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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1994 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Local Government (Compensation for Redundancy) (Scotland) Regulations 19941994 No. 3068 (S. 162)UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Scotland) Orders Amendment Order 19941994 No. 3067 (S. 161)UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Copyright, Designs and Patents) (Amendment) 19941994 No. 3066 (S. 160)UK Statutory Instruments
The Aire and Calder Navigation Act 1992 (Amendment) Order 19941994 No. 3065UK Statutory Instruments
The Coal Mining Subsidence (Land Drainage) Regulations 19941994 No. 3064UK Statutory Instruments
The Coal Industry Act 1994 (Commencement No. 3) Order 19941994 No. 3063 (C. 71)UK Statutory Instruments
The Doncaster Area Drainage Act 1929 (Amendment) Order 19941994 No. 3062UK Statutory Instruments
The Income-related Benefits Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 6) Regulations 19941994 No. 3061UK Statutory Instruments
The Cambridgeshire County Council (River Nene B1040 Dog–In–A–Doublet Bridge) Scheme 1994 Confirmation Instrument 19941994 No. 3056UK Statutory Instruments
The Civil Aviation (Joint Financing) Regulations 19941994 No. 3055UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government Changes for England (Non-Domestic Rating) (Contributions) Regulations 19941994 No. 3054UK Statutory Instruments
The Water Byelaws (Loch an Sgoltaire) Extension Order 19941994 No. 3053 (S. 159)UK Statutory Instruments
The Construction Products (Amendment) Regulations 19941994 No. 3051UK Statutory Instruments
The Medicines (Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs) (Prescription Only) Amendment (No. 3) Order 19941994 No. 3050UK Statutory Instruments
The Merchant Shipping (Liability of Shipowners and Others) (Rate of Interest) Order 19941994 No. 3049UK Statutory Instruments
The Court of Protection (Enduring Powers of Attorney) Rules 19941994 No. 3047UK Statutory Instruments
THE COURT OF PROTECTION RULES 19941994 No. 3046UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Student Loans) Regulations 19941994 No. 3045UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Mandatory Awards) Regulations 19941994 No. 3044UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Mandatory Awards) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19941994 No. 3043UK Statutory Instruments

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