Statutory Instruments
1998 No. 3179 (S. 189)
The North Ayrshire (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1998
Coming into force
1st January 1999
Whereas under section 17(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973(), as read with Schedule 5 to that Act(), the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland on 16th September 1998 submitted to the Secretary of State a report on a review together with its proposals for the future electoral arrangements for the area of North Ayrshire Council;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 17(2) and 233(3) of, and Schedule 5 to, the said Act and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Secretary of State hereby makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1. This Order may be cited as the North Ayrshire (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1998 and shall come into force on 1st January 1999.
2. In the Schedule to this Order–
(a)a reference to–
(i)an electoral ward is a reference to that electoral ward as constituted in this Order; and
(ii)a road, footpath, railway line, river, burn or canal shall, where the context so admits, be construed as a reference to the centre line of the feature concerned; and
(b)the following abbreviations are used:–
Electoral arrangements
3. The area of North Ayrshire Council shall be divided into 30 wards, having the names, contents and boundaries set forth in the Schedule to this Order.
Henry B McLeish
Minister of State, Scottish Office
St Andrew’s House,
11th December 1998
Article 3
Ward 1 Irvine West
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3254 3388 where the Gailes Burn enters the Firth of Clyde on the western boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then northwestward and southwestward along the said Council boundary to a point in line with the centreline of the Firth of Clyde; then northward along the centreline of the said Firth of Clyde to a point in line with the mouth of the River Irvine; then northeastward to and along the said river to its confluence with the River Garnock; then generally northwestward and northeastward along the said river to where it is crossed by the A78(T) road; then generally southeastward along the said road to its junction with the A737 road; then generally southeastward along the said road to its junction with James Crescent; then generally eastward and southward along the said crescent to the northern boundary of Meadow Park Football Ground; then southwestward, southeastward and northeastward along the northern, western and southern boundaries of the said football ground to the rear curtilages of Nos 37/39-25/27 Old Caley Road; then northeastward and southeastward along the said rear curtilages to the rear curtilages of Nos 18-2 Clayson Avenue; then southeastward along the said rear curtilages to the boundary between No 2 Clayson Avenue and No 49 Quarry Road; then southeastward along the said boundary to and southwestward along Quarry Road to its junction with Burns Street and Eglinton Street; then southeastward along Eglinton Street and its continuation as High Street to Kirk Vennel; then southwestward and southeastward along Kirk Vennel to and southwestward along the southeastern boundary of the Kirk cemetery and its prolongation in a straight line to the River Irvine; then southeastward and eastward along the said river to where it is crossed by the A78(T) road; then southwestward and southeastward along the said road to the southern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then southwestward, northwestward and southwestward along the said Council boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 2 Irvine Townhead
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3372 3382 where the southern boundary of North Ayrshire Council meets the eastern boundary of EW 1; then generally northward, westward, northwestward and northeastward along the said EW boundary to and continuing northeastward along Quarry Road to its junction with Woodlands Avenue; then southeastward along the said avenue to its junction with Bank Street; then southwestward along the said street to and southeastward along Galt Avenue to its junction with Muir Drive; then northeastward along the said drive to Clark Drive; then northwestward along the said drive to Manson Road; then northeastward along the said road to where it crosses the A78(T) road; then generally southward along the said road to the Warrix Interchange and the A71 road; then generally eastward along the A71 road to the centre of the Corsehill Mount roundabout at NG Ref NS 3598 3788; then southeastward in a straight line to the River Irvine; then southward along the said river to the southern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then southwestward along the said Council boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 3 Irvine Vineburgh and Woodlands South
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3171 4042 on Kilwinning Road at a point in line with a path running southeastward to Dickson Drive, between the properties in Park Place and Arran Place and the properties in Ravenscroft; then eastward to and southeastward along the said path to Dickson Drive; then southwestward along the said drive to Livingstone Terrace; then southeastward along the said terrace to and southwestward along Caldon Road to and southeastward along Stewart Drive to MacKinnon Terrace; then northeastward along MacKinnon Terrace and its continuation in a straight line to the A78(T) road; then southeastward along the said road to the northern boundary of EW 2; then southwestward, southeastward, southwestward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 1; then generally northwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 4 Irvine North
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3153 4183 on the A78(T) road; then southeastward along the said road to a point NG Ref NS 3289 4045; then westward in a straight line to and along an unnamed road leading to Castlepark Community Centre to a point in line with the eastern boundary of a playing field; then southwestward to and along the said boundary and its continuation in a straight line to Dickson Drive; then southeastward along the said drive to its junction with Dick Terrace; then southwestward along the said terrace to the northern boundary of EW 3; then generally northwestward along the said ward boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 1; then northwestward along the said ward boundary to where Kilwinning Road crosses the A78(T) road at NG Ref NS 3125 4182; then eastward along the said road to the point of commencement.
Ward 5 Eglinton and Lawthorn
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3094 4188 on the northern boundary of EW 1 where the A78(T) road crosses the River Garnock; then generally northward along the said river to where it is crossed by the B778 road at NG Ref NS 3056 4336; then generally northeastward along the said road to its junction with an unnamed road leading to the B785 road at NG Ref NS 3135 4438; then southeastward and generally southward along the said unnamed road to and generally eastward along the B785 road to its junction with an unnamed road leading past a property known as Mid Moncur at NG Ref NS 3232 4341; then northward and eastward along the said unnamed road to a point in line with Lugten Waters at NG Ref NS 3265 4355; then eastward in a straight line to and generally northeastward along the said water to where it meets the eastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then generally southeastward along the said Council boundary to where it meets the Annick Water at NG Ref NS 3665 4208; then generally southwestward along the said water to where it is crossed by a dismantled railway line; then northwestward along the said dismantled railway line to where it crosses the A736 road at NG Ref NS 3484 4280; then southwestward and southward along the said road to its junction with Cairnmount Road; then southwestward along the said road to where it crosses a path at NG Ref NS 3425 4132; then southward along the said path to a point NG Ref NS 3429 4108 in line with a path to the north of No 1 Millburn Terrace; then westward to and westward and southwestward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 3422 4104; then generally southwestward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 3406 4091; then northwestward and generally southwestward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 3382 4090; then generally southward along the said path to where it is crossed by Littlestane Road at NG Ref NS 3380 4067; then generally eastward along the said road to the Lawthorn Roundabout; then southeastward along an unnamed road to Perceton Roundabout; then southwestward and northwestward along the B769 Road to its junction with Lochlibo Road; then northwestward to and along a path leading passed an Electricity Substation to a point on the eastern boundary of the said station; then southwestward along the eastern boundary of the Electricity Substation and the continuation in a straight line to Girdle Gate; then southwestward and northwestward along Girdle Gate to its junction with Lochwood Place; then southwestward along the said place to and northwestward along Smithstone Way to a point NG Ref NS 3376 4056 in line with the Red Burn; then southwestward to and southwestward and generally westward along the said burn to where it meets the eastern boundary of EW 4; then generally northwestward along the eastern and northern boundaries of EW 4 to the northern boundary of EW 1; then westward along the said ward boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 6 Dreghorn
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3348 3889 on the northern boundary of EW 2 where the A78(T) road is crossed by Broomlands Busway; then generally eastward and northward along Broomlands Busway to its junction with Towerlands Road at NG Ref NS 3498 3872; then generally eastward along Towerlands Road to Capringstone roundabout at NG Ref NS 3602 3880; then southward along an unnamed road to the Dreghorn roundabout on the B7081 road; then southward along an unnamed road to the northern boundary of EW 2 at the Corsehill Mount roundabout; then generally westward and northward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 7 Irvine Landward
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3626 3664 on the River Irvine where the southeastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council meets the northeastern boundary of EW 2; then generally northward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 6; then northward and generally westward along the eastern and northern boundaries of EW 6 to the junction of Broomlands Busway and Towerlands Road at NG Ref NS 3492 3872; then northwestward along Towerlands Road to a public footpath to the west of Cairnsmore Way at NG Ref NS 3465 3880; then northward along the said footpath to an unnamed road leading to St John Ogilvie Primary School; then southeastward along the said unnamed road to a point in line with a field boundary at NG Ref NS 3488 3900; then northeastward to and along the said field boundary and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to the Annick Water at NG Ref NS 3495 3905; then generally northward along the said water to where it is crossed by the B769 road at Perceton Bridge, NG Ref NS 3504 4059; then westward along the said road to the eastern boundary of EW 5; then generally northwestward, northeastward and southeastward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then generally eastward and southwestward along the said Council boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 8 Bourtreehill
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3323 3978 on the eastern boundary of EW 3 where the A78(T) road is crossed by Manson Road; then generally eastward along Manson Road to the Stanecastle Interchange and continuing southeastward along Middleton Road to where it is crossed by a footbridge at NG Ref NS 3378 3981; then northwestward along the said footbridge to and northwestward along Stanecastle Road and its continuation northeastward as the A736 road to a point in line with the southern curtilage of No 18 Sourlie Terrace; then southeastward to and along the said curtilage and continuing along the southern curtilage of No 48 Bensley Avenue to Bensley Avenue; then southeastward across the said avenue to the rear curtilage of No 7 Castlekeep Gardens; then southeastward along the rear curtilages of Nos 7 and 8 Castlekeep Gardens to the rear curtilage of No 8 Killoch Way; then southeastward and northeastward along the rear the rear curtilages of Nos 8-1 Killoch Way and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to Bensley Rise; then eastward across Bensley Rise to the southwestern boundary of Annick Primary School; then southeastward and northeastward along the southwestern and southeastern boundaries of the said school to a path leading to Middleton Road at NG Ref NS 3409 4001; then southeastward along the said path to and northeastward along Middleton Road to the western boundary of EW 7; then generally southward, northwestward, southward and southeastward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 6; then southwestward and northwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 2; then northwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 9 Woodlands North and Girdle Toll
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3323 3978 where Manson Road crosses the A78(T) road on the eastern boundary of EW 3; then northwestward, southwestward and generally northwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 4; then generally northward along the said EW boundary to the southern boundary of EW 5; then generally eastward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 7; then eastward and generally southwestward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 8; then generally southwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement
Ward 10 Kilwinning East
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2952 4589 on the A737 road at its junction with an unnamed road leading past the properties known as Mill, Cockmalane and Cockenzie; then southeastward, northward and northeastward along the said unnamed road to a point in line with a field boundary at NG Ref NS 3015 4617; then southeastward to and along the said field boundary to a tributary of the River Garnock at NG Ref NS 3037 4597; then generally southward along the said tributary to its confluence with the River Garnock; then generally southeastward along the said river to the northwestern boundary of EW 5; then southeastward along the said EW boundary to a point in line with a field boundary NG Ref NS 3084 4300; then westward in a straight line to a cycle path at NG Ref NS 3071 4300; then northwestward along the said cycle path to and northwestward along Bankhead Road to Ladyford Avenue; then westward along the said avenue to and northward along Almswall Road to St Winning’s Road; then westward along the said road to a path at NG Ref NS 3002 4312; then northwestward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 2999 4313; then southwestward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 2994 4310; then westward along the said path to a path at NG Ref NS 2987 4311; then southwestward along the said path and its continuation in a straight line to the Irvine/Glasgow railway line; then northward along the said railway line to where it is crossed by the A737 road at NG Ref NS 2969 4474; then generally northward along the said road to the point of commencement.
Ward 11 Kilwinning South
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2966 4348 where the Irvine/Kilwinning railway line is crossed by Byres Road on the western boundary of EW 10; then generally southward and eastward along the said EW boundary to the northwestern boundary of EW 5; then generally southward along the said EW boundary to where the River Garnock is crossed by the A78(T) road at NG Ref NS 3094 4188; then generally westward along the said road to its junction with the A738 road; then northeastward along the said road to the point of commencement.
Ward 12 Kilwinning West
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2872 4865 where an unnamed road crosses the Caaf Water at Lynn Bridge; then generally southeastward along the said water to its confluence with the River Garnock; then generally southward along the said river to NG Ref NS 2967 4600; then eastward in a straight line to and southward along the Irvine/Glasgow railway line to the northern boundary of EW 10; then southward, northwestward and generally southward along the northern and western boundaries of EW 10 to the northwestern boundary of EW 11; then generally southwestward along the said EW boundary to an unnamed road to the northeast of the Fire Station at Pennyburn Bridge; then northwestward and westward along the said unnamed road to the junction of Hillend Road and Haycocks Road at NG Ref NS 2751 4303; then northeastward along an unnamed road, passing a property known as Hillhead, to an unnamed road at NG Ref NS 2816 4421; then eastward, northeastward and generally northwestward along the said unnamed road, passing a property known as Auchenkist, to where it crosses an unnamed burn at NG Ref NS 2779 4495; then generally northward, northwestward and northeastward along the said unnamed burn to the eastern boundary of a wood at NG Ref NS 2861 4746; then northwestward along the said boundary and its continuation in a straight line to an unnamed burn at NG Ref NS 2844 4809; then northeastward along the said unnamed burn to NG Ref NS 2859 4826; then northward in a straight line to a track southwestward of a property known as Craighead; then northwestward along the said track to and northwestward across an unnamed road leading to Lynn Bridge to and continuing northwestward along a field boundary to and westward in a straight line to the Caaf Water; then generally northeastward along the said water to the point of commencement.
Ward 13 Stevenston North
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2834 4283 at the junction of the A738 road and an unnamed road northeast of the Fire Station at Pennyburn Bridge on the northwestern boundary of EW 11; then southwestward along the said EW boundary to and continuing southwestward along the A78(T) road to a point in line with the western curtilage of No 97 High Road at NG Ref NS 2555 4206; then northward to and along the said curtilage and its continuation as the eastern boundary of an Electricity Sub-Station to where it meets the northern boundary of the said electricity sub-station at NG Ref NS 2555 4214; then northwestward in a straight line to where the southern and rear curtilage of No 39 Middlepart Crescent meet at NG Ref NS 2545 4241; then northwestward along the rear curtilages of Nos 41-51 Middlepart Crescent to and northward along a path running along the eastern curtilages of Nos 17 and 19 Fleck Avenue to Fleck Avenue; then northward along the said avenue to a point in line with the southern boundary of James Reid School and Mayfield Primary School; then southeastward to and southeastward, northward and westward along the southern, eastern and northern boundaries of the said schools to Mulgrew Avenue; then northward along the said avenue and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2546 4319; then northwestward along the said field boundary to and northeastward along Dalry Road to where it crosses the Glen Burn at NG Ref NS 2576 4407; then generally eastward along the said burn to an unnamed stream at NG Ref NS 2601 4405; then northward along the said unnamed stream to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2602 4411; then southeastward along the said field boundary to an unnamed stream at NG Ref NS 2650 4401; then generally northward along the said unnamed stream to an unnamed road leading past the property known as Diddup; then generally northeastward along the said unnamed road to where it meets an unnamed road leading past the property known as Lochwood at NG Ref NS 2674 4485; then southeastward and northeastward along the said unnamed road to Auld Clay Road then southeastward along the said road to the western boundary of EW 12; then southeastward, southwestward and southeastward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 14 Stevenston South
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde in line with the mouth of the River Irvine; then northwestward in a straight line to where the western and southern boundaries of Campbell Park Football Ground meet; then northward along the western boundary of the said football ground and its continuation in a straight line to and across Blakely Road to a dismantled railway line; then generally northwestward along the said dismantled railway line to where it crossed by Canal Street; then northeastward to and northwestward along a footbridge across Canal Street to and northeastward and northwestward along a path leading to Kerr Avenue to a point in line with the rear curtilages of Nos 1/3-29/31 Cunninghame Road and No 43 Millar Road; then northeastward along the said rear curtilages and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to a path leading from Millar Road to Nelson Road; then northeastward and northward along the said path to Nelson Road; then northward along the said road and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to the A78(T) road and the southern boundary of EW 13; then generally eastward along the said EW boundary to and southeastward along the southern boundary of EW 11 to the northern boundary of EW 1; then westward, southeastward and southwestward along the northern and western boundaries of EW 1 to the point of commencement.
Ward 15 Beith
Commencing at NG Ref NS 3568 5545 on the eastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council where the Roebank Burn is crossed by the A737 road; then southwestward along the said road to and southwestward along Roebank Road and its continuation as Wilson Street to its junction with Mitchell Street; then eastward along the said street to and southeastward along Head Street to its junction with the A737 road; then southwestward along the said road to its junction with Geilsland Road; then westward along the said road to and northwestward along Glebe Road to its junction with Dalry Road; then southwestward along the said road to and westward along Morrishill Drive to a point in line with a footpath known as Old Willowyard Road; then southwestward along the said footpath to Willowyard Road; then southward along the said road to its junction with the B777 road; then southwestward along the said road to an unnamed road leading to Lochshore East Industrial Estate; then northwestward along the said road to where it crosses the Glasgow/Dalry railway line; then northeastward along the said railway line to where it is crossed by an unnamed road leading to East Kerse; then northward along the said unnamed road to the eastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council at Kerse Bridge; then northeastward and southeastward along the said Council boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 16 Dalry
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2757 5374 where the North Burn meets the Rye Water; then generally southeastward along the said water to where it is crossed by a footbridge at NG Ref NS 2956 4975; then generally westward and southwestward along a path to Courthill Street; then westward along the said street to a point in line with the rear curtilage of No 2 Green Bank; then southeastward to and along the said curtilage and continuing southeastward along the rear curtilages of Nos 4 and 6 Green Bank and the western curtilage of No 14 Green Bank to Smith Street; then southeastward along the said street to its junction with New Street; then northeastward along New Street to and southeastward along Bridgend and its continuation as Blair Road to where it crosses the Kilwinning/Glasgow railway line; then southward along the said railway line to NG Ref NS 2975 4829; then southwestward in a straight line to the River Garnock and the northern boundary of EW 12; then northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to and continuing southwestward, northwestward and southwestward along the Caaf Water to a point on the said water at NG Ref NS 2635 4824; then southeastward in a straight line to the B780 road; then southwestward along the said road to NG Ref NS 2607 4796; then southeastward in a straight line to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2607 4795; then southwestward along the said field boundary to and southwestward along an unnamed burn to a point east of Dykehead Bridge at NG Ref NS 2578 4754; then northwestward along field boundaries to the southeastern boundary of the Munnoch Reservoir at NG Ref NS 2551 4773; then southwestward, northwestward and northeastward along the southeastern, southwestern and northeastern boundaries of the said reservoir to the Munnoch Burn at NG Ref NS 2498 4804; then generally northwestward and northward along the said burn to where it is crossed by the B781 to the east of the property known as Gill; then northeastward in a straight line to summit point 264 on Gill Hill; then northwestward in a straight line to summit point 332 on Caldron Hill; then northward in a straight line to summit point 387 on Kaim Hill; then northeastward in a straight line to summit point 406 on Blaeloch Hill; then southward in a straight line to the confluence of a tributary of the North Burn at NG Ref NS 2440 5481; then generally southeastward along the North Burn to the point of commencement.
Ward 17 Garnock East
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2911 5034 on the eastern boundary of EW 16 where the Rye Water is crossed by the B780 road at Rye Bridge; then northeastward along the said road to where it crosses the Pitcon Burn; then southeastward along the said burn to and southeastward along Mains Burn to the River Garnock and a point in line with a dismantled railway line; then southwestward to and along the said dismantled railway line to the Glasgow/Dalry railway line; then northeastward along the said railway line to a point in line with an unnamed road leading to an unnamed road leading past the property known as East Kersland; then eastward to and along the said unnamed road to and southeastward along an unnamed road leading past the property known as East Kersland to its junction with the A737 and B707 roads; then generally northeastward along the B707 road to an unnamed road at NG Ref NS 3126 5001; then northeastward along the said unnamed road to where it crosses a dismantled railway line at NG Ref NS 3524 5261; then northwestward along the said dismantled railway line to where it is crossed by the A737 road; then southwestward along the said road to a roundabout junction with the B777 road at Manrahead; then northwestward to and along the said road to the eastern boundary of EW 15; then generally northeastward along the said EW boundary to the northeastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then northeastward, southeastward and southwestward along the said Council boundary to the northern boundary of EW 5; then southwestward, northeastward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 10; then northwestward, northeastward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 12; then generally northward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 16; then northward, northwestward, northeastward and northwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 18 Kilbirnie South
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2757 5374 where the North Burn meets the Rye Water; then northwestward along the said water to a point in line with a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2736 5480; then westward in a straight line to and northwestward and westward along the said field boundary to the southern shore of Camphill Reservoir at NG Ref NS 2708 5482; then northeastward along the southern shore of the said reservoir and its continuation in a straight line to the A760 road; then generally southeastward along the said road to a point in line with a track leading to Place View; then generally southward along the said track to and southeastward along Place View to the western boundary of Kilbirnie Park; then southeastward along the said boundary to and southwestward along Barony Terrace to an access road leading to Dalry Road; then southeastward along the said access road to and generally northeastward along Dalry Road to and northwestward and northeastward along Holmhead to its junction with Paddockholm Road; then eastward along the said road and its prolongation in a straight line to a dismantled railway line; then generally northward along the said dismantled railway line to where it is crossed by the A760 road; then northeastward along the said road to the eastern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then southward and eastward along the said Council boundary to the western boundary of EW 15; then southwestward, southeastward and northeastward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 17; then southeastward, northeastward, southeastward, southwestward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 16; then generally northwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 19 Kilbirnie North
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2735 6300 at the summit of Hill of Stake on the northern boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then generally southeastward along the said Council boundary to the northern boundary of EW 18; then southwestward, northwestward and generally westward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of Camphill Reservoir at NG Ref NS 2708 5483; then northwestward along the said boundary of Camphill Reservoir to an access road leading to Catburn; then northeastward along the said access road to and northwestward along the overflow channel for Muirhead Reservoir to the southern boundary of Muirhead Reservoir at NG Ref NS 2589 5638; then northeastward along the said boundary of Muirhead Reservoir and its prolongation in a straight line to the A760 road; then northwestward along the said road to where it crosses an unnamed burn north of a property known as Fechan at Fechan Bridge, NG Ref NS 2346 5336; then northward along the said burn to its source at NG Ref NS 2331 5844; then northwestward in a straight line to and northward along an unnamed burn to its confluence with the Gogo Water at NG Ref NS 2323 5932; then generally northeastward along the said water to an unnamed tributary at NG Ref NS 2499 6025; then northeastward along the said tributary to NG Ref NS 2513 6050; then northeastward in a straight line to the summit point on Box Law at NG Ref NS 2567 6118; then northeastward in a straight line to Hill of Stake and the point of commencement.
Ward 20 Saltcoats East
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2558 4283 on the western boundary of EW 13 where the northern and eastern boundaries of James Reid School meet; then generally southward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 14; then generally southwestward, southeastward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the centre line of the Firth of Clyde; then northwestward along the centreline of the Firth of Clyde to a point in line with the centreline of South Bay; then northeastward to and along the centreline of the said bay to a point in line with Melbourne Road; then eastward to and along the said road to its junction with Eglinton Street; then southeastward along the said street to and northeastward along Windmill Street to and northeastward and northwestward along Chapelwell Street to Manse Street; then southeastward along the said street to and northeastward along Springvale Street to Argyle Road; then southeastward along the said road to and northeastward along Sharphill Road and Dalry Road to the eastern boundary of EW 13; then generally southeastward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 21 South Beach
Commencing on the northwestern boundary of EW 20 at an undeterminable point on the Firth of Clyde, in line with Inches Road; then northeastward to and along the said road to Princes Street; then northwestward along the said street to and northeastward along Glasgow Street to its junction with Parkhouse Road; then southeastward along the said road to where it crosses the Saltcoats/Largs railway line; then southeastward along the said railway line to where it crosses a dismantled railway line; then southeastward along the said dismantled railway line to where it is crossed by Sorbie Road; then northeastward along the said road to its junction with the A78(T) road; then southeastward along the said road to the western boundary of EW 20; then generally southwestward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 22 Saltcoats North
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2403 4264 on the northern boundary of EW 21 at the junction of the A78(T) road and Sorbie Road; then northeastward along Sorbie Road to its junction with an access track leading to the property known as Whitlees; then eastward in a straight line to the northern curtilage of the property known as Sharphill; then southeastward along the said curtilage to the western boundary of EW 13; then southwestward along the said EW boundary to and continuing southwestward along the western boundary of EW 20 to the northern boundary of EW 21; then northwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 23 Ardrossan South
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde due southwest of the junction between Eglinton Road and Witches Linn at NG Ref NS 2275 4342; then due northeast in a straight line to and northeastward, northwestward and northeastward along Witches Linn to a path crossing the Ardrossan/Largs railway line; then generally northward along the said path to and southeastward along the said railway line to where it is crossed by Dalry Road; then northward along the said road to and southeastward along Stanley Road to where it crosses the Stanley Burn at NG Ref NS 2395 4333; then northeastward along the said burn to its confluence with an unnamed burn at NG Ref NS 2404 4375; then northward along the said unnamed burn to where it is crossed by a track leading to the property known as Whitlees; then southeastward along the said track to and southeastward along the northern curtilage of the said property and continuing southeastward in a straight line to Sorbie Road at NG Ref NS 2437 4370; then southwestward along the said road to and continuing southwestward along the western boundary of EW 22 to the northern boundary of EW 21; then southwestward, northwestward and generally southwestward along the northern and western boundaries of EW 21 to the western boundary of EW 20; then southwestward along the said EW boundary to the centreline of the Firth of Clyde; then northwestward along the centreline of the Firth of Clyde to the point of commencement.
Ward 24 Ardrossan North
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde and the northern boundary of EW 23; then northwestward along the centreline of the Firth of Clyde to a point in line with a drain at NG Ref NS 2198 4450, to the south of Crawfords Lodge; then northeastward to and along the said drain to where it meets a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2230 4478; then northeastward along the said field boundary to an unnamed road at NG Ref NS 2289 4527; then northeastward across the said unnamed road to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2290 4527; then northeastward and northwestward along the said field boundary to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2286 4560; then northeastward along the said field boundary to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2300 4571; then northward and northeastward along the said field boundary to NG Ref NS 2305 4595; then generally eastward along the said field boundary to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2338 4604; then northwestward and northeastward along the said field boundary, across the Rowanside Hills, and its prolongation in a straight line across the Knockewart Hills to a point on the Munnoch Burn at NG Ref NS 2417 4874 on the southern boundary of EW 16; then southeastward, northeastward, southeastward, eastward and northeastward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 12; then southeastward, southwestward and southward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 13; then northwestward, southwestward, westward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 22; then westward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 23; then generally northeastward, northwestward, southwestward, northwestward, southward, northwestward, southward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the centreline of the Firth of Clyde and the point of commencement.
Note: This ward includes Horse Isle.
Ward 25 West Kilbride
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde and the northwestern boundary of EW 24; then northwestward along the centreline of the Firth of Clyde to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the properties at West Cottage at NG Ref NS 1761 4879; then northeastward to and along the said boundary and the prolongation thereof in a straight line to the B7048 road; then generally southeastward along the said road to the A78(T) road; then northward along the said road to a track at NG Ref NS 1981 4950, leading to the B782 road; then southeastward in a straight line to the junction between a track leading to the property known as Drummilling and an unnamed road leading past the property known as Bushglen at NG Ref NS 2080 4942; then southward along the said unnamed road to the B781 road; then generally eastward along the said road to where it crosses the Munnoch Burn on the western boundary of EW 16 at NG Ref NS 2409 4885; then southeastward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 24; then generally southwestward, southeastward, southwestward, southward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 26 Largs South and Fairlie
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Fairlie Roads in line with the mouth of the Gogo Water; then generally northeastward to and along the said water to where it is crossed by Irvine Road at NG Ref NS 2050 5919; then southeastward along the said road to and eastward and southeastward along Gogoside Road to its junction with Scott Drive and Halkshill Drive; then northeastward and southeastward along Halkshill Drive to a path at NG Ref NS 2115 5911; then northeastward along the said path to a point in line with a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2115 5912; then southeastward to and southeastward and northeastward along the said field boundary to NG Ref NS 2130 5915; then northeastward in a straight line to the Gogo Water at NG Ref NS 2137 5920; then generally eastward along the said water to the western boundary of EW 19; then southward, eastward and generally southeastward along the said EW boundary to the western boundary of EW 18; then southward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 16; then generally northwestward, southwestward, southward, southeastward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 25; then generally westward, northward, westward, southward, westward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the centreline of the Firth of Clyde; then northwestward along the centreline of the Firth of Clyde to a point in line with the centreline of the Fairlie Roads; then northeastward in a straight line to and generally northeastward and northwestward along the centreline of the Fairlie Roads to the point of commencement.
Ward 27 Largs West and Cumbrae
Commencing on the western boundary of North Ayrshire Council at a point in line with mouth of the Noddsdale Water; then northeastward in a straight line to and northeastward and generally eastward along the said water to a point in line with the eastern curtilage of No 1 Chapelton Drive at NG Ref NS 2057 6059; then southward to and along the said curtilage and its continuation in a straight line to the junction of Noddleburn Road and Chapelton Drive at NG Ref NS 2057 6051; then eastward and southeastward along the said drive to Brisbane Glen Road; then southwestward along the said road to and southwestward along Brisbane Road to and northeastward along Glenacre Drive to George Street; then southeastward and southwestward along George Street to and northwestward along Nelson Street to and southward along Wilson Street to Gateside Street; then eastward along the said street to and southeastward along New Street and its prolongation in a straight line to the Gogo Water; then southwestward along the Gogo Water to the northern boundary of EW 26; then southwestward, southward and southwestward along the northern and western boundaries of EW 26 to the centreline of the Firth of Clyde; then northwestward in a straight line to the western boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then northeastward along the said Council boundary to the point of commencement.
Note: This ward includes the islands of Great Cumbrae and Little Cumbrae.
Ward 28 Largs East
Commencing at NG Ref NS 2050 5919 where Irvine Road crosses the Gogo Water on the southern boundary of EW 27; then eastward and generally northward along the southern and eastern boundaries of EW 27 to the junction of Chapelton Drive and Brisbane Glen Road at NG Ref NS 2072 6041; then northeastward along the said road to an unnamed road leading to Dochra Cottage; then southeastward along the said unnamed road to where it crosses an unnamed burn at NG Ref NS 2116 6060; then southeastward and eastward along the said unnamed burn to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Inverclyde National Recreation Centre at NG Ref NS 2154 6050; then southward to and generally southward along the said boundary to an unnamed stream at NG Ref NS 2156 6030; then westward and southwestward along the said unnamed stream to its confluence with an unnamed stream at NG Ref NS 2137 6002; then northeastward along the said unnamed stream to a field boundary at NG Ref NS 2148 6006; then southeastward and northeastward along the said field boundary to NG Ref NS 2162 6001; then southwestward in a straight line to NG Ref NS 2162 5990 on an unnamed track leading past Holehouse; then southwestward in a straight line to a point on the northern boundary of EW 26 on the Gogo Water at NG Ref NS 2137 5920; then generally westward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 29 Largs North and Skelmorlie
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the Firth of Clyde where the northern boundary of EW 27 meets the western boundary of North Ayrshire Council; then generally northeastward, southeastward, southwestward and southeastward along the said Council boundary to the northern boundary of EW 19; then generally southwestward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 26; then generally westward along the said EW boundary to the eastern boundary of EW 28; then northeastward, northwestward and southwestward along the said EW boundary to the northern boundary of EW 27; then generally westward along the said EW boundary to the point of commencement.
Ward 30 Arran
Commencing at an undeterminable point on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde where the northwestern boundary of North Ayrshire Council meets the southwestern boundary of EW 27; then southeastward along the southwestern boundaries of EWs 26, 25, 24, 23, 20, 14 and 1 to an undeterminable point on the southern boundary of North Ayrshire Council on the centreline of the Firth of Clyde; then southwestward, westward, northwestward, northward, northeastward and eastward along the southern, western and northern boundaries of North Ayrshire Council to the point of commencement.
Explanatory Note
This Order gives effect (with minor modifications of a drafting nature) to proposals made by the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland for the future electoral arrangements for the area of North Ayrshire Council. The proposals follow on the review of the whole of Scotland undertaken by the Commission in terms of Schedule 5 to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The area of North Ayrshire Council is divided into 30 electoral wards as described in the Schedule to the Order. In terms of paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, the wards apply with effect from the ordinary election of councillors due to take place in May 1999.