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Your search for changes that affect UK Public General Acts in 1991 numbered 22 made by all legislation has returned more than 200 results:


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New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Willington C Gas Pipeline Order 20142014 No. 3328art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm Order 20142014 No. 3331art. 7(1)-(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Northumberland County Council (A1 – South East Northumberland Link Road (Morpeth Northern Bypass)) Development Consent Order 20152015 No. 23art. 9(2)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 34art. 2 Sch. para. 1.8Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Essex County Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 37art. 2 Sch. Appendix BYes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Lancashire County Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 38art. 2 Sch. para. 1.8Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Nottingham City Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 39art. 2 Sch. 1 Appendix BYes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Brighton and Hove City Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 90Sch. para. 2.8.1Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Milton Keynes Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 91Sch. para. 2.7.1Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Southampton City Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 105Sch. 1 para. 2.8.1Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Derbyshire County Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 107Sch. 1 para. 3.5Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The A160/A180 (Port of Immingham Improvement) Development Consent Order 20152015 No. 129art. 9(4)-(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Cornwall Council (A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement) Order 20152015 No. 147art. 9(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Council of the City of Wakefield MDC) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 293art. 2 Sch. Appendix DYes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Order 20152015 No. 318art. 13(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (Borough Council of Calderdale) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 328art. 2 Sch. Appendix DYes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54disappliedThe Traffic Management (City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council) Permit Scheme Order 20152015 No. 330art. 2 Sch. Appendix DYes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Knottingley Power Plant Order 20152015 No. 680art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Norfolk County Council (Norwich Northern Distributor Road (A1067 to A47(T))) Order 20152015 No. 1347art. 9(2)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Swansea Bay Tidal Generating Station Order 20152015 No. 1386art. 9(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Preesall Underground Gas Storage Facility Order 20152015 No. 1561art. 9(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Progress Power (Gas Fired Power Station) Order 20152015 No. 1570art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Order 20152015 No. 1592art. 14(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 Power Station Order 20152015 No. 1832art. 9(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Port Talbot Steelworks Generating Station Order 20152015 No. 1984art. 9(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The London Underground (Bank Station Capacity Upgrade) Order 20152015 No. 2044art. 4(4)(5)(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54modifiedThe National Grid (Hinkley Point C Connection Project) Order 20162016 No. 49art. 11(2)-(4)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The A19/A1058 Coast Road (Junction Improvement) Development Consent Order 20162016 No. 73art. 8(4)-(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106applied (with modifications)The Thorpe Marsh Gas Pipeline Order 20162016 No. 297art. 12(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Midland Metro (Birmingham City Centre Extension, etc.) (Land Acquisition and Variation) Order 20162016 No. 545art. 3(3)-(5)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme Development Consent Order 20162016 No. 547art. 10(4)-(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Midland Metro (Wolverhampton City Centre Extension) Order 20162016 No. 684art. 5(3)-(5)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe York Potash Harbour Facilities Order 20162016 No. 772art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Meaford Gas Fired Generating Station Order 20162016 No. 779art. 11(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe North Wales Wind Farms Connection Order 20162016 No. 818art. 10(5)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Hornsea Two Offshore Wind Farm Order 20162016 No. 844art. 10(2)(a)(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106applied (with modifications)The River Humber Gas Pipeline Replacement Order 20162016 No. 853art. 11(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The M4 Motorway (Junctions 3 to 12) (Smart Motorway) Development Consent Order 20162016 No. 863art. 9(4)-(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe M4 Motorway (Junctions 3 to 12) (Smart Motorway) Development Consent Order 20162016 No. 863art. 11(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Triton Knoll Electrical System Order 20162016 No. 880art. 8(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54appliedThe Brechfa Forest Wind Farm Connection Order 20162016 No. 987art. 8(3)(a)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54appliedThe Brechfa Forest Wind Farm Connection Order 20162016 No. 987art. 8(4)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Transport for Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (Trafford Park Extension) Order 20162016 No. 1035art. 4(4)-(6)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe North London Heat and Power Generating Station Order 20172017 No. 215art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Generating Station Order 20172017 No. 330art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Generating Station Order 20172017 No. 330art. 12(2)art. 12(3)(a)(4)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Keuper Underground Gas Storage Facility Order 20172017 No. 433art. 10(4)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54-106appliedThe Wrexham Gas Fired Generating Station Order 20172017 No. 766art. 10(3)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The National Grid (Richborough Connection Project) Development Consent Order 20172017 No. 817art. 11(3)(a)Yes
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991 c. 22s. 54applied (with modifications)The National Grid (Richborough Connection Project) Development Consent Order 20172017 No. 817art. 11(4)Yes

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There are many different types of effects. An “effect” can denote any way in which legislation impacts on or changes other legislation. There are three main types of effect which result in the text of the legislation changing: insertions (text is added), substitutions (text is replaced) and repeals (where existing text ceases to have effect and may also be removed from the legislation). In addition there are some effects that we record that do not result in a change to the text of the legislation e.g. “Applied” which is used where provisions of existing legislation are applied to new legislation or to some set of circumstances specified in the applying legislation.