works within Lake Lothing (to the extent they are situated within the Order limits) to—
(e)alter, clean, modify, dismantle, refurbish, reconstruct, remove, relocate or replace any work or structure (including lake walls);
(f)carry out excavations and clearance, deepening, scouring, cleansing, dumping and pumping operations;
(g)carry out dredging, which may include such dredging works as may be required to provide side slopes or otherwise secure the dredged area against siltation, scouring or collapse;
(h)use, appropriate, sell, deposit or otherwise dispose of any materials (including liquids but excluding any wreck within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 ) obtained in carrying out any such operations;
(i)remove and relocate any vessel or structure sunk, stranded, abandoned, moored or left (whether lawfully or not);
(j)temporarily remove, alter, strengthen, interfere with, occupy and use the banks, bed, foreshore, waters and walls of the lake;
(k)construct, place and maintain works and structures including piled fenders, protection piles and cofferdams; and
(l)provide lighting, signage and aids to navigation;