The Insolvency Rules 1986

Order for public examination

4.211.—(1) [[FORM 4.61]] If the official receiver applies to the court under section 133 for the public examination of any person, a copy of the court's order shall, forthwith after its making, be served on that person.

(2) Where the application relates to a person falling within section 133(1)(c) (promoters, past managers, etc.), it shall be accompanied by a report by the official receiver indicating—

(a)the grounds on which the person is supposed to fall within that paragraph, and

(b)whether, in the official receiver's opinion, it is likely that service of the order on the person can be effected by post at a known address.

(3) If in his report the official receiver gives it as his opinion that, in a case to which paragraph (2) applies, there is no reasonable certainty that service by post will be effective, the court may direct that the order be served by some means other than, or in addition to, post.

(4) In a case to which paragraphs (2) and (3) apply, the court shall rescind the order if satisfied by the person to whom it is directed that he does not fall within section 133(1)(c).