The National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 1995

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART A Preliminary

    1. A1. Citation and commencement

    2. A2. Interpretation

  3. PART B Membership

    1. B1. Membership of the scheme

    2. B2. Restrictions on membership

    3. B3. Restriction on further participation in the scheme

    4. B4. Opting–out of the scheme

  4. PART C Pensionable pay, pensionable service and qualifying service

    1. C1. Meaning of “pensionable pay" and “final year’s pensionable pay"

    2. C2. Meaning of “pensionable service"

    3. C3. Meaning of “qualifying service"

  5. PART D Contributions

    1. D1. Contributions by members

    2. D2. Contributions by employing authorities

  6. PART E Benefits for members

    1. E1. Normal retirement pension

    2. E2. Early retirement pension (ill–health)

    3. E3. Early retirement pension (redundancy etc)

    4. E4. Early retirement pension (employer’s consent)

    5. E5. Early retirement pension (with actuarial reduction)

    6. E6. Lump sum on retirement

  7. PART F Lump sum on death

    1. F1. Member dies in pensionable employment

    2. F2. Member dies after pension becomes payable

    3. F3. Member dies with preserved pension

    4. F4. Member dies within 12 months after leaving pensionable employment without pension or preserved pension

    5. F5. Payment of lump sum

  8. PART G Widows and widowers

    1. G1. Widow’s pension

    2. G2. Member dies in pensionable employment

    3. G3. Member dies after pension becomes payable

    4. G4. Member dies with preserved pension

    5. G5. Member dies within 12 months after leaving pensionable employment without pension or preserved pension

    6. G6. Member marries after leaving pensionable employment

    7. G7. Widower’s pension

    8. G8. Dependent widower’s pension

    9. G9. Increased widower’s pension

  9. PART H Child Allowance

    1. H1. Dependent child

    2. H2. Payment of allowance

    3. H3. Member dies in pensionable employment

    4. H4. Member dies after pension becomes payable

    5. H5. Member dies with preserved pension

    6. H6. Member dies within 12 months after leaving pensionable employment without pension or preserved pension.

    7. H7. Dependent child not being maintained by surviving parent or spouse of a parent

  10. PART J Allocation to a spouse or dependant

    1. J1. Allocation of pension

    2. J2. Limits on allocation of pension

    3. J3. Date on which allocation has effect

  11. PART K Contracting–out

    1. K1. Contracting–out requirements to be overriding

    2. K2. Guaranteed minimum pensions

    3. K3. Late retirement

    4. K4. Early leavers

    5. K5. Guaranteed minimum pensions transferred to the scheme

    6. K6. Protected rights transferred to the scheme

    7. K7. State scheme premiums

  12. PART L Early leavers

    1. L1. Preserved pension

    2. L2. Refund of contributions

    3. L3. Payment of interest with refund of contributions

    4. L4. Early leavers returning to pensionable employment

  13. PART M Transfers and buy–outs

    1. M1. Member’s right to transfer or buy–out

    2. M2. Exercising a right to transfer or buy–out

    3. M3. Amount of member’s cash equivalent

    4. M4. Time limit for doing what member requires

    5. M5. Early leaver without pension or preserved pension

    6. M6. Transfers in respect of more than one member

    7. M7. Waiver of transfer payment

  14. PART N Transfers from other pension arrangements

    1. N1. Member’s right to transfer accrued rights to benefits to the scheme

    2. N2. Transfers made under the Public Sector transfer Arrangements

    3. N3. Transfers that are not made under the Public Sector Transfer Arrangements

    4. N4. Transfers in respect of more than one member

    5. N5. Waiver of transfer payments

  15. PART P Members absent from work

    1. P1. Absence because of illness or injury or maternity leave

    2. P2. Other leave of absence

  16. PART Q Right to buy additional service and unreduced retirement lump sum

    1. Q1. Right to buy additional service

    2. Q2. Right to buy an unreduced retirement lump sum

    3. Q3. Electing to buy additional service or unreduced retirement lump sum

    4. Q4. Paying for additional service by single payment

    5. Q5. Paying for unreduced retirement lump sum by single payment

    6. Q6. Paying for additional service or unreduced retirement lump sum by regular additional contributions

    7. Q7. Part payment for additional service or unreduced retirement sum

  17. PART R Special provisions for certain members

    1. R1. Practitioners and trainee practitioners

    2. R2. Nurses, physiotherapists, midwives and health visitors

    3. R3. Mental health officers

    4. R4. Members doing more than one job

    5. R5. Part–time employment

    6. R6. Members entitled to fees for domiciliary consultations

    7. R7. Members who work temporary additional sessions

    8. R8. Former members of health service schemes

    9. R9. Members whose earnings are reduced

    10. R10. Polygamous marriages

  18. PART S Members who return to NHS employment after pension becomes payable

    1. S1. Suspension of pension on return to NHS employment

    2. S2. Reduction of pension on return to NHS employment

    3. S3. Benefits in respect of pensionable employment after pension becomes payable

    4. S4. Benefits on death in pensionable employment after pension becomes payable

  19. PART T General rules about benefits

    1. T1. Claims for benefits

    2. T2. Deduction of tax

    3. T3. Benefits not assignable

    4. T4. Beneficiary who is incapable

    5. T5. Offset for crime negligence or fraud

    6. T6. Loss of rights to benefits

    7. T7. Commutation of trivial pensions

  20. PART U Administrative matters

    1. U1. Extension of time limits

    2. U2. Determination of questions

    3. U3. Accounts and actuarial reports

  21. PART V Miscellaneous and supplementary

    1. V1. Option to members detrimentally affected by these Regulations

    2. V2. Revocations and savings

  22. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. Table 1 Paying for additional service by a single payment

        1. Member’s age when employing authority receives notice of election (1)...

      2. Table 2 Paying for unreduced retirement lump sum by a single payment

        1. Member’s age when employing authority receives notice of election (1)...

      3. Table 3 Paying for additional service by regular additional contributions

        1. Member’s age at next birthday after employing authority receives notice...

      4. Table 4 Paying for unreduced retirement lump sum by regular additional contributions

        1. Member’s age at next birthday after employing authority receives notice...

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1. Additional definitions used in this Schedule

      2. 2. Application of Regulations with modifications

      3. 3. Meaning of “pensionable earnings"

      4. 4. Calculating “pensionable earnings" of practitioners in partnership

      5. 5. Elections relating to calculation of “pensionable earnings" in partnerships

      6. 6. Meaning of “pensionable earnings" in relation to other practitioners

      7. 7. Exclusions and deductions from pensionable earnings — all practitioners

      8. 8. Limit on pensionable earnings — dental practitioners

      9. 9. Officer service treated as practitioner service

      10. 10. Contributions to the scheme

      11. 11. Normal retirement pension

      12. 12. Early Retirement Pension (ill–health)

      13. 13. Early retirement pension (employer’s consent)

      14. 14. Lump sum on member’s death in pensionable employment or after pension becomes payable

      15. 15. Widow or widower’s pension on member’s death in pensionable employment

      16. 16. Increased widower’s pension

      17. 17. Child allowance — member dies in pensionable employment

      18. 18. Transfers from other pension arrangements

      19. 19. Members absent from work

      20. 20. Right to buy additional service and unreduced retirement lump sum

      21. 21. Members doing more than one job

      22. 22. Reduction of pension on return to NHS employment

    3. SCHEDULE 3


  23. Explanatory Note