Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793
of 22 October 2019
on the temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the Union of certain goods from certain third countries implementing Regulations (EU) 2017/625 and (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulations (EC) No 669/2009, (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2015/175, (EU) 2017/186 and (EU) 2018/1660
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation)(), and in particular Article 34(6)(a), Article 47(2)(b), Article 54(4)(a) and (b) and Article 90(c) thereof,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety(), and in particular Article 53(1)(b) thereof,
(1) Regulation (EU) 2017/625 integrates into a single legislative framework the rules applicable to official controls on animals and goods entering the Union in order to verify compliance with Union agri-food chain legislation. For that purpose, it repeals and replaces Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council() and other Union acts governing official controls in specific areas.
(2) Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2017/625, certain categories of animals and goods from certain third countries are always to be presented at border control posts for official controls to be performed prior to their entry into the Union. In addition, Article 47(1)(d) and (e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 stipulate that goods subject to measures requiring a temporary increase of official controls or emergency measures respectively, should be subject to official controls at border control posts at their entry into the Union.
(3) In that regard, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2017/625, certain goods from certain third countries should be subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts in those cases where the Commission has decided, by means of implementing acts, that these controls are necessary due to a known or emerging risk or because there is evidence of widespread serious non-compliance with the Union agri-food chain legislation. To that effect, the Commission should establish the list of such goods, indicating their codes from the Combined Nomenclature (CN) as laid down in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87() (hereinafter, ‘the list’) and update the list as necessary to reflect any developments in that regard.
(4) The list referred to in recital (3) should at this stage consist of an updated list of food and feed of non-animal origin set out in Commission Regulation (EC) No 669/2009(), which lays down rules concerning the increased level of official controls to be carried out at designated points of entry into the Union on imports of certain food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries. It is therefore appropriate to set out in Annex I to this Regulation the list of food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries to be subject to a temporary increase of official controls at the entry into the Union, in accordance with Article 47(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
(5) Moreover, the Commission should establish rules on the frequency of identity checks and physical checks for the food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of controls, in accordance with Article 54(4)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, taking into account in particular the level of risk associated with the hazard under consideration and the frequency of border rejections.
(6) Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and delegated and implementing acts adopted pursuant to Articles 47 to 64 of that Regulation, provide for one single system of official controls which applies to the areas covered by Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 884/2014(), (EU) 2015/175(), (EU) 2017/186(), (EU) 2018/1660() and by Regulation (EC) No 669/2009. For this reason, and since the rules covered in these regulations are substantively linked, as they all concern the imposition of additional measures governing the entry into the Union of certain food and feed from certain third countries due to an identified risk and which apply depending on the gravity of the risk, it is appropriate to facilitate the correct and comprehensive application of the relevant rules by establishing in a single act the provisions concerning the temporary increase of official controls on certain food and feed of non-animal origin and the emergency measures currently set out in these Regulations.
(7) The food and feed of non-animal origin subject to the emergency measures set out in Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2015/175, (EU) 2017/186 and (EU) 2018/1660 still pose a serious risk to public health which cannot be contained satisfactorily by means of measures taken by the Member States. It is therefore appropriate to set out in Annex II to this Regulation a list of food and feed of non-animal origin subject to emergency measures which consists of the updated lists of food and feed of non-animal origin laid down in Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2015/175, (EU) 2017/186 and (EU) 2018/1660. In addition, the scope of the entries in the aforementioned lists should be amended to include forms of the products other than the ones currently laid down therein, where those other forms present the same risk. It is therefore appropriate to amend all the entries concerning groundnuts to include oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil, as well as the entry concerning peppers from India to include roasted peppers (sweet or other than sweet).
(8) With a view to ensure a proper control of the risks to public health, compound food containing any of the food of non-animal origin listed in Annex II to this Regulation due to the risk of contamination by aflatoxins, in a quantity above 20 % of either a single product or as the sum of products listed, and falling within the CN Codes laid down in Annex II should also be included in the list referred to in recital 7.
(9) Moreover, the Commission should establish rules on the frequency of identity checks and physical checks for the food and feed subject to emergency measures pursuant to this Regulation, in accordance with Article 54(4)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625. It is therefore appropriate to establish such rules in this Regulation, taking into account in particular the level of risk associated with the hazard under consideration and the frequency of border rejections.
(10) Measures requiring a temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures set out in this Regulation should apply to food and feed intended for placing on the Union market since those goods represent a risk from a public health perspective.
(11) As regards consignments sent as trade samples, laboratory samples or as display items for exhibitions, which are not intended to be placed on the market, consignments of a non-commercial nature intended for private use or consumption within the custom territory of the Union and consignment intended for scientific purposes, having regard to the low risk that such consignments pose to public health, it would be disproportionate to impose a requirement that these consignments be subject to official controls at border control posts and be accompanied by an official certificate or by the results of the sampling and laboratory analyses in accordance with this Regulation. However, in order to avoid misuse, this Regulation should apply to these consignments in the case where their gross weight exceeds a certain weight limit.
(12) Measures requiring a temporary increase of official controls and emergency measures set out in this Regulation should not apply to food and feed on board means of transport operating internationally which are not unloaded and are intended for consumption by the crew and passengers since the placing on the Union market is very limited.
(13) The maximum levels of mycotoxins, including of aflatoxins in food are established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006() and in feed by Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(). The maximum levels for pesticide residues are established by Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council(). The European Union Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in food and feed has carried out a study on the correlation between pentachlorophenol (PCP) and dioxins in contaminated guar gum from India. From this study it can be concluded that guar gum containing a level of PCP below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 0,01 mg/kg does not contain unacceptable levels of dioxins. Therefore compliance with the MRL on PCP, ensures in this specific case also a high level of human health protection as regards dioxins.
(14) In relation to the rules referred to in recital (13), the provisions on sampling and analyses for the control of mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, in food are established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 401/2006() and in feed by Commission Regulation (EC) No 152/2009(). The provisions on sampling for the official control of pesticide residues are established by Commission Directive 2002/63/EC(). With a view to ensure uniform methods of sampling and laboratory analyses in third countries and Member States, the sampling and the analyses for food and feed required by this Regulation should be carried out in accordance with the aforementioned Union rules on sampling and analyses both in Member States and third countries.
(15) Moreover, in order to ensure uniform sampling procedures and analytical reference methods for the control of Salmonella in food subject to this Regulation in third countries and Member States, this Regulation should lay down such sampling procedures and analytical reference methods.
(16) Model official certificates for the entry into the Union of certain food and feed are laid down in Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2015/175, (EU) 2017/186 and (EU) 2018/1660. In order to facilitate the performance of official controls at the entry into the Union it is appropriate to establish a single model official certificate for the entry into the Union of food and feed subject to special conditions for the entry into the Union pursuant to this Regulation.
(17) Such official certificates should be issued either on paper or in electronic form. Therefore, it is appropriate to establish common requirements as regards issuance of official certificates in both cases, in addition to the requirements laid down in Chapter VII of Title II of Regulation (EU) 2017/625. In this regard, Article 90(f) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 makes provisions for the establishment by the Commission of rules for the issuance of electronic certificates and for the use of electronic signatures including in relation to official certificates issued in accordance with this Regulation. In addition, provisions should be made in this Regulation to ensure that the requirements for official certificates not submitted in IMSOC laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/628() also apply to official certificates issued in accordance with this Regulation.
(18) Model certificates are included in the electronic system TRACES, set up by Commission Decision 2003/623/EC(), to facilitate and accelerate administrative procedures at Union borders and to enable electronic communication between the competent authorities which helps preventing possible fraudulent or deceptive practices in respect of the official certificates. Since 2003, computer technology has evolved considerably and the TRACES system has been modified to improve the quality, processing and secure exchange of data. In accordance with Article 133(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, the TRACES system is to be integrated into the Information Management System for Official Controls referred to in Article 131 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (IMSOC). The model official certificate laid down in this Regulation should therefore be adapted to IMSOC.
(19) Point (c) of Article 90 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 empowers the Commission to lay down, by means of implementing acts, rules concerning the procedures to be followed for the issuance of replacement certificates. To avoid misuse and abuse, it is important to define the cases where a replacement official certificate may be issued and the requirements that need to be met by such certificate. Such cases have been laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/628 in relation to official certificates issued in accordance with that Regulation. With a view to ensure a coherent approach, it is appropriate to provide that, in the case of issuing replacement certificates, official certificates issued in accordance with this Regulation should be replaced in accordance with the procedures for the replacement certificates laid down in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/628.
(20) Provisions should be established to regularly review whether modifications of the lists out in Annexes I and II to this Regulation, including of the frequency of identity and physical checks, are necessary. This should take into account new information related to risks and non-compliance, such as the data resulting from notifications received through the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF), data and information concerning consignments and the results of the documentary, identity and physical checks communicated by the Member States to the Commission, reports and information received from third countries, information resulting from the controls carried out by the Commission in third countries and information exchanged between the Commission and Member States and between the Commission and the European Food Safety Authority.
(21) The rules to be established by the Commission in accordance with Articles 34(6)(a), 47(2)(b), and 54(4)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 are substantively linked since they all concern requirements on official controls at the entry into the Union on certain goods from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at their entry into the Union and should therefore apply from the same date. To facilitate the correct and comprehensive application of those rules, it is appropriate to establish them in a single act.
(22) The rules to be established by the Commission in accordance with Articles 54(4)(b) and 90 (c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and with Article 53(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 are substantively linked since they all concern requirements for the entry into the Union of goods subject to emergency measures pursuant to Article 53(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and should therefore apply from the same date. To facilitate the correct and comprehensive application of those rules, it is appropriate to establish them in a single act.
(23) For the purposes of simplification and rationalization, the rules laid down in Commission Regulations (EC) No 669/2009, (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2017/186, (EU) 2015/175 and (EU) 2018/1660 are consolidated into this Regulation. These Regulations should therefore be repealed and replaced with this Regulation.
(24) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,
Article 1U.K.Subject matter and scope
1.This Regulation lays down:
(a)the list of food and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at their entry into [Great Britain], established in Annex I, falling within the CN Codes and TARIC classifications laid down in that Annex, in accordance with Article 47(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625;
(b)special conditions governing the entry into [Great Britain] of the following categories of consignments of food and feed due to the risk of contamination by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues ... and microbiological contamination, in accordance with Article 53(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002:
consignments of food and feed of non-animal origin from third countries or parts of those third countries listed in [Table 1][Table 1 (England)] to Annex II and falling within the CN Codes and TARIC classifications laid down in that Annex;
consignments of compound food containing any of the food listed in [Table 1][Table 1 (England)] to Annex II due to the risk of contamination by aflatoxins in a quantity above 20 % of either a single product or as the sum of those products and falling within the CN Codes laid down in [Table 2][Table 2 (England)] to that Annex;
[(ba ) suspension of the entry into [Great Britain] of the food and feed listed in Annex IIa;]
(c)rules on the frequency of identity checks and physical checks for the consignments of food and feed referred to in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph;
(d)rules on the methods to be used for sampling and for laboratory analyses for the consignments of food and feed referred to in points (a) and (b) of this paragraph, in accordance with Article 34(6)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625;
(e)rules concerning the model official certificate required to accompany consignments of food and feed referred to in point (b) of this paragraph and the requirements for such official certificate, in accordance with Article 53(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002;
(f)rules for the issuance of replacement official certificates required to accompany consignments of food and feed referred to in point (b) of this paragraph, in accordance with Article 90(c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
2.This Regulation applies to consignments of food and feed referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 intended for placing on [the market in Great Britain].
[3 . This Regulation does not apply to the following categories of consignments of food and feed referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 unless their net weight exceeds 30 kg:
( a ) consignments of food and feed sent as trade samples, laboratory samples or as display items for exhibitions, which are not intended to be placed on the market;
( b ) consignments of food and feed which form part of passengers personal luggage and are intended for personal consumption or use;
( c ) non-commercial consignments of food and feed sent to natural persons which are not intended to be placed on the market;
( d ) consignments of food and feed intended for scientific purposes.]
4.This Regulation does not apply to food and feed referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 on board means of transport operating internationally which are not unloaded and are intended for consumption by the crew and passengers.
5.In case of doubt on the intended use of the food and feed referred in points (b) and (c) of paragraph (3), the burden of proof lies with the owner of the personal luggage and with the recipient of the consignment, respectively.
Article 2U.K.Definitions
1.For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(a)‘consignment’ means ‘consignment’ as defined in Article 3(37) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625;
(b)‘placing on the market’ means ‘placing on the market’ as defined in point (8) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002.
[(c)“appropriate computerised information management system” means the computerised information management system for official controls referred to in Article 131 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.]
2.However, for the purposes of Articles 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and of Annex IV, a ‘consignment’ means:
(a)a ‘lot’ as referred to in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 401/2006 and in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 152/2009, in relation to food and feed listed in Annex II due to contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins;
(b)a ‘lot’ as referred to in the Annex to Directive 2002/63/EC, in relation to food and feed listed in Annex II due to contamination risk by pesticides and pentachlorophenol.
[Article 2AU.K.References to CN codes and TARIC classifications
For the purpose of this Regulation, any reference to the Combined Nomenclature, CN codes, TARIC classifications, or a sub-division in respect of those codes or classifications, shall be read as a reference to the relevant corresponding provisions in the customs tariff, as established under section 8(1) of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018.]
Article 3U.K.Sampling and analyses
The sampling and the analyses to be carried out by competent authorities at border control posts or at control points referred to in Article 53(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, as part of physical checks on consignments of food and feed referred to in Article 1(1)(a) and (b), or in third countries for the purposes of the results of analyses which are required to accompany the consignments of food and feed referred to in Article 1(1)(b) as provided for in this Regulation shall be performed in accordance with the following requirements:
(a)for food listed in Annexes I and II due to possible contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, the sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 401/2006;
(b)for feed listed in Annexes I and II due to possible contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, the sampling and the analyses shall be performed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 152/2009;
(c)for food and feed listed in Annexes I and II due to possible non-compliance with the maximum allowed levels of pesticides residues the sampling shall be performed in accordance with [the methods described in the Annex to] Directive 2002/63/EC;
(d)for guar gum listed in [Annex I] due to possible contamination with pentachlorophenol and dioxins the sampling for the analysis of pentachlorophenol shall be performed in accordance with [the methods described in the Annex to] Directive 2002/63/EC and the sampling and analyses for the control of dioxins in feed shall be performed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 152/2009;
(e)for food listed in Annexes I and II due to the risk of presence of Salmonella, the sampling and the analyses for the control of Salmonella shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods laid down in Annex III;
[(ea)for food listed in Annex II due to the risk of presence of Listeria, the sampling and the analyses for the control of Listeria must be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods laid down in Annex IIIa;]
[(ea)for food listed in Annex 2 due to the risk of presence of Listeria, the sampling and the analyses for the control of Listeria must be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods laid down in Annex 3a;]
[(ea)for food listed in Annex II due to the presence of Listeria, the sampling and the analyses for the control of Listeria must be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures and the analytical reference methods laid down in Annex IIIa;]
(f)the methods of sampling and analyses referred to in the footnotes to Annexes I and II shall be applied in relation to hazards other than those referred to in points (a), (b), (c), (d) [, (e) and (ea)].
Article 4U.K.Release for free circulation
The custom authorities shall only allow the release for free circulation of consignments of food and feed listed in Annexes I and II upon presentation of a duly finalised Common Health Entry Document (CHED) as provided for in Article 57(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, which confirms that the consignment is in compliance with the applicable rules referred to in Article 1(2) of that Regulation.
Article 5U.K.List of food and feed of non-animal origin
1.Consignments of food and feed listed in Annex I shall be subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts at their entry into [Great Britain] and at control points.
2.The identification of the food and feed referred to in paragraph 1 for official controls shall be made on the basis of the codes from the Combined Nomenclature and the TARIC sub-division indicated in Annex I.
Article 6U.K.Frequency of identity checks and physical checks
1.The competent authorities at border control posts and at control points referred to in Article 53(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 shall carry out identity and physical checks, including sampling and laboratory analyses, on consignments of food and feed listed in Annex I at the frequency set out in that Annex.
2.The frequency of identity and physical checks set out in an entry in Annex I shall be applied as an overall frequency for all products falling under that entry.
Article 7U.K.Entry into [Great Britain]
1.Consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II shall only enter into [Great Britain] in accordance with the conditions laid down in this section.
2.The identification of the food and feed referred to in paragraph 1 for official controls shall be made on the basis of the codes ... indicated in Annex II.
3.Consignments referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to official controls at border control posts at their entry into [Great Britain] and at control points.
Article 8U.K.Frequency of identity checks and physical checks
1.The competent authorities at border control post and at control points referred to in Article 53(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 shall carry out identity and physical checks, including sampling and laboratory analyses, on consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II, at the frequency set out in that Annex.
2.The frequency of identity and physical checks set out in an entry in Annex II shall be applied as an overall frequency for all products falling under that entry.
3.Compound food listed in [Table 2] [Table 2 (England)] to Annex II which contains products falling only under one entry in [Table 1] [Table 1 (England)] to Annex II shall be subject to the overall frequency of identity and physical checks set out in [Table 1] [Table 1 (England)] to Annex II for that entry.
4.Compound food listed in [Table 2] [Table 2 (England)] to Annex II which contains products falling under several entries for the same hazard in [Table 1 ] [Table 1 (England)] to Annex II shall be subject to the highest overall frequency of identity and physical checks set out in [Table 1 (England)] to Annex II for these entries.
Article 9U.K.Identification code
1.Each consignment of food and feed listed in Annex II shall be identified with an identification code.
2.Each individual bag or packaging form of the consignment shall be identified with that identification code.
3.By way of derogation from paragraph 2, in case of consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II due to the risk of contamination by mycotoxins and where the packaging is combining several small packages, it is not necessary for the identification code of the consignment to be mentioned individually on all the separate small packages as long as it is mentioned at least on the package combining these small packages.
Article 10U.K.Results of sampling and analyses performed by the competent authorities of the third country
1.Each consignment of food and feed listed in Annex II shall be accompanied by the results of sampling and analyses performed on that consignment by the competent authorities of the third country of origin or of the country where the consignment is consigned from if that country is different from the country of origin.
2.On the basis of the results referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities shall ascertain:
(a)compliance with Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 [, Part 4 of the Animal Feed (Scotland) Regulation 2010, Part 6 of the Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (England) Regulations 2015 and Part 6 of the Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (Wales) Regulations 2016] on maximum levels of relevant mycotoxins, for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II due to contamination risk by mycotoxins;
(b)compliance with Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides, for consignments of food and feed listed in Annex II due to contamination risk by pesticide residues;
(c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(d)the absence of Salmonella in 25 g, for consignments of food listed in Annex II due to risk of microbiological contamination by Salmonella.
[(e)the absence of Listeria in 25 g, for consignments of food listed in Annex II due to risk of microbiological contamination by Listeria.]
3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.The results of sampling and analyses referred to in paragraph 1 shall bear the identification code of the consignment to which they relate referred to in Article 9(1).
5.The analyses referred to in paragraph 1 shall be performed by laboratories accredited in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17025 on ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories’.
Article 11U.K.Official certificate
1.Each consignment of food and feed listed in Annex II shall be accompanied by an official certificate in accordance with the model [published by the appropriate authority, as amended from time to time].
2.The official certificate shall comply with the following requirements:
(a)it shall be issued by the competent authority of the third country of origin or of the third country where the consignment is consigned from if that country is different from the country of origin;
(b)it shall bare the identification code of the consignment to which it relates referred to in Article 9(1);
(c)it shall be issued before the consignment to which it relates leaves the control of the competent authority of the third country issuing the certificate;
(d)it shall be valid for not more than four months from the date of issue, but in any case no longer than six months from the date of the results of the laboratory analyses referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 10.
3.An official certificate which is not submitted in the [appropriate computerised information management system] by the competent authority of the third country issuing the certificate shall also meet the requirements for model official certificates not submitted in [the appropriate computerised information management system] laid down in Article 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/628.
4.Competent authorities may issue a replacement official certificate only in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 5 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/628.
5.The official certificate referred to in paragraph 1 shall be completed on the basis of [guidance which the appropriate authority may publish on its website, as amended from time to time].
[ Article 11a U.K. Suspension of entry into [Great Britain]
1 .[Competent authorities] shall prohibit the entry into [Great Britain] of the food and feed listed in Annex IIa.
2 . Paragraph 1 shall apply to food and feed intended for placing on [the market in Great Britain], and to food and feed intended for private use or consumption within [Great Britain].]
Article 12U.K.Updates to Annexes
The [appropriate authority must] review the lists set out in Annexes I and II on a regular basis not exceeding a period of six months, in order to take into account new information related to risks and non-compliance.
Article 13U.K.Repeal
1.Regulations (EC) No 669/2009, (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2017/186, (EU) 2015/175 and (EU) 2018/1660 are repealed with effect from 14 December 2019.
2.References to Regulations (EC) No 669/2009, (EU) No 884/2014, (EU) 2017/186, (EU) 2015/175 and (EU) 2018/1660 shall be construed as references to this Regulation.
3.References to ‘the designated point of entry within the meaning of point (b) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 669/2009’ or to ‘the designated point of entry’ in acts other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shall be construed as references to a ‘border control post’ within the meaning of Article 3(38) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
4.References to ‘the common entry document (CED) referred to in point (a) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 669/2009’, to ‘the common entry document (CED) referred to in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 669/2009’ or to ‘the common entry document (CED)’ in acts other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shall be construed as references to the ‘Common Health Entry Document (CHED)’ referred to in Article 56 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
5.References to the definition laid down in Article 3(c) of Regulation (EC) No 669/2009 in acts other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shall be construed as references to the definition of ‘consignment’ laid down in Article 3(37) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
Article 14U.K.Transitional period
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Article 15U.K.Entry into force and date of application
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply from 14 December 2019.
[ANNEX IEFood and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts and control points
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Row | Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
1 | Bolivia (BO) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins
| 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
2 | Brazil
| Black pepper (Piper)
(Food – neither crushed nor ground)
| ex0904 11 00 | 10 | Salmonella | 50 |
3 | China
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96 2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – crushed or ground)
| ex0904 22 00 | 11 | Salmonella | 10 |
4 | Colombia (CO) | Granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
| ex0810 90 20 | 40; 50 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
5 | Dominican Republic (DO) | Aubergines (Solanum melongena)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| 0709 30 00 | 05 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| |
Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
6 | Ecuador (EC) | Bananas
(Food - fresh or dried)
| 0803 90 | | Pesticide residues | 5 |
7 | Egypt
| Oranges
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| |
8 | Georgia
| Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 92
ex2008 19 95
ex2008 19 99
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 30
Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut oil
| ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 70
05; 06
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 70
| Ghana
| Palm oil
| 1511 10 90
1511 90 11
| | Sudan dyes | 20 |
ex1511 90 19
1511 90 99
| 90
10 | Israel
| Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86
| 20 | Pesticide
| 10
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 | Pesticide
| 10 |
11 | India
| Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers
(Food – dried spices)
| 0906 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0907 | |
Cumin seeds, neither crushed nor ground
| 0909 31 00 | |
Cumin seeds, crushed or ground
| 0909 32 00 | |
Curry leaves (Bergera/ Murraya koenigii)
(Food – fresh, chilled, frozen or dried)
| ex1211 90 86 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera)
(Food - fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 10
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Fenugreek leaves
| ex0910 99 91 ex0910 99 99 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices
| 0910 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Guar gum
(Food and feed)
| ex1302 32 90 | | Pentachlorophenol and dioxins | 20 |
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 11 00 0908 12 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 | | Pesticide residues(4) (20) | 10 |
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food - dried, roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 21 10
| | Aflatoxins | 20 |
ex0904 21 90
ex0904 22 00
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| 20
10; 90
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries
(Food – dried spices)
| 0909 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food - fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
12 | Iran
| Melon seeds
| 1207 70 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
13 | Kenya
| Beans (Vigna spp.,
Phaseolus spp.)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| 0708 20 | | Pesticide residues (4) | 10
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
14 | Cambodia (KH) | Chinese celery (Apium graveolens)
(Food – fresh or chilled herb)
| ex0709 40 00 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
15 | Lebanon (LB) | Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11;19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 |
16 | Sri Lanka
| Mukunuwenna (Alternantherasessilis)
| ex0709 99 90 | 35 | Pesticide residus | 10 |
17 | Madagascar (MG) | Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata subspp.)
| 0713 35 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
18 | Malaysia (MY) | Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
(Food – fresh)
| ex0810 90 20 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
19 | Nigeria (NG) | Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
20 | Pakistan (PK) | Rice
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
21 | Sierra Leone
| Watermelon (egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00
ex1208 90 00
ex2008 99 99
| 10
| Aflatoxins | 50 |
22 | Senegal (SN) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00
| | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other
solid residues,
whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
23 | Syria
| Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds
| ex1704 90 99
ex1806 20 95
ex1806 90 50
ex1806 90 60
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 99
| 12; 92
13; 93
11; 91
41; 49
41; 49
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11; 19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 |
24 | Thailand (TH) | Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
25 | Türkiye (TR) | Grapefruits
| ex0805 40 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or dried)
| 0805 50 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 21
0805 22
0805 29
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| ex0810 90 75 | 30 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues
| 20
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Sweet Peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds
| ex1704 90 99
ex1806 20 95
ex1806 90 50
ex1806 90 60
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 99
| 12; 92
13; 93
11; 91
41; 49
41; 49
| Salmonella | 10 |
Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer
| ex1212 99 95 | 20 | Cyanide | 50 |
26 | Uganda (UG) | Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
27 | United States
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
28 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved
| 2008 50 | | Sulphites | 50 |
Dried apricots
| 0813 10 00 | |
29 | Vietnam (VN) | Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50
Coriander leaves
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 72 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 |
(Food – fresh, chilled
or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 20
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 40 |
Peppers of the genus
Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
Pitahaya (dragon fruit)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| ex0810 90 20 | 10 |
[ANNEX 1WFood and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts and control points
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Black pepper (Piper)
(Food – neither crushed nor ground)
| ex0904 11 00 | 10 | Salmonella | 50 |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – crushed or ground)
| ex0904 22 00 | 11 | Salmonella | 10 |
| Granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
| ex0810 90 20 | 40; 50 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Dominican Republic
| Aubergines (Solanum
(Food – fresh or
| 0709 30 00 | 05 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
Sweet peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10 | | Pesticide residues | 50 |
0710 80 51 | |
Yardlong beans
(Vigna unguiculata
subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 22 00 | 10 |
| Bananas
(Food - fresh or dried)
| 0803 90 | | Pesticide residues | 5 |
| Oranges
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) (Food – fresh, chilled or frozen) | ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
Sweet peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled
or frozen)
| 0709 60 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
0710 80 51 | |
Georgia (GE) | Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved,
including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12 | 30 |
ex2008 19 19 | 30 |
ex2008 19 92 | 30 |
ex2008 19 95 | 20 |
ex2008 19 99 | 30 |
ex2008 97 12 | 15 |
ex2008 97 14 | 15 |
ex2008 97 16 | 15 |
ex2008 97 18 | 15 |
ex2008 97 32 | 15 |
ex2008 97 34 | 15 |
ex2008 97 36 | 15 |
ex2008 97 38 | 15 |
ex2008 97 51 | 15 |
ex2008 97 59 | 15 |
ex2008 97 72 | 15 |
ex2008 97 74 | 15 |
ex2008 97 76 | 15 |
ex2008 97 78 | 15 |
ex2008 97 92 | 15 |
ex2008 97 93 | 15 |
ex2008 97 94 | 15 |
ex2008 97 96 | 15 |
ex2008 97 97 | 15 |
ex2008 97 98 | 15 |
Flour, meal and
powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut oil
| ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10 | 70 |
ex2007 10 99 | 40 |
ex2007 99 39 | 05; 06 |
ex2007 99 50 | 33 |
ex2007 99 97 | 23 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts
| ex0813 50 39 | 70 |
ex0813 50 91 | 70 |
ex0813 50 99 | 70 |
| Palm oil
| 1511 10 90 | | Sudan dyes | 20 |
1511 90 11 | |
ex1511 90 19 | 90 |
1511 90 99 | |
| Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
| Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers
(Food – dried spices)
| 0906 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0907 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Cumin seeds, neither crushed nor ground
| 0909 31 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Cumin seeds, crushed or ground
| 0909 32 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Curry leaves (Bergera/
Murraya koenigii)
(Food – fresh,
chilled, frozen or
| ex1211 90 86 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 95 | 75 |
Fenugreek leaves
| ex0910 99 91 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
ex0910 99 99 | |
Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices)
| 0910 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Guar gum
(Food and feed)
| ex1302 32 90 | | Pentachlorophenol and dioxins | 20 |
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 11 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
0908 12 00 | |
Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 95 | 30 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 21 10 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
ex0904 21 90 | 20 |
ex0904 22 00 | 11; 19 |
ex2005 99 10 | 10; 90 |
ex2005 99 80 | 94 |
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries
(Food – dried spices)
| 0909 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 22 00 | 10 |
| Melon seeds
| 1207 70 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
| Beans (Vigna spp.,
Phaseolus spp.)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| 0708 20 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
| Chinese celery (Apium graveolens)
(Food – fresh or
chilled herb)
| ex0709 40 00 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Yardlong beans
(Vigna unguiculata
subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 22 00 | 10 |
| Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11; 19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared
or preserved by
brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Sri Lanka
| Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis)
| ex0709 99 90 | 35 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
| Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata subspp.)
| 0713 35 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
otherwise prepared or
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other
solid residues, whether or not ground
or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Jackfruit (Artocarpus
(Food – fresh)
| ex0810 90 20 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
| Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
| Rice
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
Sierra Leone
| Watermelon (egusi,
Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00 | 10 | Aflatoxins | 50 |
ex1208 90 00 | 10 |
ex2008 99 99 | 50 |
| Groundnuts (peanuts),
in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts),
otherwise prepared or
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other
solid residues, whether or not ground
or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds
| ex1704 90 99 | 12; 92 | Salmonella | 10 |
ex1806 20 95 | 13; 93 |
ex1806 90 50 | 10 |
ex1806 90 60 | 11; 91 |
ex2008 19 19 | 41; 49 |
ex2008 19 99 | 41; 49 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11; 19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)
(Food – prepared
or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
| Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle) (Food) | ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
| Grapefruits
| ex0805 40 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or dried)
| 0805 50 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 21 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
0805 22 | |
0805 29 | |
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
(Food – fresh or
| ex0810 90 75 | 30 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Sweet Peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
0710 80 51 | |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum seeds
| ex1704 90 99 | 12; 92 | Salmonella | 10 |
ex1806 20 95 | 13; 93 |
ex1806 90 50 | 10 |
ex1806 90 60 | 11; 91 |
ex2008 19 19 | 41; 49 |
ex2008 19 99 | 41; 49 |
Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer
| ex1212 99 95 | 20 | Cyanide | 50 |
| Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
United States
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Dried apricots
| 0813 10 00 | | Sulphites | 50 |
Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved
| 2008 50 | |
Vietnam (VN) | Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Coriander leaves
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 72 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 80 95 | 30 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 40 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
Pitahaya (dragon fruit)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| ex0810 90 20 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
[ANNEX ISFood and feed of non-animal origin from certain third countries subject to a temporary increase of official controls at border control posts and control points
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
Bolivia (BO) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Brazil (BR) | Black pepper (Piper)
(Food – neither crushed nor ground)
| ex0904 11 00 | 10 | Salmonella | 50 |
China (CN) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – crushed or ground)
| ex0904 22 00 | 11 | Salmonella | 10 |
Colombia (CO) | Granadilla (Passiflora ligularis) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
| ex0810 90 20 | 40; 50 | Pesticide
| 10 |
Dominican Republic
| Aubergines (Solanum melongena)
(Food – fresh or
| 0709 30 00 | 05 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 ex0710 80 59 | 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
Sweet peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| |
Yardlong beans
(Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
Ecuador (EC) | Bananas
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0803 90 | | Pesticide
| 5 |
Egypt (EG) | Oranges
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled
or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| |
Georgia (GE) | Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 92
ex2008 19 95
ex2008 19 99
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 30
Hazelnut oil
| ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 70
| | |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts (Food) | ex0813 5039
ex0813 5091
ex0813 5099
| 70
| Aflatoxins | 20 |
Ghana (GH) | Palm oil
| 1511 10 90
1511 90 11
ex1511 90 19
1511 90 99
| 90 | Sudan dyes | 20 |
Israel (IL) | Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 | Pesticide residues |
India (IN) | Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers
(Food – dried spices)
| 0906 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0907 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Cumin seeds – neither crushed nor ground
| 0909 31 00 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Cumin seeds – crushed or ground
| 0909 32 00 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Curry leaves (Bergera/ Murraya koenigii)
(Food – fresh, chilled, frozen or dried)
| ex1211 90 86 | 10 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 10
| Pesticide
| 20 |
Fenugreek leaves (Food) | ex0910 99 91
ex0910 99 99
| | Pesticide
| 10 |
Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices)
| 0910 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Guar gum
(Food and feed)
| ex1302 32 90 | | Pentachlorophenol and dioxins | 20 |
(Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 11 00
0908 12 00
| | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried,
roasted, crushed or
| 0904 21 10
ex0904 22 00
ex0904 22 00
ex0904 21 90
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| | Aflatoxins | 20 |
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries
(Food – dried spices)
| 0909 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Yardlong beans
(Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food- fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
| Pesticide
| 20 |
Iran (IR) | Melon seeds
| 1207 70 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Kenya (KE) | Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| 0708 20 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide
| 10 |
Cambodia (KH) | Chinese celery (Apium graveolens )
(Food – fresh or chilled herb)
| ex0709 40 00 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Yardlong beans
(Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0708 20 00
ex0710 22 00
| 10
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
Lebanon (LB) | Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa )
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11; 19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa )
(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Sri Lanka (LK) | Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis)
| ex0709 99 90 | 35 | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Madagascar (MG) | Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata subspp.)
| 0713 35 00 | | Pesticide
| 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste (Food and Feed) | ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Malaysia (MY) | Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
(Food – fresh)
| ex0810 90 20 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Nigeria (NG) | Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
Pakistan (PK) | Rice
| 1006 | | Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A | 5 |
Pesticide residues | 5 |
Sierra Leone (SL) | Watermelon (egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00
ex1208 90 00
ex2008 99 99
| 10
| Aflatoxins | 50 |
Senegal (SN) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground
or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Syria (SY) | Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum
| ex1704 90 99
ex1806 20 95
ex1806 90 50
ex1806 90 60
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 99
| 12; 92
13; 93
11; 91
41; 49
41; 49
| Salmonella | 10 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa )
(Food – prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
| ex2001 90 97 | 11; 19 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa )
(Food – prepared or preserved by brine or citric acid, not frozen)
| ex2005 99 80 | 93 | Rhodamine B | 50 |
Thailand (TH) | Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle) (Food) | ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
Türkiye (TR) | Grapefruits
| 0805 40 00 | | Pesticide residues | 10 |
Lemons (Citrus limon,Citrus limonum)
(Food – fresh, chilled or dried)
| 0805 50 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 21
0805 22
0805 29
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
(Food – fresh or dried)
| 0805 10 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
(Food – fresh or
| ex0810 90 75 | 30 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Sweet Peppers
(Capsicum annuum)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| 0709 60 10
0710 80 51
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
Tahini and halva from Sesamum
| ex1704 90 99
ex1806 20 95
ex1806 90 50
ex1806 90 60
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 99
| 12; 92
13; 93
11; 91
41; 49
41; 49
| Salmonella | 10 |
Unprocessed whole, ground, milled, cracked, chopped apricot kernels intended to be placed on the market for the final consumer
| ex1212 99 95 | 20 | Cyanide | 50 |
| Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 ex0710 80 59 | 20
| Pesticide residues | 50 |
United States (US) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Uzbekistan (UZ) | Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved
| 2008 50 | | Sulphites | 50 |
Dried apricots
| 0813 10 00 | |
Vietnam (VN) | Basil (holy, sweet)
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Coriander leaves
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 72 |
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex1211 90 86 | 30 |
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 99 90
ex0710 80 95
| 20
(Food – fresh or chilled herbs)
| ex0709 99 90 | 40 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
Pitahaya (dragon fruit)
(Food – fresh or chilled)
| ex0810 90 20 | 10 |
[ANNEX II EFood and feed from certain third countries subject to special conditions for the entry into Great Britain due to contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues and microbiological contamination
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Table 1
Food and feed of non-animal origin referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(i)
Row | Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
1 | Argentina (AR) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 5 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00
| |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
2 | Azerbaijan (AZ) | Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 92
ex2008 19 95
ex2008 19 99
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 30
Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut oil
| ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 70
05; 06
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 70
3 | Bangladesh (BD) | Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 50 |
4 | Brazil
| Brazil nuts, in shell
| 0801 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing Brazil nuts in shell
| ex0813 50 31
ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 20
5 | China
| Enoki Mushrooms
| ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
Tea, whether or not flavoured
| 0902 | | Pesticide residues | 5 |
6 | Egypt
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11; 19 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
7 | Ethiopia (ET) | Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices)
| 0910 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pepper of the genus Piper;
dried or crushed
or ground fruit of
the genus
Capsicum or of the genus
(Food – dried spices)
| 0904 | |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
8 | Ghana
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
9 | The Gambia (GM) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
10 | Indonesia (ID) | Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried spices)
| 0908 11 00
0908 12 00
| | Aflatoxins | 10 |
11 | India
| Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| 10; 90
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 30 |
Pesticides residues | 30 |
12 | Iran
| Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 13
ex2008 19 93
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 20
Flour, meal and powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
Pistachio paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 60
03; 04
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 60
13 | South Korea (KR) | Enoki mushrooms
| ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
14 | Sri Lanka (LK) | Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 21 10
| | Aflatoxins | 50 |
ex0904 21 90
ex0904 22 00
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| 20
11; 19
10; 90
15 | Nigeria (NG) | Watermelon (egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00
ex1208 90 00
ex2008 99 99
| 10
| Aflatoxins | 50 |
16 | Pakistan (PK) | Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Spice mixes
| 0910 91 10
0910 91 90
| | Aflatoxins | 10 |
17 | Sudan
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00
| 20
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
07; 08
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
18 | Türkiye (TR) | Dried figs
| 0804 20 90 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Dried figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
ex2008 99 28
ex2008 99 34
ex2008 99 37
ex2008 99 40
ex2008 99 49
ex2008 99 67
ex2008 99 99
| 11
Flour, meal or powder of dried figs
| ex1106 30 90 | 60 |
Dried fig paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 50
01; 02
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs
| ex0813 50 99 | 50 |
Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 13
ex2008 19 93
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 20
Flour, meal and powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
Pistachio paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 60
03; 04
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 60
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11; 19 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
19 | Uganda (UG) | Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 20 |
Table 2
Compound food referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(ii)
Compound food containing any of the individual products listed in Table 1 of this Annex due to risk of contamination by aflatoxins in a quantity above 20% of either a single product or as the sum of products listed.
CN Code | Description |
ex1704 90 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, other than chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated. |
ex1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa. |
ex1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. |
0910 91 | Mixtures of spices . |
[ANNEX 2WFood and feed from certain third countries subject to special conditions for the entry into Great Britain due to contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues and microbiological contamination
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Table 1
Food and feed of non-animal origin referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(i)
Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 5 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 | Aflatoxins | 5 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Hazelnuts (Corylus
spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus
spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12 | 30 |
ex2008 19 19 | 30 |
ex2008 19 92 | 30 |
ex2008 19 95 | 20 |
ex2008 19 99 | 30 |
ex2008 97 12 | 15 |
ex2008 97 14 | 15 |
ex2008 97 16 | 15 |
ex2008 97 18 | 15 |
ex2008 97 32 | 15 |
ex2008 97 34 | 15 |
ex2008 97 36 | 15 |
ex2008 97 38 | 15 |
ex2008 97 51 | 15 |
ex2008 97 59 | 15 |
ex2008 97 72 | 15 |
ex2008 97 74 | 15 |
ex2008 97 76 | 15 |
ex2008 97 78 | 15 |
ex2008 97 92 | 15 |
ex2008 97 93 | 15 |
ex2008 97 94 | 15 |
ex2008 97 96 | 15 |
ex2008 97 97 | 15 |
ex2008 97 98 | 15 |
Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut oil
| ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10 | 70 |
ex2007 10 99 | 40 |
ex2007 99 39 | 05; 06 |
ex2007 99 50 | 33 |
ex2007 99 97 | 23 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts
| ex0813 50 39 | 70 |
ex0813 50 91 | 70 |
ex0813 50 99 | 70 |
| Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 50 |
| Brazil nuts, in shell
| 0801 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing Brazil nuts in shell
| ex0813 50 31 | 20 |
ex0813 50 39 | 20 |
ex0813 50 91 | 20 |
ex0813 50 99 | 20 |
| Enoki Mushrooms
| ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
Tea, whether or not flavoured
| 0902 | | Pesticide residues | 5 |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11; 19 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
| Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices)
| 0910 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pepper of the
genus Piper, dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus
Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
(Food – dried spices)
| 0904 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
The Gambia
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
| Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried
| 0908 11 00 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
0908 12 00 | |
| Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 | | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex2005 99 10 | 10; 90 |
ex2005 99 80 | 94 |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh,
chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 30 |
Pesticides residues | 30 |
| Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 13 | 20 |
ex2008 19 93 | 20 |
ex2008 97 12 | 19 |
ex2008 97 14 | 19 |
ex2008 97 16 | 19 |
ex2008 97 18 | 19 |
ex2008 97 32 | 19 |
ex2008 97 34 | 19 |
ex2008 97 36 | 19 |
ex2008 97 38 | 19 |
ex2008 97 51 | 19 |
ex2008 97 59 | 19 |
ex2008 97 72 | 19 |
ex2008 97 74 | 19 |
ex2008 97 76 | 19 |
ex2008 97 78 | 19 |
ex2008 97 92 | 19 |
ex2008 97 93 | 19 |
ex2008 97 94 | 19 |
ex2008 97 96 | 19 |
ex2008 97 97 | 19 |
ex2008 97 98 | 19 |
Flour, meal and
powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
Pistachio paste
| ex2007 10 10 | 60 |
ex2007 10 99 | 30 |
ex2007 99 39 | 03; 04 |
ex2007 99 50 | 32 |
ex2007 99 97 | 22 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios
| ex0813 50 39 | 60 |
ex0813 50 91 | 60 |
ex0813 50 99 | 60 |
South Korea
| Enoki mushrooms
| ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
Sri Lanka
| Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried,
roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 21 10 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
ex0904 21 90 | 20 |
ex0904 22 00 | 11; 19 |
ex2005 99 10 | 10; 90 |
ex2005 99 80 | 94 |
| Watermelon (egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00 | 10 | Aflatoxins | 50 |
ex1208 90 00 | 10 |
ex2008 99 99 | 50 |
| Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99 | 20 | Pesticide residues | 20 |
ex0710 80 59 | 20 |
Spice mixes
| 0910 91 10 | | Aflatoxins | 10 |
0910 91 90 | |
| Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91 | |
2008 11 96 | |
2008 11 98 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10 | 80 |
ex2007 10 99 | 50 |
ex2007 99 39 | 07; 08 |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
| Dried figs
| 0804 20 90 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Dried figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 97 12 | 11 |
ex2008 97 14 | 11 |
ex2008 97 16 | 11 |
ex2008 97 18 | 11 |
ex2008 97 32 | 11 |
ex2008 97 34 | 11 |
ex2008 97 36 | 11 |
ex2008 97 38 | 11 |
ex2008 97 51 | 11 |
ex2008 97 59 | 11 |
ex2008 97 72 | 11 |
ex2008 97 74 | 11 |
ex2008 97 76 | 11 |
ex2008 97 78 | 11 |
ex2008 97 92 | 11 |
ex2008 97 93 | 11 |
ex2008 97 94 | 11 |
ex2008 97 96 | 11 |
ex2008 97 97 | 11 |
ex2008 97 98 | 11 |
ex2008 99 28 | 10 |
ex2008 99 34 | 10 |
ex2008 99 37 | 10 |
ex2008 99 40 | 10 |
ex2008 99 49 | 60 |
ex2008 99 67 | 95 |
ex2008 99 99 | 60 |
Flour, meal or
powder of dried figs
| ex1106 30 90 | 60 |
Dried fig paste
| ex2007 10 10 | 50 |
ex2007 10 99 | 20 |
ex2007 99 39 | 01; 02 |
ex2007 99 50 | 31 |
ex2007 99 97 | 21 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs
| ex0813 50 99 | 50 |
Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
Pistachios, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 13 | 20 |
ex2008 19 93 | 20 |
ex2008 97 12 | 19 |
ex2008 97 14 | 19 |
ex2008 97 16 | 19 |
ex2008 97 18 | 19 |
ex2008 97 32 | 19 |
ex2008 97 34 | 19 |
ex2008 97 36 | 19 |
ex2008 97 38 | 19 |
ex2008 97 51 | 19 |
ex2008 97 59 | 19 |
ex2008 97 72 | 19 |
ex2008 97 74 | 19 |
ex2008 97 76 | 19 |
ex2008 97 78 | 19 |
ex2008 97 92 | 19 |
ex2008 97 93 | 19 |
ex2008 97 94 | 19 |
ex2008 97 96 | 19 |
ex2008 97 97 | 19 |
ex2008 97 98 | 19 |
Flour, meal and
powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
Pistachio paste
| ex2007 10 10 | 60 |
ex2007 10 99 | 30 |
ex2007 99 39 | 03; 04 |
ex2007 99 50 | 32 |
ex2007 99 97 | 22 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios
| ex0813 50 39 | 60 |
ex0813 50 91 | 60 |
ex0813 50 99 | 60 |
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11; 19 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
| Sesamum seeds (Food) | 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 20 |
Table 2
Compound food referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(ii)
Compound food containing any of the individual products listed in Table 1 of this Annex due to risk of contamination by aflatoxins in a quantity above 20% of either a single product or as the sum of products listed.
CN Code | Description |
ex1704 90 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, other than chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated. |
ex1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa. |
ex1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. |
0910 91 | Mixtures of spices. |
[ANNEX IISFood and feed from certain third countries subject to special conditions for entry into Great Britain due to contamination risk by mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, pesticide residues and microbiological contamination
Extent Information
Textual Amendments
Table 1
Food and feed of non-animal origin referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(i)
Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard | Frequency of physical and identity checks (%) |
Argentina (AR) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 5 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste (Food and feed) | ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed
| 2008 11 10 | |
Azerbaijan (AZ) | Hazelnuts (Corylus
spp.), in shell
| 0802 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Hazelnuts (Corylus
spp.), shelled
| 0802 22 00 | |
Hazelnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 19 12
ex2008 19 19
ex2008 19 92
ex2008 19 95
ex2008 19 99
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 30
Hazelnut oil (Food) | ex1515 90 99 | 20 |
Flour, meal and powder of hazelnuts
| ex1106 30 90 | 40 |
Hazelnut paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 70
05; 06
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing hazelnuts
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 70
Bangladesh (BD) | Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 50 |
Brazil (BR) | Brazil nuts in shell
| 0801 21 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing Brazil nuts in shell
| ex0813 50 31
ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 20
China (CN) | Enoki mushrooms (Food) | ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
Tea, whether or not flavoured (Food) | 0902 | | Pesticide
| 5 |
Egypt (EG) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11;19 | Pesticide
| 20 |
Ethiopia (ET) | Ginger, saffron, turmeric (Curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices
(Food – dried spices)
| 0910 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
(Food – dried spices)
| 0904 | |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
Ghana (GH) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
The Gambia (GM) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Indonesia (ID) | Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
(Food – dried
| 0908 11 00
0908 12 00
| | Aflatoxins | 10 |
India (IN) | Food containing or consisting of betel leaves (Piper betle)
| ex1404 90 00 | | Salmonella | 10 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste (Food and feed) | ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet) (Food – dried, roasted, crushed or ground) | 0904
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| | Pesticide residues | 20 |
10; 90
Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet) (Food – fresh, chilled or frozen) | ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Sesamum seeds (Food) | 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 30 |
Pesticides residues | 30 |
Iran (IR) | Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
prepared or
preserved, including
| ex2008 19 13
ex2008 19 93
ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 20
Flour, meal and
powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
Pistachio paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 60
03; 04
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 60
South Korea
| Enoki mushrooms
| ex0709 59 00 | | Listeria | 20 |
Sri Lanka (LK) | Peppers of the genus Capsicum (sweet or other than sweet)
(Food – dried,
roasted, crushed or ground)
| 0904 21 10
ex0904 21 90
ex0904 22 00
ex2005 99 10
ex2005 99 80
| | Aflatoxins | 50 |
11; 19
10; 90
Nigeria (NG) | Watermelon (egusi, Citrullus spp.) seeds and derived products
| ex1207 70 00
ex1208 90 00
ex2008 99 99
| 10
| Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pakistan (PK) | Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)
(Food – fresh, chilled or frozen)
| ex0709 60 99
ex0710 80 59
| 20
| Pesticide residues | 20 |
Spice mixes
| 0910 91 10
0910 91 90
| | Aflatoxins | 10 |
Sudan (SD) | Groundnuts (peanuts), in shell
(Food and feed)
| 1202 41 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Groundnuts (peanuts), shelled
(Food and feed)
| 1202 42 00 | |
Groundnuts (peanuts), otherwise prepared or preserved
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 91
2008 11 96
2008 11 98
| |
Groundnut flours and meals
(Food and feed)
| ex1208 90 00 | 20 |
Groundnuts paste
(Food and feed)
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
| 80
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of groundnut oil
(Food and feed)
| 2305 00 00 | |
Peanut butter
(Food and feed)
| 2008 11 10 | |
Sesamum seeds
| 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 50 |
Türkiye (TR) | Dried figs
| 0804 20 90 | | Aflatoxins | 20 |
Dried fig paste
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 50
01; 02
Dried figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures
| ex2008 97 12
ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
ex2008 99 28
ex2008 99 34 ex2008 99 37
ex2008 99 40
ex2008 99 49
ex2008 99 67
ex2008 99 99
| 11
Flour, meal or
powder of dried figs
| ex1106 30 90 | 60 |
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs
| ex0813 50 99 | 50 |
Pistachios, in shell
| 0802 51 00 | | Aflatoxins | 50 |
Pistachios, shelled
| 0802 52 00 | |
prepared or
preserved, including
| ex2008 19 13
ex2008 19 93
ex2008 97 12 ex2008 97 14
ex2008 97 16
ex2008 97 18
ex2008 97 32
ex2008 97 34
ex2008 97 36
ex2008 97 38
ex2008 97 51
ex2008 97 59
ex2008 97 72
ex2008 97 74
ex2008 97 76
ex2008 97 78
ex2008 97 92
ex2008 97 93
ex2008 97 94
ex2008 97 96
ex2008 97 97
ex2008 97 98
| 20
Flour, meal and powder of pistachios
| ex1106 30 90 | 50 |
| ex2007 10 10
ex2007 10 99
ex2007 99 39
ex2007 99 50
ex2007 99 97
| 60
03; 04
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing
| ex0813 50 39
ex0813 50 91
ex0813 50 99
| 60
Vine leaves
| ex2008 99 99 | 11; 19 | Pesticide residues | 50 |
Uganda (UG) | Sesamum seeds (Food) | 1207 40 90 | | Salmonella | 20 |
Table 2
Compound food referred to in Article 1(1)(b)(ii)
Compound food containing any of the individual products listed in Table 1 of this Annex due to risk of contamination by aflatoxins in a quantity above 20% of either a single product or as the sum of products listed.
CN Code | Description |
ex1704 90 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa, other than chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated. |
ex1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa. |
ex1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. |
0910 91 | Mixtures of spices. |
[ANNEX IIa U.K. Food and feed from certain third countries subject to suspension of entry into Great Britain referred to in Article 11a
Row | Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard |
1 | Nigeria (NG) | Food
consisting of
dried beans
| 0713 35 00 | | Pesticide residues |
0713 39 00 |
0713 90 00 |
[Table: England
Food and feed from certain third countries subject to suspension of entry into Great Britain referred to in Article 11a
Row | Country of origin | Food and feed (intended use) | CN code | TARIC sub-division | Hazard |
1 | Nigeria (NG) | Food
consisting of
dried beans
| 0713 35 00 | | Pesticide residues |
0713 39 00 |
0713 90 00 |
(1)Sampling procedures and analytical reference methods referred to in Article 3(e)U.K.
1.Sampling procedures and analytical reference methods for the control of presence of Salmonella in foodU.K.
In the case where Annexes I or II to this Regulation provide for the application of the sampling procedures and analytical reference methods laid down in point 1(a) of Annex III to this Regulation, the following rules shall apply:
Analytical reference method | Weight of consignment | Number of sample units (n) | Sampling procedures | Analytical result required for each sample unit of the same consignment |
EN ISO 6579-1 | Less than 20 tonnes | 5 | n sample units are collected of a minimum of 100 g each. If batches are identified in the CHED, the sample units shall be collected from the different batches randomly chosen from the consignment. If batches cannot be identified, the sample units are collected randomly from the consignment. Pooling of sample units is not allowed. Each sample unit shall be tested separately. | No detection of Salmonella in 25 g |
Greater than or equal to 20 tonnes | 10 |
In the case where Annexes I or II to this Regulation provide for the application of the sampling procedures and analytical reference methods laid down in point 1(b) of Annex III to this Regulation, the following rules shall apply:
Analytical reference method | Weight of consignment | Number of sample units (n) | Sampling procedures | Analytical result required for each sample unit of the same consignment |
EN ISO 6579-1 | Any weight | 5 | n sample units are collected of a minimum of 100 g each. If batches are identified in the CHED, the sample units shall be collected from the different batches randomly chosen from the consignment. If batches cannot be identified, the sample units are collected randomly from the consignment. Pooling of sample units is not allowed. Each sample unit shall be tested separately. | No detection of Salmonella in 25 g |
[Annex 3aU.K.Sampling procedure and analytical reference method for the control of presence of Listeria in food
Table: England
Sampling procedure and analytical reference method for the control of presence of Listeria in food, referred to in Article 3(ea)
Analytical reference method | Weight of consignment | Number of sample units (n) | Sampling procedures | Analytical result required for each sample unit of the same consignment |
BS EN ISO 11290-1:2017 | Any weight | 5 | n sample units are collected of a minimum of 100 g each. If batches are identified in the CHED, the sample units shall be collected from the different batches randomly chosen from the consignment. If batches cannot be identified, the sample units are collected randomly from the consignment. Pooling of sample units is not allowed. Each sample unit shall be tested separately. | No detection of Listeria in 25g |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .