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Immigration And Social Security Co-Ordination (Eu Withdrawal) Act 2020

Annex B – Hansard References

The following table sets out the dates and Hansard references for each stage of the Act’s passage through Parliament:

Stage Date Hansard reference
House of Commons
Introduction and First Reading 5 March 2020 Vol 672 Col. 1008 (opens in new window)
Second Reading 18 May 2020 Vol. 676 Col. 398 -468 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee First Sitting 9 June 2020 Cols 1 - 30 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Second Sitting 9 June 2020 Cols 31 - 78 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Third Sitting 11 June 2020 Cols 79 - 108 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Fourth Sitting 11 June 2020 Cols 109 - 148 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Fifth Sitting 16 June 2020 Cols 149 - 186 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Sixth Sitting 16 June 2020 Cols 187 - 244 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Seventh Sitting 18 June 2020 Cols 245 - 278 (opens in new window)
Public Bill Committee Eighth Sitting 18 June 2020 Cols 279 - 330 (opens in new window)
Report Stage and Third Reading 30 June 2020 Vol. 678 Col 191 (opens in new window)
House of Lords
Introduction and First Reading 1 July 2020 Vol. 804 (opens in new window)
Second Reading 22 July 2020 Vol. 804 Cols 2229 - 2297 (opens in new window)
Committee First Sitting 7 September 2020 Vol. 805 Cols 552 - 650 (opens in new window)
Committee Second Sitting 9 September 2020 Vol. 805 Cols 787 - 902 (opens in new window)
Committee Third Sitting 14 September 2020 Vol. 805 Cols 1010 - 1114 (opens in new window)
Committee Fourth Sitting 16 September 2020 Vol 805 Cols 1288 - 1382 (opens in new window)
Report First Sitting 30 September 2020 Vol 806 Cols 166 - 274 (opens in new window)
Report Second Sitting 5 October 2020 Vol 806 Cols 364-367, 368-370, 371-374 (opens in new window) , 392 -504 (opens in new window)
Report Third Sitting 6 October 2020 Vol 806 Cols 558 - 602 (opens in new window)
Third Reading 12 October 2020 Vol 806 Cols 881 - 885 (opens in new window)
Ping Pong
Commons Consideration of Lords Amendment 19 October 2020 Vol 682 Cols 802 - 871 (opens in new window)
Lords Consideration of Commons Amendments 21 October 2020 Vol 806 Cols 1575 - 1624 (opens in new window)
Commons Consideration of Lords Amendment 4 November 2020 Vol 683 Cols 408 – 424, 425 - 428 (opens in new window)
Royal Assent 11 November 2020

Commons Vol 683 (opens in new window)

Lords Vol 807  (opens in new window)

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