The West Burton C (Gas Fired Generating Station) Order 2020

Article 2, 3, 5


In the County of Nottinghamshire and District of Bassetlaw a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1) (nationally significant infrastructure projects: general) and 15 (generating stations) of the 2008 Act, comprising—

Work No.1 — a gas fired generating station located on the West Burton Power Station Site with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 299MW comprising—

(a)up to 5 OCGT units and associated generators, potentially housed within buildings with stacks, transformers, air inlet filters and exhaust gas diffusers;

(b)associated switchgear and ancillary equipment; and

(c)auxiliary closed loop cooling equipment/system.

Work No.1 may also include a banking compound comprising up to 6 transformers, overhead busbars, cable sealing ends and associated switchgear and ancillary equipment.

Work No.2 – a gas receiving area, gas treatment and control facilities, a compression station, generator and other auxiliary control cabinets and equipment.

Work No.3 – electrical connection works comprising—

Work No. 3A – up to 400 kV electrical cables and control systems cables to and from the existing West Burton B switchyard; and

Work No. 3B – works within or adjacent to the existing West Burton B switchyard, including electrical cables, connections to busbars and upgraded or replacement equipment.

Work No.4 – auxiliary buildings, structures and equipment, comprising—

(a)emergency diesel generator and associated diesel fuel tank;

(b)contained road tanker diesel unloading area;

(c)workshop, store, control, administration and welfare building;

(d)above ground raw water and fire water storage tanks and associated infrastructure;

(e)area of hardstanding for maintenance laydown and erection of temporary buildings associated with the commissioning, operation and maintenance of the OCGT units;

(f)pipework, pipe runs and pipe racks;

(g)fire-fighting equipment, buildings and distribution pipework; and

(h)chemical storage facilities, other minor infrastructure and auxiliaries/services.

Work No. 5 – a new surface water drainage system comprising pond or a tank or similar including connection to an existing surface water drainage system on the West Burton Power Station Site.

Work No. 6 – gas supply pipeline connection works for the transport of natural gas to Work No. 1 from an existing gas receiving facility within West Burton B comprising -

Work No. 6A - on or below ground high pressure steel pipeline of up to 500 millimetres (nominal bore) in diameter and up to 150 metres in length including controls and instrumentation; and

Work No. 6B - an extension to the existing West Burton B gas receiving facility comprising –

(i)an offtake connection;

(ii)gas compressor (if required);

(iii)above and below ground valves, flanges and pipework;

(iv)an above or below ground remotely operated valve;

(v)an above or below ground remotely operated valve bypass;

(vi)an above or below ground pressurisation bridle;

(vii)instrumentation and electrical kiosks; and

(viii)telemetry equipment kiosks and communications equipment.

Work No. 7 – water supply and pipeline from Work No. 1 to an existing water supply within West Burton B.

Work No. 8 – low voltage electrical, control, metering and other cables and associated switchgear and ancillary equipment and cabinets required to connect Work Nos 1- 6 with West Burton B.

Associated development within the meaning of section 115(2(2)) of the 2008 Act in connection with Work Nos. 1 - 8 comprising—

Work No. 9 – a rail offloading area from the existing rail loop ‘merry-go-round’ on the West Burton Power Station site.

Work No. 10 – a Landscaping and Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Area.

And to the extent that it does not otherwise form part of any such works, further associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act comprising such other works or operations as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of or in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of the works in this Schedule whether or not shown on the land plans, Order limit plans and works plans and falling within the scope of the works assessed in the environmental statement comprising—

(a)vehicle parking and cycle storage facilities;

(b)construction laydown areas and contractor facilities including materials and plant storage and laydown areas; generators; concrete batching facilities; vehicle and cycle parking facilities; pedestrian and cycle routes and facilities; offices and staff welfare facilities; security fencing and gates; external lighting; roadways and haul routes; wheel wash facilities; and signage;

(c)internal access roads, roadways and footpaths;

(d)noise attenuation features;

(e)landscaping, fencing and security provisions; and

(f)lighting columns and lighting.


The are no relevant amendments to section 14 or section 15.


There are no relevant amendments to section 115(2).