointed to the office of sheriff of any city or town being a county of itself.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 5.An Act for the relief of Quakers, Moravians, and Separatists elected to municipal offices.
1 & 2 Vict, c. 15.An Act for the further relief of Quakers, Moravians, and Separatists.
6 & 7 Vict. c. 28.An Act to abolish the Roman Catholic oath as a qualification for electors in Ireland.
8 & 9 Vict. c. 52.An Act for the relief of persons of the Jewish religion elected to municipal offices.
15 & 16 Vict. c. 35.An Act to amend an Act passed in the last session of Parliament, intituled. " An Act to regulate certain proceedings in relation to the " " election of representative peers in Scotland."
15 & 16 Vict. c. 43.An Act to repeal certain disabilities under the first of George the First, chapter thirteen, and the sixth of George the Third, chapter fifty-three.
21 & 22 Vict. c. 48.An Act to substitute one oath for the oaths of allegiance, supremacy, and abjuration, and for the relief of Her Majesty's subjects professing the, Jewish religion.
22 Vict. c. 10.An Act to settle the form of affirmation to be made in certain cases by Quakers and other persons by law permitted to make an affirmation instead of taking an oath.
29 & 30 Vict. c. 22.An Act to make it unnecessary to make and subscribe certain declarations as a qualification for offices and employments, to indemnify such persons as have omitted to qualify themselves for office and employment, and for other purposes relating thereto.

PART IIActs partly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.Extent of Repeal.

Sects. 20. to 26. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 2. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 4. in the ordinary editions.


13 and 14. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 9. in the ordinary editions.


Sess. 1. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 2. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 7. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 11. in the ordinary editions


Sect. 18. in the ordinary editions.


This part of sect. 10. forms part of sect. 11. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 17. in the ordinary editions.


5 Ann. c. 8. in the ordinary editions.


Sect. 10. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 23. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 7. in the ordinary editions.


Chap. 12. in the ordinary editions.

20 Edw. 3.Ordinance for the justicesChapter one, from the words " And " to the intent that our justices " to the end of that chapter, and chapter three.
12 Ric. 2.Of the statute made at Cambridge in the twelfth year.Chapter two.
13 Ric. 2. stat. 1.Statute of the thirteenth year, statute the first.Chapter seven, from the words " and " that the said justices " to the end of that chapter.
1 Eliz. c. 1.An Acte restoring to the Crowne thancyent jurisdiction over the state ecclesiastical and spuall, and abolyshing all forreine power repugnaunt to the same.Sections ten to thirteen(1)
27 Eliz. c. 12.An Act for the swearinge of under-sherifes and other under-officers and mynisters.Section one(2) from the words " for " and concerning the supremacie " to the words " other corporal othe," and so much of section three(3) as relates to the oath of supremacy.
14(4) Cha. 2. c. 4.An Act for the uniformity of publique prayers and administracon of Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies, and for establishing the form of making, ordaining, and consecrating bishops, priests, and deacons in the Church of England,Section seven(5) from the words " that it is not lawful" down to the words " commissionated by him and "
1 Will. & Mar.(6) c. 1.An Act for removeing and preventing all questions and disputes concerning the assembling and sitting of this present Parlyament.The whole Act except section one.(7))
1 Will. & Mar.(6) c. 18.An Act for exempting their Majestyes' Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the penalties of certaine lawes.The whole Act, except section five(8), arid so much of section eight(9) as specifies the service and offices from which certain persons are exempt, and section fifteen(10).
7 & 8 Will. 3. c. 3.An Act for regulateing of tryals in case's of treason and misprision of treason.Section ten, from the words " mentioned in an Act of Parliament" to end of that section.(11)
1 Ann. stat. 2. c. 21.(1)An Act for enlarging the time for taking the oath of abjuration, and also for recapacitating and indemnifying such persons as have not taken the same by the time limited, and shall take the same by a time to be appointed; and for the further security of Her Majestie's person, and the succession of the Crown in the Protestant line; and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and all other pretenders, and their open and secret abettors,The whole Act, except section three.
6 Ann. c. 11.(2)An Act for an union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland.Section four(3), so far as it ratifies, approves, and confirms article twenty-two, from the words " and that when " to the end of that article.
6 Ann. c. 78.(4)An Act to make further provision for electing and summoning sixteen peers of Scotland to sit in the House of Peers in the Parliament of Great Britain, and for trying peers for offences committed in Scotland, and for the further regulating of voters in elections of members to serve in Parliament.Section four.
10 Ann. c. 10.(5)An Act to prevent the disturbing those of the Episcopal communion in that part of Great Britain called Scotland in the exercise of their religious worship, and in the use of the Liturgy of the Church of Eng' land; and for repealing the Act passed in the Parliament of Scotland, intituled " An Act " against irregular baptisms and " marriages."Section three.
10 Ann. c. 21.(6)An Act to restore the patrons to their ancient rights of presenting ministers to the churches vacant in that part of Great Britain called Scotland".Section six.
1 Geo. 1. stat. 2. c. 6.An Act the title of which begins ' with the words "An Act for making perpetual," and ends with the words " oath of abjuration."The whole Act, except section two.
5 Geo. 1. c. 29.An Act for making more effectual the laws appointing' the oaths for security of the Government to be taken by ministers and preachers in churches and meeting houses in Scotland.The whole Act, except section eight down to the words " vacant church," and from the words who is then or shall be " to the end of the section, and section nine.
11 Geo. 1. c. 18.An Act for regulating elections within the city of London, and for preserving the peace, good order, and government of the said city.Section two, from the beginning of the section to the words " rejected and disallowed."
20 Geo. 2. c. 43.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act for " taking away" and ends with the words " for rendering the " union of the two kingdoms " more complete."Sections twenty-three and forty-four, and so much of section twenty-nine as relates to the taking of oaths.
21 Geo. 2. c. 34.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to amend and enforce " and ends with the words " therein mentioned."The whole Act, except section twenty.
4 Geo. 3. c. 31.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " growing in forests and chases."The whole Act, except section six so far as it relates to. Scotland.
6 Geo. 3. c. 53.An Act for altering the oath of abjuration and the assurance, and for amending so much of an Act of the seventh year of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled " An Act for the improvement of the union of " the two kingdoms," as, after the time therein limited, requires the delivery of certain lists and copies therein mentioned to persons indicted of high treason or misprision of treason.The whole Act, except section three.
13 Geo. 3. c. 21.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to extend the provisions of an Act " and ends with the words "of such children."Section three.
19 Geo. 3. c. 44.An Act for the further relief of Protestant dissenting ministers and schoolmasters.Section one from the words " if he scruple," down to the words "subscribed by Protestant dissenting ministers and," and from the words "and by an Act made in the tenth year," down to the words " subscribe the declaration therein mentioned," and so much of the rest of the Act as relates to the oath and declaration mentioned in the part hereby repealed.
31 Geo. 3. c. 32.An Act to relieve, upon conditions and under restrictions, the persons therein described from certain penalties and disabilities to which papists or persons professing the popish religion are bylaw subject.Sections one to four, nine, and eighteen to twenty-two, and so much of the rest of the Act as relates to the taking and subscribing any oath.
32 Geo. 3. c. 63.An Act for granting relief to pastors, ministers, and lay persons of the Episcopal communion in Scotland.The following words in section two, " take and subscribe the oaths " of allegiance, abjuration, and, " assurance in such manner as " all officers, civil and military, " in Scotland are now by law " obliged to take and subscribe " the same, and shall also," and so much of sections three and four as relates to oaths.
38 Geo. 3. c. 5.An Act for granting an aid to His Majesty by a land tax to be raised in Great Britain for the service of the year 1798.Section forty-nine, from the words " the oaths appointed," down to the words " and likewise," and section one hundred and thirty-eight.
43 Geo. 3. c. 99.An Act for consolidating certain of the provisions contained in any Act or Acts relating to the duties under the management of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes, and for amending the same.Section five, and section ten down to the words "which oaths or affirmations."
52 Geo. 3. c. 155.An Act to repeal certain Acts and amend other Acts relating to religious worship and assemblies, and persons teaching or preaching therein.So much as relates to any oaths, or to any declaration other than the declaration set forth in the part of 19 Geo. 5. c. 44. not repealed by this Act.
1 Geo. 4. c. 55.An Act for giving further facilities to the proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, and for giving certain powers to justices of assize.Section four.
10 Geo. 4. c. 7.An Act for the relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects.The whole Act, except section two, down to the words " vote therein ;" section five, down to the words " duly qualified;" section eight, down to the words " duly qualified;" section nine ; section ten, down to the words " as herein-after excepted;" sections eleven to eighteen; section twenty-three, down to the words " His Majesty's other subjects ;" section twenty-four, sections twenty-six to thirty-eight, and the schedule.
2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 115.An Act for the better securing the charitable donations and bequests of His Majesty's subjects in Great Britain professing the Roman Catholic religion.Section two.
3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 49.An Act to allow Quakers and Moravians to make affirmation in all cases where an oath is or shall be required.Section two.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 36.An Act to limit the time of taking the poll in boroughs at contested elections of members to serve in Parliament to one day.Section six.
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 76.An Act to provide for the regulation of municipal corporations in England and Wales.Section fifty, from the words " Provided always" to the end of that section.
7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 72.An Act to provide for the appointment of lords justices in the case of the next successor to the Crown being out of the realm at the time of the demise of Her Majesty.Section seven, from the words " the " oaths of allegiance and supremacy" down to the words "treason and also;" and from the words "and shall also make and subscribe" to the words "offices and employments"
2 & 3 Vict. c. 33.An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty, and for the relief of clerks to attornies and solicitors in certain cases.The whole Act, except section nine.
3 & 4 Vict. c. 108.An Act for the regulation of municipal corporations in Ireland.Section eighty-five, from the words " Provided always " to the end Of that section.
20 & 21 Vict. c. 77.An Act to amend the law relating to probates and letters of administration in England.Section seven."
21 & 22 Vict. c. 49.An Act to provide for the relief of Her Majesty's subjects professing the Jewish religion.Sections one, two, and three.
30 & 31 Vict. c. 75.An Act to remove certain religious disabilities affecting some of Her Majesty's subjects, and to amend the law relating to oaths of office.Part-of section one, from the words " oath herein-after substituted " down to the words " also any other," and sections five to seven.

SCHEDULE TWOActs of the Parliament of Scotland

PART IActs wholly repealed

NOTE.—This schedule, so far as respects - Acts before the Union, refers to the edition of Statutes prepared under the direction of the Record Commission, intituled " The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland; printed by Command of His Majesty King George the Third, in " pursuance of an Address of the House of Commons of Great Britain."

Year or Session and Chapter.Title of Act.

Cha. 2. Parl. 1. sess. 1. c. 1. in Murray's edition.


Cha. 2. Parl. 1. sess. 1. c. 11. in Murray's edition


Will. & Mar. Parl. 1. sess. 2. c. 4. in Murray's edition.


Will. & Mar. Parl. 1. sess. 2. c. 7. in Murray's edition.


1693 (May 23), c. 6. in Murray's edition.

1661 (Jan. 1), c. 1.(1)Act constituteing the Chancellour President in all time comeing And for takeing the oath of Parliament.
1661 (Feb. 27), c. 62.(2)Act anent the oath of alledgeance and acknowledgment of his Maties Prerogative by all publict Ministers.
1689 (Mar. 19), c. 5.An order anent an oath to be taken by persones in military imployments.
1690 (May 12), c. 4.(3)Act appointing the oath of allegeance to be taken by electors of commissioners to parliaments or conventions.
1690 (June 7), c. 9.(4)Act ordaineing the commissioners of supply and their collectors and clerkes to take the oath of allegeance.
1693 (May 19), c. 14.(5)Act for takeing the oath of allegiance and assurance.

PART IIActs partly repealed

Year or Session and Chapter.Title of Act.Extent of Repeal.

Will. & Mar. Parl. 1. sess. 1. c. 2. in Murray's edition.

1617 (June 28), Act 8.Anent the Justices for keiping of the kingis M: peace and thair Constables.Section one.
1661 (July 9), c. 338.Commission and instructions to the justices of peace and constables.From the words " the justices of peace at thair first sitting " to the words " so help me God."
1689 (June 17), c. 2.(1)Act recognizing their Majesties Royall authoritie and for taking the oath of alledgeance.From the words " and farder their " Majesties with advyce and con" sent forsaid doe statute and " ordaine that the oath of alledgiance " to the words " so help me God."

SCHEDULE THREEActs of the Parliament of Ireland

PART IActs wholly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.
8 Anne, c. 3.An Act for explaining and amending an Act intituled "An Act to "prevent the further growth of Popery."
6 Geo; 1. c. 9.An Act for quieting and discharging all persons in offices or employments from the penalties they may have incurred by not qualifying themselves pursuant to an Act to prevent the .further growth of Popery; and for limiting-the time for prosecutions on the said Act.
1 Geo. 2. c. 2.An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an Act intituled " An Act to prevent the further " growth of Popery."
1 Geo. 2. c. 20.An Act for regulating the admissions of barristers-at-law, six clerks, and attorneys, and of other persons, into offices and employments, and-for preventing Papists practising as solicitors, and further strengthening the Protestant interest in this kingdom.
19 Geo. 2. c. 18An Act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers instead of an oath in the usual form.
13 & 14 Geo. 3. c. 35.An Apt to enable His Majesty's subjects, of whatever persuasion, to testify their allegiance to him.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 26.An Act for rendering the manner of conforming from the Popish to the Protestant religion more easy and expeditious.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 57.An Act for the relief of His Majesty's Protestant Dissenting Subjects called Seceders.

PART IIActs partly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.Extent of Repeal.
2 Eliz. c. 1.An Act restoring to the Crown the ancient jurisdiction over the state Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall, and abolishing all Forreine Power repugnant to the same.Sections seven to eleven, both inclusive.
2 Anne, c. 6.An Act to prevent the" further growth of Popery. .The whole Act, except section twenty-five.
4 Geo. 1. c. 9.An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending several Statutes made in this kingdom, heretofore temporary.Sections one, two, three, and four.
6 Geo. 1. c. 5.An Act for exempting the Protestant Dissenters of this kingdom from certain penalties to which they are now subject.The whole Act, except sections four, five, six, seven, eight, and fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen.
7 Geo. 2. c. 5.An Act for the amendment of the law in relation to Popish solicitors, and for remedying other mischiefs in relation to the practitioners in the several courts of law and equity.Section two, from the words " and every person " to the words " particularly mentioned;" and sections four and sixteen.
17 & 18 Geo. 3. c. 49.An Act for the relief of His Majesty's subjects of this kingdom professing the Popish religion.The words following in section one, " subject to the proviso herein" after contained as to the " taking and , subscribing the " oath and declaration therein " mentioned;" and sections three and four.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 24.An Act for the further relief of His Majesty's subjects of this kingdom professing the Popish religion.The whole Act, except sections twelve, thirteen, and fourteen.
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 48.An Act for extending certain of the provisions contained in an Act intituled " An Act confirming all the statutes made in " England."Section three, from the words "and also such clauses" down to the words "for omitting the same."
21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 62.An Act to allow persons professing the Popish religion to teach such in this kingdom, and for regulating the education - of Papists; and also to repeal parts of certain laws relative to the guardianship of their children.Section two, and section five, from the words " who shall have taken " down to the words " except an ecclesiastick."
33 Geo. 3. c. 21.An A ct for the relief of Her Majesty's Popish or Roman Catholic - subjects in Ireland.Section six, from the words " who shall have at the sessions " down to the words " their allegiance to him;" section seven, from ' the words " provided that every such person" down to the words " so help me God;" section nine; section thirteen, from the words " save the oaths" down to the words "the contrary notwithstanding;" and sections fifteen and sixteen.

SCHEDULE FOURAnnual Indemnity Acts

Acts wholly repealed

Session and Chapter.Title of Act.
11 Geo. 3. c. 18.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to. indemnify," and ends with the words " for those purposes."
13 Geo. 3. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
14 Geo. 3. c. 47.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "attornies and solicitors."
15 Geo. 3. c. 17.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
16 Geo. 3. c. 50.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
17 Geo. 3. c. 37.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
18 Geo. 3. c. 39.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
19 Geo. 3. c. 47.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
20 Geo. 3. c. 47.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
21 Geo. 3. c. 25.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
22 Geo, 3. c. 55.An Act the title of which: begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
23 Geo. 3. c. 30.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends.with the words "attornies and solicitors."
24 Geo. 3. c. 58.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " apprentices and servants."
25 Geo. 3. c. 82.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " proceedings valid."
26 Geo. 3. c. 98.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " attornies and solicitors."
27 Geo. 3. c. 40.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words." attornies and solicitors."
28 Geo. 3. c. 22.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose."
29 Geo. 3. c. 40.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose."
30 Geo. 3. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose."
31 Geo. 3. c. 8.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose." -
32 Geo. 3. c. 27.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " apprentices or servants."
33 Geo. 3. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "for that purpose."
34 Geo. 3. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose."
35 Geo. 3. c. 50.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " apprentices or servants."
36 Geo. 3. c. 57.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " for that purpose."
37 Geo. 3. c. 11.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "for that purpose."
38 Geo. 3. c. 14.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " until September first, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight."
39 Geo. 3. c. 17.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "until the first day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine."
39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 19.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " until the first day of September one thousand eight hundred."
41 Geo. 3. (G.B.) c. 31.An Act the title of which., begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " first day of September one thousand eight hundred and one."
42 Geo. 3. c. 23.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " until the first day of September one thousand eight hundred and two."
43 Geo. 3. c. 6.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Michaelmas Term one thousand eight hundred and three."
44 Geo. 3. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Michaelmas Term one thousand eight hundred and four."
45 Geo. 3. c. 6.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Michaelmas Term one thousand eight hundred and five."
46 Geo. 3. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words'" the first day of Michaelmas Term one thousand eight hundred and six."
47 Geo. 3. sess. 1. c. 5.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "the first day of Michaelmas Term one thousand eight hundred and seven."
47 Geo. 3. sess. 2. c. 35.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and eight."
48 Geo. 3. c. 40.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and nine."
49 Geo. 3. c. 15.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and ten."
50 Geo. 3. c. 4.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and eleven."
51 Geo. 3. c. 98.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act' to indemnify," and ends with the words " the next session of Parliament."
52 Geo. 3. c. 26.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and thirteen."
54 Geo. 3. c. 5.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and fifteen."
55 Geo. 3. c. 17.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and sixteen."
56 Geo. 3. c. 33.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and seventeen."
57 Geo. 3. c. 14.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the first day of Hilary Term one thousand eight hundred and eighteen."
58 Geo. 3. c. 5.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
59 Geo. 3. c. 11.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
60 Geo. 3. & 1 Geo. 4. c. 10.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
1 & 2 Geo. 4. c. 5.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
3 Geo. 4. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
4 Geo. 4. c. 1.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
5 Geo. 4. c. 6.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " their annual certificates."
6 Geo. 4. c. 3.An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively.
7 Geo. 4. c. 3.An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively.
7 & 8 Geo.4. c. 13.An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively.
9 Geo. 4. c. 6.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine."
10 Geo. 4. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words ''' one thousand eight hundred and thirty."
11 Geo. 4. & 1 Will. 4. c. 9.An Act the title of which begins with the words An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
1 Will. 4. c. 26.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
2 Will. 4. c. 24.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 9.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 11.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " annual certificates."
7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 12.An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively until the 25th day of March 1838, and for the relief to clerks to attorneys and solicitors in certain cases.
1 & 2 Vict c. 16.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " in certain cases."
3 & 4 Vict. c. 16.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " in certain cases."
4 & 5 Vict. c. 11.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " in certain cases."
5 & 6 Vict. c. 10.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " in certain cases."
6 & 7 Vict. c. 9.An Act the title of which begins with "the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " in certain cases."
7 & 8 Vict. c. 10.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-five."
8 & 9 Vict. c. 24.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-six."
9 & 10 Vict. c. 13.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven."
10 & 11 Vict. c. 18.An Act the' title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight."
11 & 12 Vict. c. 19.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine." -
12 & 13 Vict. c. 9.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty."
13 & 14 Vict. c. 12.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively.''
14 & 15 Vict. c. 10.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
15 & 16 Vict. c. 4.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
16 & 17 Vict. c. 14.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
17 & 18 Vict. c. 39.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
18 & 19 Vict. c. 49.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
19 & 20 Vict. c. 73.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "purposes respectively."
20 Vict. c. 7.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
21 & 22 Vict. c. 54.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
22 Vict. c. 15.An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words "purposes respectively."
23, & 24 Vict. c. 40.An Act the title of which begins with the words." An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
24 & 25 Vict. c. 77.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
25 & 26 Vict. c. 60.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
26 & 27 Vict. c. 107.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
27 & 28 Vict. c. 49.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively"
28 & 29 Vict. c. 97.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."
29 & 30 Vict. c. 116.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively".
30 & 31 Vict. c. 88.An Act the title of which begins with the words " An Act to indemnify," and ends with the words " purposes respectively."

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