The Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014


Discharge of water

20.—(1) The undertaker may use any watercourse or any public sewer or drain for the drainage of water in connection with the carrying out or maintenance of the authorised development and for that purpose may lay down, take up and alter pipes and may, on any land within the Order limits, make openings into, and connections with, the watercourse, public sewer or drain.

(2) Any dispute arising from the making of connections to or the use of a public sewer or drain by the undertaker under paragraph (1) is to be determined as if it were a dispute under section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991(1) (right to communicate with public sewers).

(3) The undertaker must not discharge any water into any watercourse, public sewer or drain except with the consent of the person to whom it belongs; and such consent may be given subject to such terms and conditions as that person may reasonably impose, but must not be unreasonably withheld.

(4) The undertaker must not make any opening into any public sewer or drain except—

(a)in accordance with plans approved by the person to whom the sewer or drain belongs, but such approval must not be unreasonably withheld; and

(b)where that person has been given the opportunity to supervise the making of the opening.

(5) The undertaker must not, in carrying out or maintaining works further to this article, damage or interfere with the bed or banks of any watercourse forming part of a main river.

(6) The undertaker must take such steps as are reasonably practicable to secure that any water discharged into a watercourse or public sewer or drain under the powers conferred by this article is as free as may be practicable from gravel, soil or other solid substance, oil or matter in suspension.

(7) Nothing in this article overrides the requirement for an environmental permit under regulation 12(1)(b) of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010(2) (requirement for an environmental permit).

(8) In this article—

(a)“public sewer or drain” means a sewer or drain which belongs to the Homes and Communities Agency, the Environment Agency, a harbour authority within the meaning of section 57 of the Harbours Act 1964(3) (interpretation), an internal drainage board, a joint planning board, a local authority, or a sewerage undertaker; and

(b)other expressions, excluding watercourse, used both in this article and in the Water Resources Act 1991(4) have the same meaning as in that Act.

Protective work to buildings

21.—(1) Subject to the following provisions of this article, the undertaker may at its own expense carry out such protective works to any building lying within the Order limits as the undertaker considers necessary or expedient.

(2) Protective works may be carried out—

(a)at any time before or during the carrying out in the vicinity of the building of any part of the authorised development; or

(b)after the completion of that part of the authorised development in the vicinity of the building at any time up to the end of the period of 5 years beginning with the day on which that part of the authorised development is first opened for use.

(3) For the purpose of determining how the functions under this article are to be exercised the undertaker may enter and survey any building falling within paragraph (1) and any land within its curtilage.

(4) For the purpose of carrying out protective works under this article to a building the undertaker may (subject to paragraphs (5) and (6))—

(a)enter the building and any land within its curtilage; and

(b)where the works cannot be carried out reasonably conveniently without entering land which is adjacent to the building but outside its curtilage, enter the adjacent land (but not any building erected on it).

(5) Before exercising—

(a)a right under paragraph (1) to carry out protective works to a building;

(b)a right under paragraph (3) to enter a building and land within its curtilage;

(c)a right under paragraph (4)(a) to enter a building and land within its curtilage; or

(d)a right under paragraph (4)(b) to enter land,

the undertaker must, except in the case of emergency, serve on the owners and occupiers of the building or land not less than 14 days’ notice of its intention to exercise that right and, in a case falling within sub-paragraph (a) or (c), specifying the protective works proposed to be carried out.

(6) Where a notice is served under paragraph (5)(a), (c) or (d), the owner or occupier of the building or land concerned may, by serving a counter-notice within the period of 10 days beginning with the day on which the notice was served, require the question whether it is necessary or expedient to carry out the protective works or to enter the building or land to be referred to arbitration under article 57 (arbitration).

(7) The undertaker must compensate the owners and occupiers of any building or land in relation to which rights under this article have been exercised for any loss or damage arising to them by reason of the exercise of those rights.

(8) Where—

(a)protective works are carried out under this article to a building; and

(b)within the period of 5 years beginning with the day on which the part of the authorised development carried out in the vicinity of the building is first opened for use it appears that the protective works are inadequate to protect the building against damage caused by the carrying out or use of that part of the authorised development,

the undertaker must compensate the owners and occupiers of the building for any loss or damage sustained by them.

(9) Nothing in this article relieves the undertaker from any liability to pay compensation under section 152 of the 2008 Act (compensation in case where no right to claim in nuisance).

(10) Any compensation payable under paragraph (7) or (8) is to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part 1 of the 1961 Act (determination of questions of disputed compensation).

(11) In this article “protective works” in relation to a building means—

(a)underpinning, strengthening and any other works the purpose of which is to prevent damage which may be caused to the building by the carrying out, maintenance or use of the authorised development; and

(b)any works the purpose of which is to remedy any damage which has been caused to the building by the carrying out, maintenance or use of the authorised development.

Authority to survey and investigate the land

22.—(1) The undertaker may for the purposes of this Order enter on any land shown within the Order limits and—

(a)survey or investigate the land;

(b)without limitation on the scope of sub-paragraph (a), make trial holes in such positions on the land as the undertaker thinks fit to investigate the nature of the surface layer and subsoil and remove soil samples;

(c)without limitation on the scope of sub-paragraph (a), carry out ecological or archaeological investigations on such land; and

(d)place on, leave on and remove from the land apparatus for use in connection with the survey and investigation of land and making of trial holes.

(2) No land may be entered or equipment placed or left on or removed from the land under paragraph (1) unless at least 14 days’ notice has been served on every owner and occupier of the land.

(3) Any person entering land under this article on behalf of the undertaker—

(a)must, if so required upon entering the land, produce written evidence of their authority to do so; and

(b)may take with them such vehicles and equipment as are necessary to carry out the survey or investigation or to make the trial holes.

(4) No trial holes are to be made under this article—

(a)in land located within the highway boundary without the consent of the highway authority; or

(b)in a private street without the consent of the street authority,

but such consent must not be unreasonably withheld.

(5) The undertaker must compensate the owners and occupiers of the land for any loss or damage arising by reason of the exercise of the authority conferred by this article, such compensation to be determined, in case of dispute, under Part 1 (determination of questions of disputed compensation) of the 1961 Act.

(6) Nothing in this article overrides any requirement to obtain permits or consents under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010(5) or the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(6).

Tidal works not to be executed without approval of Secretary of State

23.—(1) Unless its construction has commenced within 5 years of the coming into force of this Order, no tidal work is to be constructed, altered or relaid except in accordance with plans and sections approved by the Secretary of State and subject to any conditions and restrictions imposed by the Secretary of State before that work is begun.

(2) If a tidal work is constructed, altered or relaid in contravention of paragraph (1) or of any condition or restriction imposed under that paragraph—

(a)the Secretary of State may by notice in writing require the undertaker at its own expense to remove the tidal work or any part of it and restore the site to its former condition; and, if on the expiration of 30 days beginning with the date when the notice is served on the undertaker it has failed to take reasonable steps to comply with the requirements of the notice, the Secretary of State may take whatever steps the Secretary of State considers appropriate to achieve the result required by the notice; or

(b)if it appears to the Secretary of State urgently necessary so to do, the Secretary of State may remove the tidal work, or part of it, and restore the site to its former condition,

and any expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State in doing so is recoverable from the undertaker.

Abatement of works abandoned or decayed

24.—(1) Where a tidal work is abandoned, or allowed to fall into decay, the Secretary of State may by notice in writing require the undertaker at its own expense either to repair and restore that work or any part, or to remove that work and restore the site to its former condition, to such an extent and within such limits as the Secretary of State thinks proper.

(2) Where a work consisting partly of a tidal work and partly of works on or over land above the level of high water is abandoned or allowed to fall into decay and that part of the work on or over land above the level of high water is in such condition as to interfere or to cause reasonable apprehension that it may interfere with the right of navigation or other public rights over the foreshore, the Secretary of State may include that part of the work, or any portion of it, in any notice under this article.

(3) If the undertaker fails to comply in any respect with a notice served under this article within the period of 30 days beginning with the date of service of the notice, the Secretary of State may take whatever steps the Secretary of State considers appropriate to achieve the result required by the notice; and any expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State in doing so is recoverable from the undertaker.

Survey of tidal works

25.  If the Secretary of State considers it expedient to do so, the Secretary of State may order a survey and examination of a tidal work or of the site on which it is proposed to construct the work, and any expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State in any such survey and examination is recoverable from the undertaker.

Lights on tidal works etc. during construction

26.—(1) The undertaker must, at or near—

(a)a tidal work, including any temporary work; or

(b)any plant, equipment or other obstruction placed, in connection with any authorised development or any work authorised by article 11 (provision of works), within the area of seaward construction activity,

during the whole time of the construction, alteration or relaying, exhibit every night from sunset to sunrise such lights, if any, and take such other steps for the prevention of danger to navigation as the Secretary of State and the Conservancy Authority or, failing agreement between them, the Secretary of State may from time to time direct.

(2) If the undertaker fails to comply in any respect with any requirements of a direction given under this article, it is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Provision against danger to navigation

27.—(1) In case of damage to, or destruction or decay of, a tidal work or any part of it, the undertaker must as soon as reasonably practicable notify the Conservancy Authority and Trinity House and must lay down such buoys, exhibit such lights and take such other steps for preventing danger to navigation as Trinity House and the Conservancy Authority or, failing agreement between them, the Conservancy Authority may from time to time direct.

(2) If the undertaker fails to notify the Conservancy Authority or Trinity House as required by this article or to comply in any respect with any requirements of a direction given under this article, it is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Permanent lights on tidal works

28.—(1) After the completion of a tidal work the undertaker must at the outer extremity of it exhibit every night from sunset to sunrise such lights, if any, and take such other steps, if any, for the prevention of danger to navigation as the Conservancy Authority may from time to time direct.

(2) If the undertaker fails to comply in any respect with any requirements of a direction given under this article, it is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Power to appropriate

29.—(1) Regardless of anything in section 33 (harbour, dock, and pier to be free to the public on payment of rates) of the 1847 Act or any other enactment, the undertaker may from time to time set apart and appropriate any part of the harbour for the exclusive or preferential use and accommodation of any trade, person, vessel or goods or any class of trader, vessel or goods, subject to the payment of such charges and to such terms, conditions and regulations as the undertaker may think fit.

(2) No person or vessel may make use of any part of the harbour so set apart or appropriated without the consent of the harbour master, and—

(a)the harbour master may order any person or vessel making use of the harbour without such consent to leave or be removed; and

(b)the provisions of section 58 of the 1847 Act (powers of harbour master as to mooring of vessels in harbour), as incorporated by this Order, extend and apply with the necessary modifications to any such vessel.


1991 c.56. Section 106 was amended by sections 36(2) and 99 of the Water Act 2003 (c. 37). There are other amendments to this section which are not relevant to this Order.


S.I. 2010/675, to which there are amendments not relevant to this Order.


1964 c.40. Paragraph 9B was inserted into Schedule 2 by the Transport and Works Act 1992 (c. 42), section 63(1) and Schedule 3, paragraph 9(1) and (5). There are other amendments to the 1964 Act which are not relevant to this Order.