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Rheoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004

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Offerynnau Statudol Cymru

2004 Rhif 1509 (Cy.158)


Rheoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004

Wedi'u gwneud

15 Mehefin 2004

Yn dod i rym

Ac eithrio rheoliadau 5, 8(2), 11(a) a 12(2)

19 Mehefin 2004

Rheoliadau 5, 8(2), 11(a) a 12(2)

1 Gorffennaf 2004

Mae Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, wrth arfer y pwerau a roddwyd iddo gan adrannau 16(1), 17(1), 26(1)(a) a (3), 31 a 48(1) o Ddeddf Diogelwch Bwyd 1990(1) a pharagraff 1 o Atodlen 1 iddi, ac sydd bellach wedi'u breinio ynddo(2) ac wedi rhoi sylw yn unol ag adran 48(4A) o'r Ddeddf honno i gyngor perthnasol a roddwyd gan yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd ac ar ôl ymgynghori fel sy'n ofynnol gan Erthygl 9 o Reoliad (CE) Rhif 178/2002 Senedd Ewrop a'r Cyngor sy'n gosod egwyddorion a gofynion cyffredinol cyfraith bwyd, yn sefydlu Awdurdod Diogelwch Bwyd Ewrop ac yn gosod gweithdrefnau ar faterion diogelwch bwyd(3) ac yn unol ag adran 48(4) a (4B) o'r Ddeddf honno, yn gwneud y Rheoliadau canlynol:

Teitl, cychwyn a chymhwyso

1.—(1Enw'r rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2004 a byddant yn gymwys mewn perthynas â Chymru yn unig.

(2Yn ddarostyngedig i baragraff (3) isod daw'r rheoliadau hyn i rym ar 19 Mehefin 2004.

(3Daw Rheoliadau 5, 8(2), 11(a) a 12(2) i rym ar 1 Gorffennaf 2004.

Diwygiadau i Reoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu 1999

2.  Diwygir Rheoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu 1999(4) i'r graddau y maent yn gymwys i Gymru yn unol â rheoliadau 3 i 14.

3.—(1Yn rheoliad 2 paragraff (1) ar ôl y diffiniad o “the Agency” rhodder y diffiniad canlynol—

“authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique” means —


a treatment with ozone-enriched air authorised and carried out in accordance with Schedule 5; or


in the case of water brought into Wales from other parts of the United Kingdom or from another EEA State a treatment which complies with Article 5 of Directive 2003/40 as implemented in that part of the United Kingdom or that EEA State..

(2Yn rheoliad 2 paragraff (1) ar ôl y diffiniad o “Directive 98/83” mewnosoder —

“Directive 2003/40” means Commission Directive 2003/40/EC establishing the list, concentration limits and labelling requirements for the constituents of natural mineral waters and the conditions for using ozone-enriched air for the treatment of natural mineral waters and spring waters..

4.  Yn rheoliad 7 is-adran (1) yn lle paragraff (a) rhodder —

(a)any treatment other than —

(i)an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique;

(ii)a treatment referred to in sub-paragraph (a) or (d) of Article 4.1; or.

5.  Ar ôl rheoliad 7 mewnosoder —

7A.(1) No person shall bottle any natural mineral water which, at the time of bottling, contains any substance listed in Schedule 6 at a level which does not comply with the limit specified in relation to that substance in that Schedule.

(2) No person shall sell any natural mineral water bottled in contravention of paragraph (1).

(3) The methods used for detection of the substances listed in Schedule 6 shall conform to the performance characteristics for analysis in Schedule 7.

(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2) above, where —

(a)(i)the water concerned does not comply with the limits in Schedule 6,

(ii)the water concerned was bottled in another EEA State,

(iii)the EEA State concerned had not, at the time of bottling, implemented Article 2(1) of Directive 2003/40,

(iv)the water was bottled prior to 1st January 2006 and at the date of bottling otherwise complied with Directives 80/777, 98/83 and the provisions of Directive 2003/40 which were in force in that EEA State; or

(b)(i)the water concerned does not comply with the limits in Schedule 6 relating to nickel and fluoride,

(ii)the water concerned was bottled in another EEA State,

(iii)the EEA State concerned had not, at the time of bottling, implemented Article 2(1) of Directive 2003/40 insofar as it relates to limits for nickel and fluoride,

(iv)the water was bottled prior to 1st January 2008 and at the date of bottling otherwise complied with Directives 80/777, 98/83 and the provisions of Directive 2003/40 which were in force in that EEA State,

that water shall be deemed to comply with the limits in Schedule 6..

6.  Ar ôl rheoliad 9 mewnosoder —

9A.  No person shall bottle any natural mineral water, or sell natural mineral water which is bottled if it has been treated with ozone-enriched air unless that treatment is an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique..

7.  Yn lle rheoliad 10 paragraff (3) rhodder —

(3) Natural mineral water shall be bottled in a bottle marked or labelled with —

(a)where it has undergone the treatment of total or partial elimination of free carbon dioxide by exclusively physical methods, the indication “fully de-carbonated” or “partially de-carbonated” as appropriate;

(b)where it has undergone an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique, the words “water subjected to an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique”, which shall appear in proximity to the analytical composition of characteristic constituents;

(c)where its fluoride concentration exceeds 1.5 mg/l —

(i)the words “contains more than 1.5 mg/l of fluoride: not suitable for regular consumption by infants and children under 7 years of age”, which shall appear in immediate proximity to the trade name and in clearly visible characters,

(ii)the actual fluoride content in relation to the physio-chemical composition, which shall be included within the mandatory information referred to in paragraph (4) below; and

(d)the mandatory information referred to in paragraph (4) below..

8.—(1Yn rheoliad 10(5)(b), ar ôl “has undergone any of the treatments referred to in paragraph (3)(a)” rhodder y geiriau “or (b)”.

(2Yn rheoliad 10(5)(c) hepgorer y gair “or” ac ar ddiwedd is-baragraff (d) ychwaneger —


(e)does not bear the labelling indication set out in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (3) above where required by that sub-paragraph..

9.  Yn rheoliad 11(1) ar ddiwedd is-baragraff (d) hepgorer y gair “and” ac ar ddiwedd is-baragraff (e) rhodder y canlynol —


(f)where the water has undergone an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique, the water is marked or labelled with the words “water subjected to an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique” which shall appear in close proximity to the particulars in paragraph (3) of this regulation..

10.  Ar ôl rheoliad 11 mewnosoder —

11A.  No person shall bottle any water described as spring water, or sell water described as spring water which is bottled, if it has been treated with ozone-enriched air unless that treatment is an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique..

11.  Yn rheoliad 17 —

(a)ar ôl rhif “7,” mewnosoder “7A(1) or (2),”;

(b)ar ôl rhif “9,” mewnosoder “9A,”;

(c)ar ôl “11(1), (2), (3) or (5),” rhodder “11A,”.

12.—(1Yn rheoliad 18, ar ôl is-baragraff (3) ychwaneger y canlynol —

(4) In any proceedings for an offence for contravening regulations 9A, 10(5)(b) to the extent that it relates to regualtion 10(3)(b)), 11(1)(f) or 11A it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that —

(a)the water in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed was bottled and marked or labelled as the case may be, before 1st July 2004; and

(b)the matters constituting the alleged offence would not have constituted an offence under these Regulations as they stood immediately before the coming into force of the Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2004..

(2Yn rheoliad 18, ar ôl is-baragraff (4) ychwaneger y canlynol —

(5) In any proceedings for an offence for contravening regulations 7A or 10(5)(e) it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that —

(a)the water in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed was bottled and marked or labelled as the case may be, before 1st July 2004; and

(b)the matters constituting the alleged offence would not have constituted an offence under these Regulations as they stood immediately before the coming into force of the Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2004..

13.—(1Yn Atodlen 1 Rhan I paragraff 2, is-baragraff (c), ar ôl y geiriau “contains no substance” hepgorer gweddill yr is-baragraff hwnnw a mewnosoder y geiriau canlynol —

  • listed in Schedule 6 at a level which does not comply with the limit specified in relation to that substance in that Schedule..

(2Yn Atodlen 1 Rhan II paragraff 2, is-baragraff (c), ar ôl y geiriau “contains no substance” hepgorer gweddill yr is-baragraff hwnnw a mewnosoder y geiriau canlynol —

  • listed in Schedule 6 at a level which does not comply with the limit specified in relation to that substance in that Schedule..

14.  Ar ôl Atodlen 4 ychwaneger Atodlenni 5, 6 a 7 a gynhwysir yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn.

Diwygiadau canlyniadol

15.—(1Yn Atodlen 1 i Reoliadau Diogelwch Bwyd (Samplu a Chymwysterau) 1990(5) (darpariaethau nad yw'r Rheoliadau hynny yn gymwys iddynt) diwygir y cyfeiriad yn yr ail golofn, gyferbyn â'r cyfeiriad yn y golofn gyntaf at Reoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu 1999, i'r graddau y mae'n gymwys i Gymru er mwyn darllen “S.I. 1999/1540 as amended by S.I. 2000/656, S.I. 2003/3042 (W.287) and S.I. 2004/ 1509 (W.158)”.

(2Yn Rheoliadau Diogelwch Bwyd (Hylendid Bwyd yn Gyffredinol 1995(6) ym mharagraff (1) o reoliad 2 (dehongli), yn y diffiniad o “water”, ar ôl y geiriau “as amended by the Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2003” rhodder y geiriau “and the Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2004”.

Llofnodwyd ar ran Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(7).

John Marek

Dirprwy Lywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

15 Mehefin 2004

Rheoliad 14


Regulation 2


1.  Treatment of natural mineral waters and spring waters with ozone-enriched air shall only be carried out if —

(a)it is for the purpose of separating compounds of iron, manganese, sulphur and arsenic from water in which they occur naturally at source;

(b)prior to treatment the water satisfies regulation 8 of these regulations;

(c)the treatment does not have a disinfectant action.

2.  Treatment of natural mineral waters and spring waters with ozone-enriched air shall not —

(a)modify the physio-chemical composition of the water in terms of its characteristic constituents;

(b)leave residues in the water which could pose a risk to public health, or, in the case of the substances listed below, above the levels specified:

Treatment residueMaximum limit (μg/l)
Dissolved ozone50

3.  A person seeking to have a process of treatment with ozone-enriched air authorised shall —

(a)make application in writing to the relevant authority within whose area the water is extracted;

(b)permit representatives of that authority to examine the proposed method of treatment, and place of treatment, and take samples for analysis in accordance with regulation 14;

(c)provide such information in support of the application as is requested by the relevant authority.

4.  The relevant authority shall assess the application and any information in its possession and shall authorise the treatment process, if it is satisfied that —

(a)the treatment process is justified by the composition of the water at source;

(b)the person carrying out the treatment is taking all necessary measures to ensure that the treatment is effective and safe;

(c)the treatment process otherwise complies with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule.

5.(a) Where the relevant authority decides to authorise a treatment process pursuant to paragraph 4 above, it shall inform the operator of the treatment process in writing, and state the date on which the authorisation for commercial use of the process begins.

(b)Where the relevant authority refuses to authorise a treatment process pursuant to paragraph 4 above, it shall inform the operator of the treatment process in writing, stating its reasons.

6.  Where a treatment process has been authorised pursuant to paragraph 4 above, the person carrying out the treatment process must continue to allow periodic examination of the treatment process by the relevant authority by the methods in paragraph 3(b) and (c), for the purpose of assessing whether the conditions in paragraph 4(a) and (b) continue to be satisfied.

7.  If the relevant authority is satisfied that the conditions in paragraph 4 above are no longer fulfilled, it may withdraw its authorisation of a treatment process by giving the person operating that process a written notice stating the grounds for withdrawal.

8.(a) Where the relevant authority decides either not to grant or to withdraw authorisation of a treatment process under paragraph 5(b) or paragraph 7 above, the person who wishes to carry out the treatment process may apply to the Agency for a review of that decision.

(b)Upon receiving the application for review the Agency shall make such inquiry into the matter as may seem to the Agency to be appropriate, and having considered the results of that enquiry and any relevant facts elicited by it, shall either confirm the decision or direct the relevant authority to grant or restore, as appropriate, authorisation of the treatment process in operation. In the case of such a direction the relevant authority shall thereupon comply with the said direction.

Regulation 7A


ConstituentsMaximum limits (mg/l)
Arsenic0.010 (as total)


1.  The constituents described above refer to constituents naturally present in the water at source and not to substances present as the result of contamination.

Regulation 7A


ConstituentAccuracy of parametricPrecision of parametric value value in %Detection limit of parametric value in %


1.  The method of analysis used to measure the concentration of the constituents in Schedule 6 shall be able to measure at least concentrations equal to the parametric value with the specified accuracy, precision and detection limits.

2.  Regardless of the sensitivity of the method of analysis, the result must be expressed to the same number of decimal places as the maximum limit set out in Schedule 6 for the particular constituent being analysed.

3.  Accuracy is the systematic error and represents the difference between the average value of a large number of repeated measurements and the exact value.

4.  Precision represents the random error and is expressed in general as the standard deviation (within a batch and between batches) of a sample of results from the average.

5.  Acceptable precision is equal to twice the relative standard deviation.

6.  The detection limit is either —

(a)three times the relative standard deviation within a batch of a natural sample containing a low concentration of the constituent; or

(b)five times the relative standard deviation within a batch of a virgin sample.

7.  The method used to detect cyanide must be such that it is possible to determine total cyanide in all its forms.

Nodyn Esboniadol

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

1.  Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn, sy'n gymwys i Gymru yn unig, yn gweithredu Cyfarwyddeb y Comisiwn 2003/40 sy'n sefydlu'r rhestr, terfynau crynodiad a gofynion labelu ar gyfer cyfansoddion dyfroedd mwynol naturiol a'r amodau ar gyfer defnyddio aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn i drin dyfroedd mwynol naturiol a dyfroedd ffynhonnau. Maent yn diwygio Rheoliadau Dŵr Mwynol Naturiol, Dŵr Ffynnon a Dŵr Yfed wedi'i Botelu 1999.

2.  Mae'r Rheoliadau yn gwneud y canlynol—

(a)rhagnodi diffiniad o dechneg awdurdodedig ocsideiddio aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn ac amodau ei defyddio (rheoliad 3 a'r Atodlen);

(b)caniatáu, am y tro cyntaf, drin dyfroedd mwynol naturiol â thechneg awdurdodedig ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn (rheoliad 4);

(c)gosod terfynau uchaf ar gyfer sylweddau penodol sy'n digwydd yn naturiol mewn dŵr mwynol naturiol a safonau ar gyfer y dulliau a ddefnyddir i ganfod y sylweddau hyn (rheoliad 5 a'r Atodlen);

(ch)darparu amddiffyniad ar gyfer cynhyrchion a gynhyrchir gan Wladwriaethau AEE eraill nad ydynt hyd yn hyn yn cydymffurfio â'r terfynau, os nad yw'r Wladwriaeth AEE o dan sylw hyd yn hyn wedi gweithredu'r terfynau hynny ac nad yw'r dyddiad cau ar gyfer gweithredu wedi mynd heibio (rheoliad 5);

(d)gwahardd trin dŵr mwynol naturiol â thechnegnau ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn heb eu hawdurdodi (rheoliad 6);

(dd)darparu ar gyfer ffurf briodol o fynegiant labelu dŵr mwynol naturiol os cafodd driniaeth awdurdodedig ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn neu os yw'n cynnwys lefel uchel o fflworid (rheoliad 7);

(e)gwahardd gwerthu dŵr mwynol naturiol heb y mynegiannau labelu priodol (a fydd yn dramgwydd yn rhinwedd gweithredu rheoliad 17 o'r prif Reoliadau) (rheoliad 8);

(f)darparu ar gyfer mynegiant labelu priodol os aeth dŵr ffynnon drwy dechneg awdurdodedig ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn a gwahardd ei werthu os yw heb y mynegiannau labelu (a fydd yn dramgwydd yn rhinwedd gweithredu rheoliad 11(5) o'r prif Reoliadau, y pennir cosb iddo gan reoliad 17 o'r prif Reoliadau sef dirwy nad yw'n fwy na lefel 5 ar y raddfa safonol) (rheoliad 9);

(ff)gwahardd potelu neu werthu dŵr a ddisgrifir yn ddŵr ffynnon os caiff ei drin â thriniaeth ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn heb ei hawdurdodi (rheoliad 10);

(g)creu tramgwyddau am botelu neu werthu dŵr mwynol naturiol sy'n cynnwys sylwedd a bennir sy'n fwy na'r terfyn uchaf; potelu neu werthu dŵr mwynol naturiol neu ddŵr ffynnon oni ddefnyddiwyd triniaeth awdurdodedig ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn (yn ddarostyngedig i gosbau y darperir ar eu cyfer yn y prif Reoliadau) (rheoliad 11);

(ng)cyflwyno amddiffyniad drosiannol i ganiatáu defnyddio stoc o gynhyrchion a botelwyd ac a labelwyd cyn 1 Gorffennaf 2004, lle byddai'r cynnyrch fel arall yn anghyfreithlon o dan y gyfraith bresennol (rheoliad 12);

(h)darparu mai'r terfynau uchaf sydd yn yr Atodlen 6 newydd i'w hychwanegu at y prif Reoliadau fydd y terfynau perthnasol ar gyfer adnabod dŵr mwynol naturiol, sy'n disodli'r terfynau yn Atodlen 3 i'r prif Reoliadau at y diben hwn (rheoliad 13);

(i)mewnosod Atodlen 5 newydd yn y prif Reoliadau, sy'n nodi —

(i)yr amodau sydd i'w bodloni cyn y gellir awdurdodi techneg ocsideiddio ag aer a gyfoethogwyd gan osôn;

(ii)proses i gael gan gyngor sir neu gyngor bwrdeistref sirol awdurdodiad ysgrifenedig ar gyfer triniaeth;

(iii)gofyniad i ganiatáu swyddogion yr awdurdod perthnasol i gynnal archwiliadau yn gyfnodol o'r broses er mwyn gwirio bod y driniaeth yn parhau i fod angenrheidiol a'i bod yn effeithiol ac yn ddiogel;

(iv)gallu awdurdod i dynnu awdurdodiad yn ôl drwy hysbysiad ysgrifenedig os nad ufuddheir i'r amodau;

(v)mecanwaith ar gyfer gwneud cais i'r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd i adolygu penderfyniad awdurdod i beidio a rhoi awdurdodiad neu ei dynnu'n ôl (rheoliad 14, Atodlen);

(j)mewnosod Atodlen 6 newydd yn y prif Reoliadau, gosod terfynau uchaf ar gyfer sylweddau sy'n digwydd yn naturiol mewn dŵr mwynol naturiol (rheoliad 14, Atodlen);

(l)mewnosod Atodlen 7 newydd sy'n cynnwys safonau ar gyfer dulliau gwyddonol a ddefnyddir i ganfod y sylweddau a bennir yn Atodlen 6 (rheoliad 14, Atodlen);

(ll)gwneud diwygiadau canlyniadol i Reoliadau Diogelwch Bwyd (Samplu a Chymwysterau) 1990 a Rheoliadau Diogelwch Bwyd (Hylendid Bwyd yn Gyffredinol) 1995 i ddiweddaru'r cyfeiriadau at y prif Reoliadau (rheoliad 15).

3.  Cafodd Arfarniad Rheoliadol llawn ei baratoi a'i osod yn Llyfrgell Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, ynghyd â Nodyn Trosi sy'n dweud sut y mae prif elfennau'r ddeddfwriaeth Ewropeaidd y cyfeirir ati uchod wedi'u trawsosod yn y Rheoliadau hyn. Gellir cael copïau oddi wrth yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd, Llawr 11, Southgate House, Caerdydd, CF10 1EW.


Trosglwyddwyd swyddogaethau'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol o dan Ddeddf Diogelwch Bwyd 1990, i'r graddau y maent yn arferadwy mewn perthynas â Chymru, i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru gan Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau) 1999 (O.S. 1999/672) fel y'i darllenir gydag adran 40(3) o'r Ddeddf Safonau Bwyd.


OJ Rhif L31, 1.2.2002, t.1.


O.S. 1990/2463; y mae diwygiadau iddo nad ydynt yn berthnasol i'r Rheoliadau hyn.


O.S. 1995/1763; y mae diwygiadau iddo nad ydynt yn berthnasol i'r Rheoliadau hyn.

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