The Coal Industry (Restructuring Grants) Order 1994

Head 1: Redundancy and early retirement

(i)Payments in respect of redundant employees made under section 81 of the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978(1).

(ii)Payments in lieu of notice of dismissal made to persons leaving the employment of a relevant company by virtue of redundancy.

(iii)Payments made for the purpose of assisting persons who leave the employment of a relevant company by virtue of redundancy or early retirement, being payments made under arrangements established by a relevant company.

(iv)Payments in respect of the loss of superannuation prospects by persons leaving the employment of a relevant company by virtue of redundancy or early retirement.

(v)Contributions to superannuation funds maintained by virtue of section 37 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946(2) in respect of any increase in the cost of retirement benefits paid before normal retirement age to persons who leave the employment of a relevant company by virtue of redundancy or early retirement.


1978 c. 44, section 81(4) was amended by the Employment Act 1982 (c. 46), section 20 and Schedule 2, paragraph 6(2).