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Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021

Annex B – Hansard references

  1. The following table sets out the dates and Hansard references for each stage of the Act’s passage through Parliament.
    Stage Date Hansard Reference
    House of Commons
    Introduction 24 November 2020 Vol. 684 Col. 715 (opens in new window)
    Second Reading 30 November 2020 Vol. 685 Col. 70 (opens in new window)
    Public Bill Committee 14 January 2021 1st sitting (opens in new window)
    2nd sitting (opens in new window)
    19 January 2021 3rd sitting (opens in new window)
    4th sitting (opens in new window)
    21 January 2021 5th sitting (opens in new window)
    6th sitting (opens in new window)
    26 January 2021 7th sitting (opens in new window)
    8th sitting (opens in new window)
    Report and Third Reading 25 May 2021 Vol. 696 Col. 278 (opens in new window)
    House of Lords
    Introduction 26 May 2021 Vol. 812 Col. 1087 (opens in new window)
    Second Reading 29 June 2021 Vol. 813 Col. 707 (opens in new window)
    Grand Committee 13 July 2021 Vol. 813 Col. 460GC (opens in new window)
    15 July 2021 Vol. 813 Col. 520GC (opens in new window)
    Report 19 October 2021 Vol. 815 Col. 72 (opens in new window)
    Third Reading 26 October 2021 Vol. 815 Col. 647 (opens in new window)
    Commons Consideration of Lords Amendments 8 November 2021 Vol. 703 Col. 109 (opens in new window)
    Lords Consideration of Commons Reasons 15 November 2021 Vol. 816 Col. 22 (opens in new window)
    Royal Assent 17 November 2021 House of Commons Vol.703 Col. 623  (opens in new window)
    17 November 2021 House of Lords Vol. 816 Col. 278 (opens in new window)

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