Article 5.Obligations of parties involved in the maintenance process
Article 7.Certification of entities in charge of maintenance
Article 10.Certification for outsourced maintenance functions
I. Requirements and assessment criteria for the management function
1. Leadership — commitment to the development and implementation of the...
2. Risk management — a structured approach to assess risks associated...
3. Monitoring — a structured approach to ensure that risk control...
4. Continuous improvement — a structured approach to analyse the information...
5. Structure and responsibility — a structured approach to define the...
5.1. The organisation shall have procedures to allocate responsibilities for all...
5.2. The organisation shall have procedures to clearly define safety-related areas...
5.3. The organisation shall have procedures to ensure that staff with...
5.4. The organisation shall have procedures to ensure the coordination of...
5.5. The organisation shall have procedures to hold those with a...
6. Competence management — a structured approach to ensure that employees...
7. Information — a structured approach to ensure that important information...
8. Documentation — a structured approach to ensure the traceability of...
9. Contracting activities — a structured approach to ensure that subcontracted...
9.1. The organisation shall have procedures in place to ensure that...
9.2. When making use of contractors or suppliers, or both, for...
9.3. The organisation shall have a procedure to define the requirements...
9.4. The organisation shall have procedures to monitor the awareness of...
9.5. When the maintenance or management system of a contractor or...
9.6. At least the basic principles for the following processes shall...
II. Requirements and assessment criteria for the maintenance development function
1. The organisation shall have a procedure to identify and manage:...
2. The organisation shall have procedures to guarantee conformity with the...
3. The organisation shall have a procedure to design and support...
4. When vehicles start operations, the organisation shall have procedures to:...
5. To keep the maintenance file updated throughout the lifecycle of...
6. When the competence management process is applied to the maintenance...
7. When the documentation process is applied to the maintenance development...
III. Requirements and assessment criteria for the fleet maintenance management function...
1. The organisation shall have a procedure to check the competence,...
2. The organisation shall have a procedure for the composition of...
3. The organisation shall have a procedure to send vehicles for...
4. The organisation shall have a procedure to manage the removal...
5. The organisation shall have a procedure to define the necessary...
6. The organisation shall have a procedure to issue a notice...
7. When the competence management process is applied to the fleet...
8. When the information process is applied to the fleet maintenance...
9. When the information process is applied to the fleet maintenance...
10. When the documentation process is applied to the fleet maintenance...
IV. Requirements and assessment criteria for the maintenance delivery function
3. The organisation shall have procedures to determine, identify, provide, record...
4. Where necessary to ensure valid results, the organisation shall have...
5. The organisation shall have procedures to ensure that all facilities,...
6. The organisation shall have procedures to check that performed tasks...
7. When the risk assessment process (in particular points 2.2 and...
8. When the competence management process is applied to the maintenance...
9. When the information process is applied to the maintenance delivery...
10. When the documentation process is applied to the maintenance delivery...