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PART 1 Interpretation and categorisation
CHAPTER 2 Categorisation as public transport or commercial operation
9.Public transport – special rule for associations of persons
11.Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – flying displays
12.Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – charity flights
13.Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – cost sharing
14.Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – parachuting
16.Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – glider towing
PART 4 Airworthiness of Aircraft
CHAPTER 2 Initial airworthiness – Non-Part-21 aircraft
37.Certificate of airworthiness for State aircraft registered in the United Kingdom
38.Issue and renewal of national certificates of airworthiness
39.National certificate of airworthiness ceasing to be in force and issue of airworthiness directives for non-Part-21 aircraft
41.National permits to fly ceasing to be in force and issue of airworthiness directives for permit aircraft
CHAPTER 3 Continuing airworthiness for Non-Part-21 aircraft
44.Requirement for a certificate of release to service for non-Part-21 aircraft
45.Circumstances where a certificate of release to service is not required
49.Requirement for and validity of a national airworthiness review certificate
50.Validity of the national airworthiness review certificate
52.Initial issue of national airworthiness review certificate
53.Subsequent issue of national airworthiness review certificate
55.Commercial air transport aircraft, public transport aircraft and non-military State aircraft
56.Extension of a national airworthiness review certificate of an aircraft in a controlled environment
57.Extension of a national airworthiness review certificate of certain aircraft which are not in a controlled environment
58.Extension of a national airworthiness review certificate of other aircraft which are not in a controlled environment
61.Approval of continuing airworthiness management organisation
62.Approval of aeroplane and rotorcraft maintenance organisation
CHAPTER 2 Operational rules for Non-Part-21 aircraft
SECTION 5 Operation of radio and navigation equipment
80.Operation of, and training in operation of, airborne collision avoidance system
82.Height keeping performance – aircraft registered in the United Kingdom
83.Height keeping performance – aircraft registered elsewhere than in the United Kingdom
84.Area navigation and required navigation performance capabilities – aircraft registered in the United Kingdom
85.Area navigation and required navigation performance capabilities – aircraft registered elsewhere than in the United Kingdom
CHAPTER 4 Other aerial activities
94A.Certain unmanned aircraft: permission for flights that are over or near aerodromes
94B.Interpretation of expressions used in the definition of “flight restriction zone of a protected aerodrome”
94BA.Certain unmanned aircraft: permission for flights that are over or near space sites
94C.Certain small unmanned aircraft: registration as an SUA operator
94D.Certain small unmanned aircraft: requirement for registration as SUA operator
94E.Certain small unmanned aircraft: competency of remote pilots
94F.Certain small unmanned aircraft: requirement for acknowledgement of competency
CHAPTER 7 Additional requirements for public transport operations
108.Pilots required on public transport flights by flying machines over 5,700kg
109.Pilots required on public transport flights by aeroplanes of 5,700kg or less
110.Pilots required on public transport flights by helicopters of 5,700kg or less
111.Flight navigators or navigational equipment required on public transport flights
SECTION 7 Performance requirements and operating minima
127.Aeroplanes registered in the United Kingdom – public transport operating conditions and performance requirements
128.Helicopters registered in the United Kingdom – public transport operating conditions and performance requirements
129.Helicopters registered in the United Kingdom carrying out Performance Class 3 operations
130.Helicopters registered in the United Kingdom carrying out Performance Class 1 operations and Performance Class 2 operations
131.Public transport aircraft registered in the United Kingdom – aerodrome operating minima
132.Public transport aircraft registered elsewhere than in the United Kingdom – aerodrome operating minima
133.A to A commercial air transport aeroplane operations and public transport flights by aeroplanes at night or in specified meteorological conditions
CHAPTER 1 Flight crew licensing – requirement for licence
136.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of Part-21 aircraft registered in the United Kingdom
137.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of non-Part-21 aircraft registered in the United Kingdom
139.Flight crew licence requirement – exception to act as flight radiotelephony operator
140.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for solo flying training in non-Part-21 aircraft
141.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for dual flying training in non-Part-21 aircraft
142.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for balloons
143.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for pilot undergoing training or tests in non-Part-21 aircraft
144.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for navigators and flight engineers in non-Part-21 aircraft
145.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for members of HM Forces
146.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for non-Part-21 gliders
147.Flight crew licence requirement – exception for non-Part-21 aircraft where CAA permission granted
148.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of ... aircraft registered elsewhere than in the United Kingdom
149.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of EASA aircraft and specified non-EASA aircraft registered elsewhere than in the United Kingdom
150.Deeming a non-United Kingdom flight crew licence and any Part-FCL licence valid for non-Part-21 aircraft registered in the United Kingdom and deeming a non-United Kingdom radiotelephony licence valid for any aircraft
151.Permission required where pilot's licence does not meet relevant minimum standards
CHAPTER 2 Flight crew licensing – grant of licence and maintenance of privileges
152.Grant, renewal and privileges of United Kingdom flight crew licences
154.Maintenance of privileges of aircraft ratings specified in Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 8 in United Kingdom pilot licences for balloons, airships and gyroplanes
155.Maintenance of privileges of aircraft ratings specified in Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 8 in United Kingdom aeroplane and helicopter licences
156.Maintenance of privileges of other certificates and ratings specified in Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 8
157.Maintenance of privileges of certificates and ratings specified in Chapters 2 and 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 8
159.Maintenance of privileges of Flight Navigators' Licences
CHAPTER 3 Medical certificates
160.Requirement for a medical certificate for a United Kingdom licence
161.Issue and validity of a medical certificate for a United Kingdom licence
162.Requirement for a Part MED medical certificate for a Part-FCL licence
163.Medical requirements for specified United Kingdom licences and National Private Pilot's Licences
164.Issue of Light Aircraft Pilot Licence medical certificates
166.Licence holder not to act as member of flight crew when unfit
CHAPTER 5 Fatigue of crew and protection of crew from cosmic radiation
CHAPTER 3 Flight information services and licensing of flight information service officers
CHAPTER 4 Certificate of competence to operate an aeronautical radio station
PART 8 Aerodromes, lighting and en-route obstacles
CHAPTER 1 Aerodromes, aeronautical lights and dangerous lights
226.Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system for non-Part-21 aircraft
230.Keeping and production of records of exposure to cosmic radiation
232.Preservation of records of aeroplane flight data recorder
233.Preservation of records of helicopter flight data recorder
234.Preservation of records of helicopter cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder
236.Production of air traffic service equipment documents and records
PART 10 Prohibited behaviour, directives, rules, powers and penalties
CHAPTER 1 Prohibited behaviour
CHAPTER 4 Powers and penalties
253.Revocation, suspension and variation of certificates, licences and other documents
254.Provisional suspension or variation of EASA certificates, licences and other documents
255.Revocation, suspension and variation of permissions, etc granted under article 250 or article 252
260.Directions to operators of aircraft to make data available
265A.Offences: Contravention of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft – UAS operator
265B.Offences: Contravention of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft – remote pilot
265D.Minimum age requirements: UAS operators and remote pilots
271.Functions under the Basic EASA Regulation to be exercised by the CAA
272.Functions under the EASA Aircrew Regulation to be exercised by the CAA
273.Functions under the Occurrence Reporting Regulation to be exercised by the CAA
PART 11 Revocations and savings, consequential amendments and transitional arrangements
1.A non-Part-21 aircraft registered in the United Kingdom may fly...
4.The aircraft, including any modifications, must be of a design...
6.The aircraft must carry the minimum flight crew specified—
7.The aircraft must not carry any persons or cargo except...
8.For the purpose of this Schedule, “a previously approved modification”...
PART 2 Categories of Certificate of Airworthiness and Purposes for which Aircraft May Fly
3.Seats, seat safety belts, restraint systems and child restraint devices
9.Operations under Visual Flight Rules — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment – aeroplanes
10.Operations under Instrument Flight Rules — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment – aeroplanes
11.Operations under Visual Flight Rules — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment – helicopters and gyroplanes
12.Operations under Instrument Flight Rules — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment – helicopters and gyroplanes
13.Additional equipment for single pilot operations under Instrument Flight Rules – helicopters and gyroplanes
CHAPTER 2 United Kingdom Licences
SECTION 2 Helicopter and gyroplane pilots
18 years Privileges: (1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's...
21 years Privileges: The holder of an Airline Transport Pilot's...
18 years Privileges: (1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's...
18 years Privileges: (1) The holder of a Commercial Pilot's...
Airline Transport Pilot's Licence (Helicopters and Gyroplanes)
21 years Privileges: The holder of an Airline Transport Pilot's...
PART 2 Ratings, certificates and qualifications
CHAPTER 3 Ratings which may be included in National Private Pilot's Licences (Helicopters)
PART 3 Maintenance of Licence Privileges
1.The name and status of the accountable manager having corporate...
2.The names and status of other senior aerodrome operating staff...
5.Procedures for promulgating information concerning the aerodrome's state.
6.Procedures for the control of access, vehicles and work in...
9.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), plans to an appropriate scale...
11.Description, height and location of obstacles which infringe standard obstacle...
12.Data for and method of calculation of declared distances and...
13.Method of calculating reduced declared distances and the procedure for...
14.Details of surfaces and bearing strengths of runways, taxiways and...
16.Operational procedures for the routine and special inspection of the...
17.If operations are permitted during periods of low visibility, procedures...
18.Procedures for the safe integration of all aviation activities undertaken...
19.Details of or reference to the bird control management plan....
20.Procedures for the use and inspection of the aeronautical ground...
21.The scale of rescue, first aid and fire service facilities,...
PART 2 Consequential amendments
CHAPTER 2 Secondary legislation
SECTION 1 United Kingdom Statutory Instruments
3.Amendment of the Civil Aviation (Working Time) Regulations 2004
4.Amendment of the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012
6.Amendment of the Wireless Telegraphy (Limitation of Number of Licences) Order 2014
7.Amendment of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
8.Amendment of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015