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Immigration And Social Security Co-Ordination (Eu Withdrawal) Act 2020

Annex A – Glossary

  • Term
  • Reference
1971 Act Immigration Act 1971
2002 Act Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002
EUWA 2018 European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
EUWAA 2020 European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020
EEA European Economic Area. Comprises all EU Member States, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
EFTA European Free Trade Association. The EFTA Member States are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Immigration Rules Rules laid down by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 3(2) of the Immigration Act 1971
MAC Migration Advisory Committee
Affirmative procedure

A type of parliamentary procedure that applies to statutory instruments (SIs). Its name describes the form of scrutiny that the SI receives from Parliament.

An SI laid under the affirmative procedure must be actively approved by both Houses of Parliament.

Made affirmative procedure

A type of parliamentary procedure that applies to statutory instruments (SIs). Its name describes the form of scrutiny that the SI receives from Parliament.

An SI made under this procedure comes into effect immediately and Parliament has a set time to approve it (debates must be held in both Houses within 40 days of the SI being made). The SI will stop being law if Parliament does not approve the SI within that prescribed time.

Negative procedure

A type of parliamentary procedure that applies to statutory instruments (SIs). Its name describes the form of scrutiny that the SI receives from Parliament.

An SI laid under the negative procedure becomes law on the day the Minister makes it and remains law unless a motion – or ‘prayer’ – to reject it is agreed by either House within 40 sitting days.

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