Welsh Statutory Instruments
2001 No. 2354 (W.192) (C.80)
The Care Standards Act 2000 (Commencement No. 4) (Wales) Order 2001
The National Assembly for Wales makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 122 of the Care Standards Act 2000():
Citation and interpretation
1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Care Standards Act 2000 (Commencement No. 4) (Wales) Order 2001.
(2) In this Order—
Appointed day
2. 1st July 2001 is the day appointed for section 98 of the Act (individuals providing care funded by direct payments) to come into force in relation to Wales.
Signed on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales under section 66(1) of the Government of Wales Act 1998().
Rhodri Morgan
First Secretary of the National Assembly for Wales
29th June 2001
Explanatory Note
This Order appoints 1st July 2001 as the day on which section 98 of the Care Standards Act 2000 (“the Act”) is to come into force in relation to Wales.
Section 98 of the Act amends the Protection of Children Act 1999 (“the 1999 Act”). The effect of the amendments is:
(a)a local authority in Wales may refer to the Secretary of State, for the purposes of his functions under section 1 of the 1999 Act, an individual who is or has been employed to provide care to a child, where the authority funds that care under section 17A of the Children Act 1989 (“the 1989 Act”)(), if they consider that the individual has been guilty of misconduct which harmed, or placed at risk of harm, a child();
(b)where a person who employs or proposes to employ an individual to provide care to a child under section 17A of the 1989 Act requests the funding local authority to ascertain whether the individual is included in the list kept under section 1 of the 1999 Act (or certain other lists mentioned in section 7 of the 1999 Act) the local authority shall ascertain whether the individual is included in any of those lists;
(c)where a local authority is required to ascertain whether an individual is included in any of the lists mentioned in (b) above it is sufficient for the authority to satisfy itself that, on a date within the last twelve months, the organisation which supplied the individual ascertained whether he or she was so included if the authority also obtains written confirmation of the facts as ascertained by the organisation.
Note as to Earlier Commencement Orders
The provisions of the Care Standards Act 2000 (“the Act”) in respect of which an entry is made in the Table below were brought into force in relation to Wales on the date specified alongside their entry. Those provisions whose entry is followed by “(a)” were brought into force by S.I. 2000/2992 (W.192) (C.93); those followed by “(b)” were brought into force by S.I. 2001/139 (W.5) (C.7); and those followed by “(c)” were brought into force by S.I. 2001/2190 (W.152 ) (C.70 ) .
Provision | Date of Commencement |
Sections 1—5 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 7(7) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 8 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 9(3)—(5) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 11—12 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 14—15 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 16 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 22—23 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 25 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 33—35 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 36 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 38(c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 40 (partially) (b) | 1st February 2001 |
Section 40 (remainder) (b) | 28th February 2001 |
Section 41 (b) | 28th February 2001 |
Sections 42—43 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 48—52 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 54(1), (3)—(7) (a) | 1st April 2001 |
Section 55 & Schedule 1 (a) | 1st April 2001 |
Section 72 & Schedule 2 (a) | 13th November 2000 |
Section 79(1) (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 79(2) & Schedule 3 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 79(3),(4) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Sections 107—108 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 112 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 113 (2)—(4) (a) | 1st April 2001 |
Section 114 (partially) (a) | 1st April 2001 |
Section 114 (remainder) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 115 (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 116 & Schedule 4 (partially) (b) | 28th February 2001 |
Section 116 & Schedule 4 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
Section 117(1) & Schedule 5 (partially) (c) | 1st July 2001 |
The provisions of the Act in respect of which an entry is made in the Table below have been brought into force by S.I. 2000/2544 (C.72) in relation to Wales, as well as in relation to England, on the date specified alongside their entry.
Provision | Date of Commencement |
Section 80(8) | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 94 | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 96 (partially) | 15th September 2000 |
Section 96 (remainder) | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 99 | 15th September 2000 |
Section 100 | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 101 | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 103 | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 116 & Schedule 4 (partially) | 2nd October 2000 |
Section 117(2) & Schedule 6 (partially) | 2nd October 2000 |
In addition various other provisions of the Act have been brought into force in relation to England by the following Statutory Instruments: S.I. 2000/2795 (C.79); S.I. 2001/290 (C.17); S.I. 2001/731 (C.26); S.I. 2001/952 (C.35); S.I. 2001/1210 (C.41); S.I. 2001/1536 (C.55); S.I. 2001/2041 (C.68).