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The Measuring Instruments (Taximeters) Regulations 2006


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

Regulation 2(1)


1.  The essential requirements are the relevant requirements relating to taximeters contained in Annex I and Annex MI-007 set out in this Schedule.


2.  In these Regulations—

“appropriate licensing authority” means—


in relation to the area to which the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869(1) applies, Transport for London;


in relation to any other area in England and Wales, the authority responsible for licensing taxis in that area; and


in relation to Scotland, the district or islands council responsible for licensing taxis in that area;

“climatic environments” means the conditions in which taximeters may be used;

“critical change value” means the value at which the change in the measurement result is considered undesirable;

“cross-over speed” means the speed value found by division of a time tariff value by a distance tariff value;

“direct sales” means a trading transaction where—


the measurement result serves as the basis for the price to pay;


at least one of the parties involved in the transaction related to the measurement is a consumer or any other party requiring a similar level of protection; and


all the parties in the transaction accept the measurement result at that time and place;

“disturbance” means an influence quantity having a value within the limits specified in the appropriate requirement but outside the specified rated operating conditions of the taximeter. An influence quantity is a disturbance if for that influence quantity the rated operating conditions are not specified;

“fare” means the total amount of money due for a trip based on a fixed initial hire fee or the length or the duration of the trip (or a combination of any of these), and does not include a supplement charged for extra services;

“influence quantity” means a quantity that is not the measurand but that affects the result of measurement;

“measurand” means the particular quantity subject to measurement;

“normal calculation mode D (double application of tariff)” means a fare calculation based on simultaneous application of time tariff and distance tariff over the whole trip;

“normal calculation mode S (single application of tariff)” means a fare calculation based on application of the time tariff below the cross-over speed and application of the distance tariff above the cross-over speed;

“operating position” means the different modes in which a taximeter fulfils the different parts of its functioning, and which are distinguished by the following indications—


‘For Hire’, which is the operating position in which the fare calculation is disabled;


‘Hired’, which is the operating position in which the fare calculation takes place on the basis of a possible initial charge and a tariff for distance travelled or time of the trip, or both; and


‘Stopped’, which is the operating position in which the fare due for the trip is indicated and at least the fare calculation based on the time is disabled;

“rated operating conditions” means the values for the measurand and influence quantities making up the normal working conditions of a taximeter; and

“resolution” means the decision making process by which an appropriate licensing authority sets its tariff of fares for its area.

Allowable Errors

3.—(1) Under rated operating conditions and in the absence of a disturbance, the error of measurement shall not exceed the maximum permissible error (MPE) value as set out in paragraph 17.

(2) Unless stated otherwise, MPE is expressed as a bilateral value of the deviation from the true measurement value.

(3) Under rated operating conditions and in the presence of a disturbance, the performance requirement shall be as set out in paragraph 18.

(4) The manufacturer shall specify the climatic, mechanical and electromagnetic environments in which the taximeter is intended to be used, power supply and other influence quantities likely to affect its accuracy, taking account of the requirements in this Schedule.

(a)Climatic environments—

  • The manufacturer shall specify the temperature range. The minimum temperature range is 80°C and shall be within the upper temperature limit of 70°C and the lower temperature limit of -40°C. The manufacturer shall indicate whether the taximeter is designed for condensing or non-condensing humidity as well as the intended location for the instrument, that is open or closed.

(b)Mechanical environments—

(i)M3: This class applies to taximeters used in locations where the level of vibration and shock is high and very high, such as instruments mounted directly on machines or conveyor belts.

(ii)The following influence quantities shall be considered in relation with mechanical environments, namely—


(bb)mechanical shock.

(c)Electromagnetic environments—

(i)E3: This class applies to taximeters supplied by the battery of a vehicle. Such instruments shall comply with the requirements of instruments used in locations with electromagnetic disturbances corresponding to those likely to be found in industrial buildings and the following additional requirements—

(aa)voltage reductions caused by energising the starter-motor circuits of internal combustion engines;

(bb)load dump transients occurring in the event of a discharged battery being disconnected while the engine is running.

(ii)The following influence quantities shall be considered in relation with electromagnetic environments—

(aa)voltage interruptions;

(bb)short voltage reductions;

(cc)voltage transients on supply lines or signal lines, or both;

(dd)electrostatic discharges;

(ee)radio frequency electromagnetic fields;

(ff)conducted radio frequency electromagnetic fields on supply lines or signal lines, or both;

(gg)surges on supply lines or signal lines, or both.

(5) Other influence quantities to be considered, where appropriate, are—

(a)voltage variation;

(b)any other quantity likely to influence in a significant way the accuracy of the taximeter.

(6) When carrying out the tests as envisaged in these Regulations, the following paragraphs apply—

(a)The basic rules for testing and the determination of errors are—

(i)the essential requirements specified in sub-paragraphs (1) to (4) shall be verified for each relevant influence quantity. These essential requirements apply when each influence quantity is applied and its effect evaluated separately, all other influence quantities being kept relatively constant at their reference value; and

(ii)the metrological tests shall be carried out during or after the application of the influence quantity, whichever condition corresponds to the normal operational status of the taximeter when that influence quantity is likely to occur.

(b)In relation to ambient humidity—

(i)according to the climatic operating environment in which the taximeter is intended to be used either the damp heat-steady state (non-condensing) or damp heat cyclic (condensing) test may be appropriate; and

(ii)the damp heat cyclic test is appropriate where condensation is important or when penetration of vapour will be accelerated by the effect of breathing. In conditions where non-condensing humidity is a factor the damp-heat steady test is appropriate.


4.  The application of the same measurand in a different location or by a different user, all other conditions being the same, shall result in the close agreement of successive measurements. The difference between the measurement results shall be small when compared with the MPE.


5.  The application of the same measurand under the same conditions of measurement shall result in the close agreement of successive measurements. The difference between the measurement results shall be small when compared with the MPE.

Discrimination and Sensitivity

6.  A taximeter shall be sufficiently sensitive and the discrimination threshold shall be sufficiently low for the intended measurement task.


7.  A taximeter shall be designed to maintain an adequate stability of its metrological characteristics over a period of time estimated by the manufacturer, provided that it is properly installed, maintained and used according to the manufacturer’s instruction when in the environmental conditions for which it is intended.


8.  A taximeter shall be designed to reduce as far as possible the effect of a defect that would lead to an inaccurate measurement result, unless the presence of such a defect is obvious.


9.—(1) A taximeter shall have no feature likely to facilitate fraudulent use, whereas possibilities for unintentional misuse shall be minimal.

(2) A taximeter shall be suitable for its intended use taking account of the practical working conditions and shall not require unreasonable demands of the user in order to obtain a correct measurement result.

(3) Where a taximeter is designed for the measurement of values of the measurand that are constant over time, the instrument shall be insensitive to small fluctuations of the value of the measurand, or shall take appropriate action.

(4) A taximeter shall be robust and its materials of construction shall be suitable for the conditions in which it is intended to be used.

(5) A taximeter shall be designed so as to allow the control of the measuring tasks after the instrument has been placed on the market and put into use. If necessary, special equipment or software for this control shall be part of the instrument. The test procedure shall be described in the operation manual.

(6) When a taximeter has associated software which provides other functions besides the measuring function, the software that is critical for the metrological characteristics shall be identifiable and shall not be inadmissibly influenced by the associated software.

Protection against corruption

10.—(1) The metrological characteristics of a taximeter shall not be influenced in any inadmissible way by the connection to it of another device, by any feature of the connected device itself or by any remote device that communicates with the instrument.

(2) A hardware component that is critical for metrological characteristics shall be designed so that it can be secured. Security measures foreseen shall provide for evidence of an intervention.

(3) Software that is critical for metrological characteristics shall be identified as such and shall be secured.

(4) Software identification shall be easily provided by the taximeter.

(5) Evidence of a software intervention shall be available for a reasonable period of time.

(6) Measurement data, software that is critical for measurement characteristics and metrologically important parameters stored or transmitted shall be adequately protected against accidental or intentional corruption.

Information to be borne by and to accompany the taximeter

11.—(1) A taximeter shall bear the following inscriptions—

(a)manufacturer’s mark or name;

(b)information in respect of its accuracy,

plus, when applicable—

(c)information in respect of the conditions of use;

(d)measuring capacity;

(e)measuring range;

(f)identity marking;

(g)number of the EC-type examination certificate or the EC design examination certificate;

(h)information whether or not additional devices providing metrological results comply with these Regulations.

(2) The taximeter shall be accompanied by information on its operation, unless the simplicity of the instrument makes this unnecessary. Information shall be easily understandable and shall include where relevant—

(a)rated operating conditions;

(b)mechanical and electromagnetic environment classes;

(c)the upper and lower temperature limit, whether condensation is possible or not, open or closed location;

(d)instructions for installation, maintenance, repairs, permissible adjustments;

(e)instructions for correct operation and any special conditions of use;

(f)conditions for compatibility with interfaces or other measuring instruments.

(3) Groups of identical taximeters used in the same location do not necessarily require individual instruction manuals.

(4) The scale interval for a measured value shall be in the form 1 x 10n, 2 x 10n or 5 x 10n, where n is any integer or zero. The unit of measurement or its symbol shall be shown close to the numerical value.

(5) The units of measurement used and their symbols shall be in accordance with the provisions of Community legislation on units of measurement and their symbols.

(6) All marks and inscriptions required under any requirement shall be clear, non-erasable, unambiguous and non-transferable.

Indication of result

12.—(1) Indication of the result shall be by means of a display or hard copy.

(2) The indication of any result shall be clear and unambiguous and accompanied by such marks and inscriptions necessary to inform the user of the significance of the result. Easy reading of the presented result shall be permitted under normal conditions of use. Additional indications may be shown provided they cannot be confused with the metrologically controlled indications.

(3) In the case of hard copy the print or record shall also be easily legible and non-erasable.

(4) A measuring instrument for direct sales trading transactions shall be designed to present the measurement result to both parties in the transaction when installed as intended. When critical in case of direct sales, any ticket provided to the consumer by an ancillary device not complying with the appropriate requirements of these Regulations shall bear an appropriate restrictive information.

Further processing of data to conclude the trading transaction

13.—(1) A taximeter shall record by a durable means the measurement result accompanied by information to identify the particular transaction, when—

(a)the measurement is non-repeatable; and

(b)the taximeter is normally intended for use in the absence of one of the trading parties.

(2) Additionally, a durable proof of the measurement result and the information to identify the transaction shall be available on request at the time the measurement is concluded.

Conformity evaluation

14.  A taximeter shall be designed so as to allow ready evaluation of its conformity with the appropriate requirements of these Regulations.

Design requirements

15.—(1) The taximeter shall be designed to calculate the distance and to measure the duration of a trip.

(2) The taximeter shall be designed to calculate and display the fare, incrementing in steps equal to the resolution fixed by the appropriate licensing authority in the operating position ‘Hired’. The taximeter shall also be designed to display the final value for the trip in the operating position ‘Stopped’.

(3) A taximeter shall be able to apply the normal calculation modes S and D. It shall be possible to choose between these calculation modes by a secured setting.

(4) A taximeter shall be able to supply the following data through an appropriate secured interface or interfaces, namely—

(a)the operating position—

(i)‘For Hire’;

(ii)‘Hired’; or


(b)the totaliser data according to paragraph 25(1);

(c)the general information—

(i)constant of the distance signal generator;

(ii)date of securing;

(iii)taxi identifier;

(iv)real time; and

(v)identification of the tariff;

(d)the fare information for a trip—

(i)total charged;


(iii)calculation of the fare;

(iv)supplement charge;


(vi)start time;

(vii)finish time; and

(viii)distance travelled; and

(e)the tariff or tariffs information, namely the parameters of the tariff or tariffs.

(5) Where a device is required to be connected to the interface of a taximeter, it shall be possible, by way of a secured setting, to inhibit automatically the operation of the taximeter for reasons of the non-presence or improper functioning of the required device.

(6) If relevant, it shall be possible to adjust a taximeter for the constant of the distance signal generator to which it is to be connected and to secure the adjustment.

Rated operating conditions

16.  The manufacturer shall specify the rated operating conditions for the instrument, and in particular the limits of the DC power supply for which the instrument has been designed.

Maximum permissible errors (MPEs)

17.  The MPEs, excluding any errors due to the application of a taximeter in a taxi, are—

(a)For the time elapsed: ± 0.1 %

minimum value of MPE: 0.2s;

(b)For the distance travelled: ± 0.2 %

minimum value of MPE: 4 m;

(c)For the calculation of the fare: ± 0.1 %

minimum, including rounding: corresponding to the least significant digit of the fare indication.

Permissible effect of disturbance

18.  The MPE laid down in paragraph 17 shall also be respected in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.

Power supply failure

19.  In case of a reduction of the voltage supply to a value below the lower operating limit as specified by the manufacturer, the taximeter shall—

(a)continue to work correctly or resume its correct functioning without loss of data available before the voltage drop if the voltage drop is temporary, that is, due to restarting the engine; and

(b)abort an existing measurement and return to the position ‘For Hire’if the voltage drop is for a longer period.

Other requirements

20.  The conditions for the compatibility between the taximeter and the distance signal generator shall be specified by the manufacturer of the taximeter.

21.  If there is a supplement charge for an extra service, entered by the driver on manual command, this shall be excluded from the fare displayed. However, in that case a taximeter may display temporarily the value of the fare including the supplementary charge.

22.  If the fare is calculated according to calculation mode D a taximeter may have an additional display mode in which only the total distance and duration of the trip are displayed in real time.

23.  All values displayed for the passenger shall be suitably identified, so that these values as well as their identification shall be clearly readable under daylight and night conditions.

24.—(1) If the fare to be paid or the measures to be taken against fraudulent use can be affected by the choice of functionality from a pre-programmed setting or by free data setting, it shall be possible to secure the instrument settings and data entered.

(2) The securing possibilities available in a taximeter shall be such that separate securing of the settings is possible.

(3) The provisions in paragraph 10(3), (4) and (5) apply also to the tariffs.

25.—(1) A taximeter shall be fitted with non-resettable totalisers for all of the following values—

(a)the total distance travelled by the taxi;

(b)the total distance travelled when hired;

(c)the total number of hirings;

(d)the total amount of money charged as supplements; and

(e)the total amount of money charged as fare; and

the totalised values shall include the values saved according to paragraph 19 under conditions of loss of power supply.

(2) If disconnected from power, a taximeter shall allow the totalised values to be stored for one year for the purpose of reading out the values from the taximeter to another medium.

(3) Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent the display of totalised values from being used to deceive passengers.

26.  Automatic change of tariffs is allowed due to the—

(a)distance of the trip;

(b)duration of the trip;

(c)time of the day;


(e)day of the week.

27.  If properties of the taxi are important for the correctness of the taximeter, the taximeter shall provide means to secure the connection of the taximeter to the taxi in which it is installed.

28.  For the purpose of testing after installation, the taximeter shall be equipped with the possibility to test separately the accuracy of time and distance measurement and the accuracy of the calculation.

29.  A taximeter and its installation instructions specified by the manufacturer shall be such that, if installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, fraudulent alterations of the measurement signal representing the distance travelled are sufficiently excluded.

30.  The general essential requirement dealing with fraudulent use shall be fulfilled in such a way that the interests of the customer, the driver, the driver’s employer and the fiscal authorities are protected.

31.  A taximeter shall be designed so that it can respect the MPEs without adjustment during a period of one year of normal use.

32.  The taximeter shall be equipped with a real-time clock by means of which the time of the day and the date are kept, one or both can be used for automatic change of tariffs. The requirements for the real-time clock are—

(a)the timekeeping shall have an accuracy of 0.02 %;

(b)the correction possibility of the clock shall be not more than 2 minutes per week. Correction for summer and wintertime shall be performed automatically; and

(c)correction, automatic or manually, during a trip shall be prevented.

33.  The values of distance travelled and time elapsed, when displayed or printed in accordance with these Regulations shall be for—

(a)the distance travelled, the units of kilometres or miles, until the date is fixed according to Article 1(b) of Council Directive 80/181/EEC(2), as amended by Council Directive 89/617/EEC(3); and

(b)the time elapsed, the units of seconds, minutes or hours, as may be suitable, but keeping in mind the necessary resolution and the need to prevent misunderstandings.

Regulations 2(1) and 8



1.  The body, its director and staff involved in conformity assessment tasks shall not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier, installer or user of the taximeter that they inspect, nor the authorised representative of any of them. In addition, they may not be directly involved in the design, manufacture, marketing or maintenance of the taximeters, nor represent the parties engaged in these activities. The preceding criterion does not, however, preclude in any way the possibility of exchanges of technical information between the manufacturer and the body for the purposes of conformity assessment.

2.  The body, its director and staff involved in conformity assessment tasks shall be free from all pressures and inducements, in particular financial inducements, that might influence their judgement or the results of their conformity assessment, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of the assessments.

3.  The conformity assessment shall be carried out with the highest degree of professional integrity and requisite competence in the field of metrology. Should the body sub-contract specific tasks, it shall first ensure that the sub-contractor meets the requirements of these Regulations, and in particular of this Schedule. The body shall keep the relevant documents assessing the sub-contractor’s qualifications and the work carried out by him under these Regulations at the disposal of the Secretary of State.

4.  The body shall be capable of carrying out all the conformity assessment tasks for which it has been designated, whether those tasks are carried out by the body itself or on its behalf and under its responsibility. It shall have at its disposal the necessary staff and shall have access to the necessary facilities for carrying out in a proper manner the technical and administrative tasks entailed in conformity assessment.

5.  The body’s staff shall have—

(a)sound technical and vocational training, covering all conformity assessment tasks for which the body was designated;

(b)satisfactory knowledge of the rules governing the tasks which it carries out, and adequate experience of such tasks; and

(c)the requisite ability to draw up the certificates, records and reports demonstrating that the tasks have been carried out.

6.  The impartiality of the body, its director and staff shall be guaranteed. The remuneration of the body shall not depend on the results of the tasks it carries out. The remuneration of the body’s director and staff shall not depend on the number of tasks carried out or on the results of such tasks.

7.  The body shall satisfy the Secretary of State that it has adequate civil liability insurance.

8.  The body’s director and staff shall be bound to observe professional secrecy with regard to all information obtained in the performance of their duties pursuant to these Regulations, except vis-à-vis the Secretary of State.


Assessment of applications for certificates or notifications

9.—(1) Subject to paragraph 10, a notified body shall assess an application made by a manufacturer for the issue of—

(a)a certificate of conformity;

(b)a design or type examination certificate; or

(c)a notification of approval of the manufacturer’s quality system,

in accordance with the Annex applicable to the relevant conformity assessment procedure in respect of a taximeter.

(2) In determining such an application, the notified body—

(a)shall have regard to the actual or usual environment of the taximeter; and

(b)may have regard to any other standard or other technical criteria appearing to it to be relevant.

(3) Where, in the opinion of the notified body, the taximeter to which an application relates is compliant with the essential requirements, it shall issue a certificate or notification in accordance with paragraph 12.

(4) Where, in the opinion of the notified body, the taximeter to which an application relates is not compliant with the essential requirements, it shall issue a notice to the applicant in accordance with paragraph 15.

(5) Where a certificate or notification under sub-paragraph (3) is issued by a United Kingdom notified body, it shall send a copy to the Secretary of State.

Limitations on duties to exercise functions

10.—(1) A notified body shall not accept an application for a certificate or notification in respect of a taximeter unless the application—

(a)is in writing, in English or another language acceptable to that notified body;

(b)is accompanied by all relevant documentation, in which all writing is in English or another language acceptable to that notified body; and

(c)includes particulars of which applicable standards the manufacturer has applied or proposes to apply in respect of the instrument.

(2) A notified body shall not be required to determine an application for a certificate or notification where the manufacturer has not—

(a)granted the notified body access to the taximeter to which the application relates or the production facilities for the instrument (including, where applicable, the production facilities envisaged in relation to a representative instrument) to the extent that the notified body reasonably requests; and

(b)made available to the notified body such information as it may reasonably require to determine the application.

(3) A notified body shall not be required to carry out the functions referred to in regulation 7(4)(d) if—

(a)the person making the application has not submitted with the application the amount of the fee which the notified body requires to be submitted with the application pursuant to regulation 11; or

(b)the notified body reasonably believes that, having regard to the number of applications made to it pursuant to its designation which are outstanding, it will be unable to commence the required work within three months of receiving the application.


11.—(1) A notified body may, in exercising its functions—

(a)arrange for some other person to carry out any test, assessment or inspection on its behalf; or

(b)require the applicant to satisfy another person with respect to any matter at the applicant’s expense.

(2) But nothing in sub-paragraph (1) authorises a notified body to rely on the opinion of another person with regard to whether a taximeter is compliant with any of the essential requirements.

(3) Nothing in these Regulations shall preclude a person referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(a) or (1)(b) from charging any fee in respect of any work undertaken by him in pursuance of those sub-paragraphs.

Form of certificates and notifications

12.  A certificate or notification issued by a notified body shall be in writing and, in addition to the requirements provided for in the relevant conformity assessment procedure, shall—

(a)be in English;

(b)give the name and address—

(i)of the applicant;

(ii)where the applicant is not the manufacturer, of the manufacturer;

(c)be signed by or on behalf of the notified body and give the identification number of the notified body;


(i)the date of issue; and

(ii)the number of the certificate or notification;

(e)give particulars of the relevant taximeter (where applicable, in relation to each variant) to which it relates sufficient to identify it, and shall state whether the instrument to which it relates is a single item or a representative, or if it covers a number of variants of that instrument; and

(f)certify that the taximeter to which it relates is compliant with the essential requirements.

Conditions in certificates or notifications

13.—(1) A certificate or notification may be unconditional or may be subject to such conditions as the notified body considers appropriate.

(2) Such conditions may include—

(a)a limitation on the environment for which the taximeter is stated to be suitable; or

(b)a requirement that the taximeter is only to be installed at a specific site.

(3) The conditions imposed pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) may be varied in accordance with paragraph 15 by the notified body which issued the certificate or notification and such variation may include the imposition of new conditions or the removal of conditions.

Withdrawal of certificates or notifications

14.  The notified body which issued the certificate or notification shall withdraw that certificate or notification in accordance with paragraph 15, if it appears that the taximeter to which it relates is not compliant with the essential requirements.

Procedure where a notified body is minded to refuse to give, or to vary or withdraw a certificate or notification

15.—(1) Where a notified body is minded to—

(a)refuse to issue a certificate or notification;

(b)vary a certificate or notification (other than at the request of the person to whom it was given); or

(c)withdraw a certificate or notification,

it shall give to the applicant, or the person to whom the certificate or notification was given, a notice in writing—

(i)giving reasons for the refusal, variation or withdrawal;

(ii)specifying the date on which the refusal, variation or withdrawal, is to take effect; and

(iii)giving the applicant or person the opportunity to make representations within 21 days from the date of the notice and stating that the notified body shall consider any representations made to it within that period by that applicant or person.

(2) Where a notified body, having considered representations made to it under sub-paragraph (1), remains of the opinion that—

(a)an application for a certificate or notification should be refused; or

(b)a certificate or notification should be varied or withdrawn,

it shall inform the applicant, or the person to whom the certificate or notification was given, of that decision in writing and give that applicant or person information about the judicial remedies available to him.

(3) Where a notice is given under sub-paragraph (1) by a United Kingdom notified body, it shall send a copy to the Secretary of State.

Regulation 6(2)


1.  The technical documentation shall render the design, manufacture and operation of the taximeter intelligible and shall permit an assessment of its conformity with the appropriate requirements of these Regulations.

2.  The technical documentation shall be sufficiently detailed to ensure—

(a)the definition of the metrological characteristics;

(b)the reproducibility of the metrological performances of produced taximeters when properly adjusted using appropriate intended means; and

(c)the integrity of the taximeter.

3.  The technical documentation shall include insofar as relevant for assessment and identification of the type and/or instrument—

(a)a general description of the instrument;

(b)conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and plans of components and circuits;

(c)manufacturing procedures to ensure consistent production;

(d)if applicable, a description of the electronic devices with drawings, diagrams, flow diagrams of the logic and general software information explaining their characteristics and operation;

(e)descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), including the operation of the instrument;

(f)a list of the relevant national standards and/or relevant normative documents, applied in full or in part;

(g)descriptions of the solutions adopted to meet the essential requirements where the relevant national standards and/or relevant normative documents have not been applied;

(h)results of design calculations and examinations;

(i)the appropriate test results, where necessary, to demonstrate that the type and/or instrument is compliant with the requirements of these Regulations under declared rated operating conditions and under specified environmental disturbances; and

(j)the EC-type examination certificates or EC design examination certificates in respect of instruments containing parts identical to those in the design.

4.  The manufacturer shall specify where seals and markings have been applied.

5.  The manufacturer shall indicate the conditions for compatibility with interfaces, where relevant.

Regulation 12(3)


1.  The CE marking consists of the symbol “CE” according to the design laid down in paragraph I.B(d) of the Annex to Decision 93/465/EEC(4). The CE marking shall be at least 5 mm high.

2.  The M marking consists of the capital letter “M” and the last two digits of the year of its affixing, surrounded by a rectangle. The height of the rectangle shall be equal to the height of the CE marking. The M marking shall immediately follow the CE marking.

3.  The identification number of the notified body concerned shall follow the CE marking and the M marking.

4.  When a taximeter consists of a set of devices operating together, the markings shall be affixed on the instrument’s main device.

5.  The CE marking and the M marking shall be indelible. The identification number of the notified body concerned shall be indelible or self destructive upon removal. All markings shall be clearly visible or easily accessible.

Regulation 26


1.  In regulation 14—

(a)for paragraph (1), substitute the following paragraph—

(1) The Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland shall enforce these Regulations in Northern Ireland.; and

(b)for paragraph (2), substitute the following paragraph—

(2) No proceedings for an offence under these Regulations shall be instituted in Northern Ireland except by or on behalf of the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland or the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland..

2.  In regulation 19—

(a)the reference in paragraph (3) to written information on oath shall be construed as a reference to a complaint on oath; and

(b)for paragraph (9), substitute the following paragraph—

(9) In this regulation, “credentials” in relation to an enforcement officer, means an authenticated document showing that he is authorised to act to exercise the powers conferred on him by this regulation..

3.  In regulation 25(3), the reference to section 14(1) of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 shall be construed as a reference to section 10(1) of the Civil Evidence Act (Northern Ireland) 1971(5).

4.  In Schedule 1, for the definition of “appropriate licensing authority” substitute the following definition—

“appropriate licensing authority” means the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland..


1869 c .115; section 2 sets out the areas covered by the Act.


OJ No. L39, 15.2.1980, p.40.


OJ No. L357, 7.12.1989, p.28.


OJ No. L220, 30.8.1998, p.23.

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Explanatory Memorandum sets out a brief statement of the purpose of a Statutory Instrument and provides information about its policy objective and policy implications. They aim to make the Statutory Instrument accessible to readers who are not legally qualified and accompany any Statutory Instrument or Draft Statutory Instrument laid before Parliament from June 2004 onwards.


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  • the original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy
  • lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item
  • confers power and blanket amendment details
  • all formats of all associated documents
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  • links to related legislation and further information resources

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Use this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include:

  • the original print PDF of the as made version that was used for the print copy
  • correction slips

Click 'View More' or select 'More Resources' tab for additional information including:

  • lists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item
  • confers power and blanket amendment details
  • all formats of all associated documents
  • links to related legislation and further information resources