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The Bovine Semen (Wales) Regulations 2008


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 1Construction and design of centres

PART 1EC quarantine centre

The centre must—

(a)have bovine animal housing, including isolation facilities that have no direct communication with the normal bovine animal housing;

(b)be constructed so that the bovine animal housing can be readily cleaned and disinfected; and

(c)be constructed or isolated so that contact with livestock outside is prevented.

PART 2EC collection centre or domestic collection centre

The centre must—

(a)have at least—

(i)bovine animal housing, including isolation facilities that have no direct communication with the normal bovine animal housing;

(ii)semen collection facilities, including a separate room for the cleaning and disinfection or sterilisation of equipment;

(iii)facilities where semen may be processed, which need not be on the same site; and

(iv)a semen quarantine room, which need not be on the same site;

(b)be constructed or isolated so that contact with livestock outside the centre is prevented;

(c)be constructed so that the bovine animal housing and the semen collection and processing facilities and the semen quarantine room can be readily cleaned and disinfected; and

(d)be so designed that the bovine animal housing is separated from the processing facilities and both are separated from the semen quarantine room.

PART 3EC storage centre or domestic storage centre

The centre must—

(h)be constructed or isolated so that contact with livestock outside is prevented; and

(i)have a semen storage room that can be readily cleaned and disinfected.

Regulation 7

SCHEDULE 2Measures applicable to EC quarantine centres

1.—(1) The centre veterinarian must make a record of any bovine animals to be admitted that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

(2) The centre veterinarian must pass a copy of any record made under sub-paragraph (1) to the centre veterinarian of the collection centre to which the bovine animals move, not later than the date of such move.

2.—(1) The centre veterinarian must ensure that within the 28 days preceding the period of quarantine, the bovine animals are subjected to the following tests, with negative results in each case (except for the BVD/MD antibody test referred to in sub-paragraph (1)(e)(ii))—

(a)for bovine tuberculosis, an intradermal tuberculin test carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex B to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(b)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(c)for enzootic bovine leukosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(d)for IBR/IPV, a serological test (whole virus) on a blood sample if the bovine animals do not come from an IBR/IPV free herd as defined in Article of the International Animal Health Code(1); and

(e)for BVD/MD,

(i)a virus isolation test or a test for virus antigen, and

(ii)a serological test to determine the presence or absence of antibodies.

(2) If any of the tests listed in paragraphs 2(1)(a) to (e)(i) are carried out on samples collected in the quarantine centre, the period of quarantine may not commence before the date of sampling.

(3) If any of the tests listed in paragraphs 2(1)(a) to (e)(i) prove positive, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the relevant bovine animal is immediately removed from the quarantine centre.

(4) In the case of group quarantine, the quarantine period does not commence for the remaining bovine animals until the bovine animal which tested positive has been removed.

3.—(1) During quarantine, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animals are tested as follows—

(a)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC, at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(b)for IBR/IPV, a serological test (whole virus) on a blood sample, at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(c)for Campylobacter fetus ssp. venerealis—

(i)in the case of bovine animals less than six months old or kept since that age in a single sex group prior to quarantine, a single test on a sample of artificial vagina washings or preputial specimen, at least seven days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(ii)in the case of male bovine animals aged six months or older that could have had contact with females prior to quarantine, a test three times at weekly intervals (which may start seven days after admission to the EC quarantine centre) on samples of artificial vagina washings or preputial specimen, with negative results;

(d)for Trichomonas foetus—

(i)in the case of bovine animals less than six months old or kept since that age in a single sex group prior to quarantine, a single test on a sample of preputial specimen, at least seven days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(ii)in the case of bovine animals aged six months or older that could have had contact with females prior to quarantine, a test three times at weekly intervals (which may start seven days after admission to the EC quarantine centre) on samples of preputial specimen, with negative results.

(2) If any bovine animal tests positive following a test under sub-paragraph (1), the centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)it is removed immediately from the quarantine centre; and

(b)any other bovine animal of the same group is retested for the relevant disease in accordance with sub-paragraph (1), with the period after which it can be retested starting on the date the positive bovine animal is removed.

4.—(1) During quarantine, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animals are tested for BVD/MD as follows—

(a)a virus isolation test or a test for virus antigen at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results; and

(b)a serological test to determine the presence or absence of antibodies, at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine.

(2) The centre veterinarian may allow bovine animals to be moved to an EC collection centre or a domestic collection centre only if the serological test finds no seroconversion in any bovine animal which gave a negative result to the serological test under paragraph 2(1)(e)(ii) for BVD/MD antibodies.

(3) If seroconversion occurs in any bovine animal in the quarantine centre, the centre veterinarian must ensure that bovine animals that are seronegative—

(a)remain in quarantine; and

(b)are not sent to a semen collection centre until at least three weeks have elapsed during which there has been no further seroconversion.

(4) The centre veterinarian may allow serologically positive bovine animals to be sent to a semen collection centre after—

(a)completion of 28 days' quarantine; and

(b)they have been tested in accordance with sub-paragraph (1).

5.  The centre veterinarian must make a record of those bovine animals that test positive for antibodies for BVD/MD under the serological tests at paragraph 2(1)(e)(ii) or 4(1)(b) and pass a copy of the record to the centre veterinarian of the collection centre to which the bovine animals move, not later than the date of such move.

Regulation 16


PART 1Records of enzootic bovine leukosis and marking of semen doses

1.—(1) The centre veterinarian must make a record of a bovine animal admitted that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

(2) The centre veterinarian must pass a copy of any record made under sub-paragraph (1) to the centre veterinarian of any collection centre to which the bovine animals or their semen may move, not later than the date of such move.

2.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that each individual dose of semen collected at the centre is clearly marked in such a way that the following information can be readily established—

(a)the date the semen was collected;

(b)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(c)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(d)the licence number of the centre.

PART 2Routine tests and treatment which must be applied to all bovine animals in EC collection centres

1.—(1) The centre veterinarian must ensure that all bovine animals at the centre are subjected at least once a year to the following tests—

(a)for bovine tuberculosis, an intradermal tuberculin test, carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex B to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(b)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(c)for enzootic bovine leukosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(d)for IBR/IPV, a serological test (whole virus) on a blood sample; and

(e)for BVD/MD, a serological antibody test applied only to seronegative bovine animals.

(2) The centre veterinarian must ensure that bovine animals from which semen is being collected, or bovine animals having contact with such bovine animals, are subjected at least once a year to tests on samples of preputial specimen for—

(a)Campylobacter fetus ssp. venerealis; and

(b)Trichomonas foetus.

(3) The centre veterinarian must ensure that bovine animals from which semen is to be collected after an interval of more than six months are tested not more than 30 days prior to collection resuming on samples of preputial specimen for—

(a)Campylobacter fetus ssp. venerealis; and

(b)Trichomonas foetus.

(4) Should a bovine animal become serologically positive for BVD/MD, the centre veterinarian must in respect of every ejaculate of that animal collected between the date of the last negative test (or the date that animal arrived at the centre if the positive result is from the first test carried out there) and the date of the positive test—

(a)where the ejaculate is held at the centre ensure that it is—

(i)discarded; or

(ii)used or supplied only if tested for BVD/MD with negative results; or

(b)where the ejaculate has been supplied to any person, notify that person that it is subject to the requirements of sub-paragraph (4)(a).

(5) A person given notice under sub-paragraph (4)(b) must, if the ejaculate is held by or for that person ensure that it is discarded, used or supplied in accordance with sub-paragraph 4(a).

(6) Where any person has been supplied with ejaculate, other than from the centre, and that person subsequently supplies that ejaculate to any other person, sub-paragraph (4)(b) will apply equally to that other person.

2.—(1) If any of the tests required under paragraph 1 is positive, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animal is isolated and that semen collected from it since the last negative test is (subject to paragraph 3) not supplied for intra-Community trade.

(2) The centre veterinarian must ensure that semen collected from all other bovine animals at the centre since the date when the positive test was carried out must be held in separate storage and may not be the subject of intra-Community trade until the health status of the centre has been restored to the level required by the Directive and these Regulations.

3.  Notwithstanding paragraph 2(1), in the case of a bovine animal which has tested positive for BVD/MD under a serological antibody test, the centre veterinarian may allow semen from an ejaculate which has tested negative for the BVD/MD to be the subject of intra-Community trade.

PART 3Measures applicable to processing facilities at an EC collection centre

1.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)semen processed at the centre is any of the following—

(i)semen collected at an EC collection centre;

(ii)semen collected at a collection centre approved under the Directive in another part of the United Kingdom; or

(iii)semen which is from bovine animals which have been subjected to the tests specified in Schedule 2, paragraph 2(1);

(b)any semen referred to at sub-paragraph (a)(iii) is—

(i)processed using separate equipment (which must be cleaned and sterilised after use) or at a different time from the processing of semen intended for intra-Community trade; and

(ii)identified by a marking different from that required under sub-paragraph (f);

(c)semen collected, processed and quarantined at EC collection centres and intended for intra-Community trade does not come into contact with and is not stored in the same room as any other semen processed at the centre;

(d)products of animal origin used in the processing of semen, including additives and diluents, are obtained from sources which present no animal health risk or are so treated prior to use that such risk is removed;

(e)the cryogenic agent used has not been previously used for other products of animal origin;

(f)each individual dose of semen is sealed, numbered and clearly marked so that the following information can be readily established—

(i)the date the semen was collected;

(ii)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(iii)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(iv)the licence number of the centre where the semen was collected (if applicable); and

(g)the format used for identifying semen is notified to the Welsh Ministers.

2.  The centre veterinarian may not admit semen not collected at the centre for processing unless it is accompanied by—

(a)the documents specified in regulation 14(4); and

(b)if the semen comes from unlicensed premises, the documents specified in Schedule 7, paragraph 1(c).

3.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the centre veterinarian must ensure that the antibiotics streptomycin, penicillin, lincomycin and spectinomycin are added to produce the following concentrations in the final diluted semen—

(a)not less than 500 μg streptomycin per ml final dilution,

(b)not less than 500 International Units penicillin per ml final dilution,

(c)not less than 150 μg lincomycin per ml final dilution, and

(d)not less than 300 μg spectinomycin per ml final dilution.

(2) An alternative combination of antibiotics which has an equivalent effect against campylobacters, leptospires and mycoplasmas may be used.

4.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that, immediately after the addition of antibiotics, the semen is kept at a temperature of at least 5°C for a period of not less than 45 minutes.

PART 4Measures applicable to semen quarantine at an EC collection centre

1.—(1) Prior to the initial dispatch of semen from bovine animals identified as serologically positive for BVD/MD, the centre veterinarian must ensure that a semen sample from each bovine animal is subjected to a virus isolation or virus antigen ELISA test for the BVD/MD virus.

(2) In the event of a positive result, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animal is removed from the collection centre and its semen destroyed.

2.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that frozen semen is kept in the semen quarantine facilities for at least 30 days before it leaves the centre.

3.  The centre veterinarian must not allow any semen to leave the centre unless the premises where it was collected remain clear of—

(a)foot and mouth disease; and

(b)the bovine diseases listed in Annex E(I) to Directive 64/432/EEC

for 30 days after collection or, in the case of fresh semen, until the date of dispatch of the semen.

4.  With regard to a bovine animal that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC,

the centre veterinarian must not allow its semen to leave the centre until the bovine animal has reached the age of two years and has tested negative for enzootic bovine leukosis, under a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

5.  With regard to a bovine animal vaccinated against foot-and-mouth more than 30 days before, but within 12 months of, a collection, the centre veterinarian must not allow its semen to leave the centre unless 5% (with a minimum of five straws) of each collection have tested negative to a virus isolation test for foot-and-mouth disease.

Regulation 16

SCHEDULE 4Measures applicable to EC storage centres

1.  Subject to paragraph 2, the centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)only semen is stored at the centre;

(b)semen is only stored at the centre if it has not come into contact with any other semen and—

(i)it has been collected and processed at EC collection centres, or at centres otherwise approved for semen collection under the Directive; or

(ii)it, following collection and processing at EC collection centres or at centres otherwise approved for semen collection under the Directive, has been stored at EC storage centres or at centres otherwise approved for semen storage under the Directive;

(c)the cryogenic agent used has not been previously used for other products of animal origin; and

(d)each individual dose of semen is sealed, numbered and clearly marked in such a way that the following information can be readily established—

(i)the date the semen was collected;

(ii)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(iii)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(iv)the licence number of the centre where the semen was collected (if applicable).

2.  Notwithstanding paragraph 1(a), the centre veterinarian may store deep-frozen embryos at the centre if—

(a)such storage is authorised by the Welsh Ministers;

(b)the embryos meet the requirements of Council Directive 89/556/EEC on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species(2);

(c)the centre complies with regulations 13, 14 and 15 of the Bovine Embryo (Collection, Production and Transfer) Regulations 1995(3); and

(d)the embryos are stored in separate storage containers from those containing semen.

Regulation 16

SCHEDULE 5Measures applicable to a domestic collection centre

PART 1Records of enzootic bovine leukosis and marking of semen doses

1.—(1) The centre veterinarian must make a record of a bovine animal admitted that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

(2) The centre veterinarian must pass a copy of any record made under sub-paragraph (1) to the centre veterinarian of any collection centre to which the bovine animals or their semen may move, not later than the date of such move.

2.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that each individual dose of semen collected at the centre is clearly marked in such a way that the following information can be readily established—

(a)the date the semen was collected;

(b)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(c)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(d)the licence number of the centre.

PART 2Routine tests and treatment which must be applied to all bovine animals in domestic collection centres

1.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that all bovine animals kept at a domestic collection centre must be subjected at least once a year to the following tests—

(a)for bovine tuberculosis, an intradermal tuberculin test, carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex B to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(b)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC; and

(c)for enzootic bovine leukosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

2.—(1) If any of the above tests is positive, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animal is isolated and the semen collected from it since the last negative test is destroyed.

(2) The centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)semen collected from all other bovine animals at the centre since the date when the positive test was carried out is held in separate storage; and

(b)such semen is not used or supplied until the health status of the centre has been restored to the level required by the Directive and these Regulations.

PART 3Measures applicable to processing at a domestic collection centre

1.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)semen processed at the centre is semen collected—

(i)at an EC collection centre;

(ii)at a collection centre approved under the Directive in another part of the United Kingdom or another member State;

(iii)at a domestic collection centre;

(iv)at unlicensed premises in accordance with these Regulations; or

(v)lawfully in another part of the United Kingdom;

(b)semen is not stored with semen of a different health status and semen must be identifiable by a marking different from that used in EC collection or storage centres for semen for intra-Community trade;

(c)products of animal origin used in the processing of semen, including additives or diluents, are obtained from sources which present no animal health risk or are so treated prior to use that such risk is removed;

(d)the cryogenic agent used has not been previously used for other products of animal origin;

(e)each individual dose of semen is sealed, numbered and clearly marked so that the following information can be readily established—

(i)the date the semen was collected;

(ii)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(iii)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(iv)the licence number of the centre where the semen was collected (if applicable).

2.  The centre veterinarian may not admit semen not collected at the centre for processing unless it is accompanied by—

(a)the documents specified in regulation 14(4); and

(b)if the semen comes from unlicensed premises, the documents specified in Schedule 7, paragraph 1(c).

3.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the centre veterinarian must ensure that the antibiotics streptomycin, penicillin, lincomycin and spectinomycin are added to produce the following concentrations in the final diluted semen—

(a)not less than 500 μg streptomycin per ml final dilution,

(b)not less than 500 International Units penicillin per ml final dilution,

(c)not less than 150 μg lincomycin per ml final dilution, and

(d)not less than 300 μg spectinomycin per ml final dilution.

(2) An alternative combination of antibiotics with an equivalent effect against campylobacters, leptospires and mycoplasms may be used.

4.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that, immediately after the addition of antibiotics, the semen is kept at a temperature of at least 5°C for a period of not less than 45 minutes.

PART 4Measures applicable to semen quarantine at a domestic collection centre

1.  The centre veterinarian must ensure that frozen semen is kept in the semen quarantine unit for at least 30 days before it leaves the centre.

2.  The centre veterinarian must not allow any semen to leave the domestic collection centre unless the premises where it was collected remain clear of—

(a)foot and mouth disease; and

(b)the bovine diseases listed in Annex E(I) to Directive 64/432/EEC

for 30 days after collection or, in the case of fresh semen, until the date of dispatch of the semen.

3.  With regard to a bovine animal that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC,

the centre veterinarian must not allow its semen to leave the centre until the bovine animal has reached the age of two years and has tested negative for enzootic bovine leukosis, under a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

4.  With regard to a bovine animal vaccinated against foot-and-mouth more than 30 days before, but within 12 months of, a collection, the centre veterinarian must not allow its semen to leave the centre unless 5% (with a minimum of five straws) of each collection have tested negative to a virus isolation test for foot-and-mouth disease.

Regulation 16

SCHEDULE 6Measures applicable to a domestic storage centre

1.  Subject to paragraph 2, the centre veterinarian must ensure that—

(a)only semen is stored at the centre;

(b)semen is only stored at the centre if it was collected and processed—

(i)in accordance with these Regulations;

(ii)lawfully in another part of the United Kingdom; or

(iii)in accordance with the Directive;

(c)the cryogenic agent used has not been previously used for other products of animal origin;

(d)each individual dose of semen is sealed, numbered and clearly marked so that the following information can be readily established—

(i)the date the semen was collected;

(ii)the identity of the donor bovine animal under the cattle identification regulations;

(iii)the breed of the donor bovine animal; and

(iv)the licence number of the centre where the semen was collected (if applicable).

2.  Notwithstanding paragraph 1(a), the centre veterinarian may store deep-frozen embryos at the centre provided that—

(a)such storage is authorised by the Welsh Ministers;

(b)the centre meets the requirements of regulations 16, 17 and 18 of the of the Bovine Embryo (Collection, Production and Transfer) Regulations 1995; and

(c)the embryos are stored in separate storage containers to those containing semen.

Regulation 16

SCHEDULE 7Duties of operators of unlicensed premises

1.  The operator of unlicensed premises must ensure that—

(a)the accommodation in which the bovine animals from which semen is to be collected are kept, and the collection facilities (if different), are constructed so that they can be readily cleaned and disinfected;

(b)the Welsh Ministers are notified immediately if the result of any test carried out on a bovine animal on the premises, for any disease that must be tested for under these Regulations, indicates a change in the health status of the bovine animal;

(c)semen collected is moved to an EC collection centre or to a domestic collection centre for processing, accompanied by documents certifying—

(i)the bovine animal satisfies the requirements of regulations 19(c), 19(d) and 19(e) on the day of collection.

(ii)the bovine animal satisfies the requirements of Parts 1 or 2 of Schedule 8;

(iii)that the unlicensed premises satisfy the requirements in regulation 20(2); and

(iv)the premises from which the bovine animal came satisfy the requirements in regulation 22(6).

2.—(1) The operator of unlicensed premises must make a record of a bovine animal to be admitted that—

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

(2) The operator of unlicensed premises must pass a copy of any record made under sub-paragraph (1) to the centre veterinarian of the collection centre to which the bovine animal’s semen moves for processing, not later than the date of such move.

Regulation 7

SCHEDULE 8Movement of bovine animals for semen collection

PART 1Bovine animals that may move to an EC collection centre, domestic collection centre or to unlicensed premises

The bovine animals have—

(a)completed 28 days' quarantine in—

(i)an EC quarantine centre; or

(ii)a quarantine centre approved in accordance with paragraph 1(a) of Chapter 1 of Annex B to the Directive by the competent authority of another member State or part of the United Kingdom,

where only other cloven-hoofed animals having at least the same health status were present; or

(b)undergone the tests referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 3 during the previous 12 months and have been kept in—

(i)another EC collection centre, or

(ii)a semen collection centre authorised under the Directive in accordance with paragraph 5 of Chapter 1 of Annex B to the Directive, in the case of movement of a bovine animal kept in a semen collection centre authorised under the Directive in another member State or part of the United Kingdom.

PART 2Bovine animals that may move to a domestic collection centre or to unlicensed premises

1.  The bovine animals belonged to a herd—

(a)officially tuberculosis free in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC and the herd must not contain any bovine animals that have suffered a positive reaction, or given an inconclusive result, to a tuberculin skin test carried out in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; and

(b)officially brucellosis free in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC.

2.  The bovine animals have been subjected to the following tests within the 28 days preceding the date of admission to a domestic collection centre or to unlicensed premises, with negative results—

(a)for bovine tuberculosis, an intradermal tuberculin test carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex B to Directive 64/432/EEC;

(b)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC; and

(c)for enzootic bovine leukosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.

3.  As an alternative to paragraphs 1 and 2, the bovine animals have been kept at a domestic collection centre and have undergone the tests referred to in paragraph 2 during the previous 12 months with negative results.

Regulation 31

SCHEDULE 9Information to be recorded

1.  The information referred to in regulation 31(2) is—

(a)the name and address of the person to whom the semen is supplied;

(b)the date the semen was dispatched and the means of dispatch;

(c)the name of the donor bovine animal and its identity under the cattle identification regulations;

(d)the number of straws or other receptacles supplied and their identification code.

2.  The information referred to in regulation 31(3) is—

(a)the name and address of the person who supplied the semen;

(b)the date the semen was received;

(c)the name of the donor bovine animal and its identity under the cattle identification regulations;

(d)the number of straws or other receptacles supplied and the identification code allocated to each batch of straws;

(e)the number of any straws or other receptacles damaged or destroyed and their identification code.

3.  The information referred to in regulation 31(4) is—

(a)the name of the donor bovine animal and its identity under the cattle identification regulations;

(b)the number of the straw or other receptacle used;

(c)the identification code of the straw or other receptacle;

(d)the ear tag number of the bovine animal inseminated;

(e)the date of insemination.

4.  The information referred to in regulation 31(5) is—

(a)the name of the donor bovine animal and its identity under the cattle identification regulations;

(b)the number of the straw or other receptacle destroyed;

(c)the identification code of the straw or other receptacle;

(d)the date of destruction.

Regulation 45

SCHEDULE 10Revocations

PART 1Statutory instruments revoked insofar as they apply in relation to Wales

The Importation of Bovine Semen Regulations 1984S.I. 1984/1325
The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (England and Wales) Regulations 1985S.I. 1985/1861
The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Advertising Controls etc.) (Great Britain) Regulations 1987S.I. 1987/904
The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 1992S.I. 1992/671
The Importation of Bovine Semen (Amendment) Regulations 1993S.I. 1993/1966
The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 1995S.I. 1995/2549

PART 2Statutory instruments revoked

The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Emergency Licences) (Wales) 2001S.I. 2001/1539 (W.107)
The Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002S.I. 2002/1131 (W.118)

O.J. No L 302, 19.10.1989, p.1.


S.I. 1995/2478, amended by S.I. 1996/3124.

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